Community Public panel talks on homeless H\ Josh SI i I lor I mor.ild ( (inlril)ulor \ luriim sponsnroil l>\ llo lni.’,onn b.isoii i' |» < !lorg\ •«111i I util\ < din ornoit i mi VOIlMlI WotlnOSlI.IV In lilMUSS till' w.ivs III Vsllllll llll . 11 ,l IK I |l(llil ll'S lionofll till' Imi\ ilogod .mil oppress llic prior llir Iriiiiin .tl I oinplc llolh Isi.iol 1.' V\ .’ illi Avo toil In Kon ( li.iso (ho rlnoi lor id tin- C (i0141111 1 hiiploi ill SpniisiMs .1 sorvir.o providing help (or pooplo pisl 10 lo.isotl Inim inslitntions Donn.i Kiihllo .1 iiicinboi 11I (,m Moil (ioltlsi It nr i 111 s t.isk (ono mi liuiigoi .uni •'<)ilr 11 ul Soil Srilfil 11*111 \ now slolloi ul iho Oregon I K i g h I s < 1 >.iI it 1011. uni Kiihllo .111 milio.n It vs 1 mhoi Ini W 1111ol 11111 ( 11 nil id'i I I 11I1 \vo spot i.ili/mg in ho.ilih i .no Ini the pool (Ivor III port out ul Iho pooplo living in l ane ( mints |m\ half their int omt* in rent >il tin1 people in I .Milt* (.limits iiti' ( lassified as living lielovv the poverts line ( 'll.lSI* s.llll Smut* ill tlirw people have |ohs lull are living nut of tin'll i ,irs \oriil.iU Kitftllf i'.mcl members attributed the in.limits of tin' problems to tin' I .it I. ol .ml uni tin' 111 s i • i sum ol .ml given lis tin' noseminent \i i ord mi: to Donna Kiddle lot .il institutions mm Ii .is the Hull ( t■ 1111■ r Downtown Athlete < lull, and llir ness researt h park all ri*« t*is«'il IiiihIs that were diverted from tin Housing and t rhan Development fund III I) lias tut its binding for aflotdahlr housing by Hit port t*nl - int i- pin 1 members said Its not a I at k ol wealth hut a I.ii k ol ss ill ( hast- said \ess housing is the mils answer I .1 lit- I mints has ( mmnissinned a housing task lone to assess the homeless ciisis Hill requests state funds for cold weather shelter I ,\!’| Stair Si'll I,arr\ I till i\ s In* \\ 11! ash the state Line i v;<• n< \ Hoard for matching funds to provide emergence housing tor hundreds ot home less families in l.ane and Mult nomali i (unities this v\ inter I hose ale < olinlies \\ ith the hugest populations in the state and thev have the greatest need. Hill said Wednesdav In those two i omities we have several hundred families who .ire literalh liv ing in their i ais and we need to provide housing for them The need is too great for the c ities and the < oillllv to meet it oil their own. 11 ill said I le urged off it ials in the two t min ties to agree to his proposal for How’re you going to do it? M\ < firm Inf) t rfun l I s dm Mnndtt\. W\ f tirfisfi lii iMinm is dm htrsifm. W\ r< trni ' ( hoo>r Irom 11Vf coiimlrlr |M< Lirr> ol hanhs.irr .mil sollwarr— .ill ,il »|mm aal low >tti. \\ hat- morr. whrti \mi |»iir rltasr a I 'S/2.* Non i .in jj»*t I hr r\ril ill” nrw I ‘|{( (| t|( »rr\ irr .it lr>> (lull ililll till* I'rtail finer* Strikr wllilr I hr , |irirr>, arc hot. Pick I hr PS/2 that - ri<_rht lor sou. 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(4;>01/003) >3— Propmlet X24E vv/Cal*1 (420//00?) MN Propmtef XL?4£ w/C;ibfc; (4306/00?) MN Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center Hours: Mondav-Fridav Oam - 5pm 686-4402 ‘Microsoft Word and £ *, et an* the A* adenv { d.f.*>- s Th* ff«* s limited to qualified students \* uit> and staff who order an IBM PS/2 Model 8525 (X)t 8530 £ 21 8550 031 8555 061 or 85/0 £61 on or before October 31 1989 Prices quoted do not mcfude safes ta* handling and/or processing charges Check with your institution regarding ttw»se charges (Vders are subject to avaiiaMrty IBM may withdraw the promotion at any time without written notice WM PS 2 *• reg-aiww.j »***>■ • .%tk\ j- *1 * • ;«• fc»* i -1 M. • *s»i train 1 !.•’ 4'-'.il Bus ness M* hint**. • »;.*»« on Mu *o%.-ft»s* ■■j • M. • %>»' .m c*v xXi> nvsiwM1 o 'a-‘ ’ »Jg, ■" i-e . a part new * BM aivj Seais hOC A fxkjwt Express 'i- «\ • > v. . Ma w **vt ro A „|fe i*. '•.* . v . * - r ■* «*.*•« 4^1* »o- r» . ■■ ■ v. n 4) ©M Carp 1989 si,lie m.ill limy lunils hetnre the I mergem \ Hoards < )< t _’n meeting ‘II ihi' county and 111>• i itirs .irr alili' lo lake positive a< tion and plate money toward meet inyi homeless needs then it is mm h more likely that the stale will come up with money, he said Lane I anility ( aimmissioner |errv Kusl said he espei ts the county In provide sm h a i om mitment "I'm prepared to sup port that and will work for hoard i onsensus.’' he said Wednesday "I think a match funds effort is a good i ost effective v\a\ to shoulder that burden The amount of the request that will be submitted for the two counties has vet to he lie termined, officials said Wednesday Hill ,i Spring!mill IIimiiih rut ill'll ribeil the rise in homeless ness .is thn "Inn kside" nl Ore gon's ft onmnii ri'< oven "IVc'vii got morn people wink mg uc diil 10 visits ago Iml tin* ili'inaml tor housing lias gone up so last lie don't havr unoiigh housing tor people And Ihu housing that is avail alili' is loo expensive,' hr said I till said In* is w riling letters seeking the support ot legisln tors serving on the Kmergeni \ Hoard At this point o looks pretlv good I think we i an get some help. ’' he said Ilie senators lomments < ami1 one da\ alter l.ane ( nun t\ reieiveil word troin the state Department ot Human Re soon es that it wouldn't i urn the l OUilty's request Im a grant ot $220,000 in emergent \ homeless hinds to the Millet gem \ Hoard's l )i toliei meet mg Noting the tremendous li limit ml demands generated b\ other established programs I ommumtl Serines Direitoi \ li toi Vasqiie/. wrote in .i lettei to tile i ount\ ' I he lai k ot at lordahle housing and the in i reuse m rents should he jointh .uldressed b\ the i 11\ ol Mugene and I ..ini' (.'ountv THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShoun on campus inn b» *•*»*<> % GREAT MOVIES: DISCOUNT SHOWS Su-Mo $3 Tu-W-Th $3 50* ■'l 492 E 13th: II Jv 686-2458• ••••••••••••••••