Regional School burning suspects detained at juvenile hall |AI’) Two of threw tuns ( barged with breaking into ,nui setting tire lo .1 w mg of Yerieta 1 lenient,ir\ S| hool h.we been ordered del.lined .it .1 juvenile 1 enter after court he,11 mgs juvenile Court lodge lames I l.irgre.n es agreed with a < nun selor's assessment that two ot the box s. brothers ages It) and 1 I pose a danger lo themselves or to the community anil that alternatives to detention were not sufficient to prevent further trouble A Juvenile Department coun selor said file brothers have re ceived counseling tor setting tires in I he peat and t hat one , >1 them has shown no remorse tm the \ enet.i fire Hargreaves released the third bin age 11. to the custodv ol his parents with the provisions that the boy remain in their home at all times unless m c 11111 p.mied In a parent and that the parents remove all lighters and m■ j! ffive M S'C1 A'N'N'E' R'S MJANKLIN PAIMC PI A2A O 5120 fBANKlIN SLVD tUG«Nt 747 4589 4(K off one Gyros or Falafel •' crurr mr 1219 Aldsr 343 3062 <•«]) 10 16 H9 Brakes • Tune Up • Mutller $1 9.95 Lube While U Wail Mik«'» Eastude Auto Ropair Franklin & Villard 344 2523 Save some money!!^ Use ODE coupons. s( hoots to improve their .it tempts In edtu .ite i hililren about the (lancers of all ohol ami (Iron use Ihe new rule requires drug anil alcohol prevention instrui lion to he offered in the health i urrii iilum of all grades, begin rung In I't'M) ‘>1 The educational program is to emphasize • The health idler Is ol all ohol tohai i o. anil other drugs • I lie laws restru ting drug use • Wavs to prevent and discour age students from using drugs Flat on his bike (ir.iiiuntr .m hitn turr studriil Inn I’it k.irtl stuiiirs in Wniliirsil.n s sunsliinr ivhilr nsinii .1 lhiiul\ h\ Stevo (iartl Public Furuni on Insurance All concerned students are encouraged to attend a meeting tonight in the EMU Fir Room Local consul tants and the Student Health Insurance Committee members will be available to answer any questions, on the ASUO Student Health Insurance plan Looking for a place to live? Check the ODE Classifieds —UO-Bookstore USING THE NEW MOOI) THERAPY IN EVERYDAY LIFE Feeling Good Handbook_ I)AVII) I). BURNS, M.D. In his phenomenal best seller, ifeting ('mud. Dr David Burns described cognitive therapy a breakthrough, last acting treatment lor depression based on the simple idea that our thoughts create our moods Now. he has written a sequel that applies the techniques in f eeling Cm