Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 12, 1989, Page 5, Image 5

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Local group to protest removal t
Native Americans tight for land
Bv C hrisfopher Blair
f mi* raid News fditor
A 1 mim*m• support group will
leather in front of the I ederal
Building Iiii> morning to pro
tost the removal ol Native
Amerit .ins from thru lands in
Big Mountain. An/.
The Big Mountain Support
Croup ol lugene will present
its demands to halt the re lor a
lion to loin Coffin, assistant
t S altornev said Alan Stem
a member ol the group
I he protest will lake plaee ill
t.onjunt lion with similar gath
erings in 2a other states. Stein
said, adding that the si heduled
meeting with Collin will he
peat etui
The removal was begun in
11»7-1 uftei passage ol Ihe Nava
|o I lopi Land Settlement Ai I
vvhii h was designed to end a
dispute between llopis and \a
\ ajos ill Ihe area
Ihe government began tak
mg the residents sheep from
the land and kept them from re
pairing I heir dwelling?* in an at
tempi to ( oeri e them into lea\
ing Stein '■aid. t ailing the
fori eil esodils nothing less than
The formal complaint wtil he
a request to hloi k the removal
of It..000 \avajos and UH1 Ho
pis Irom their lands, i iting the
(leiioi ide ( oin enlion Intple
mentation \i I w hit h was
li\ participating in this historic action to i
resist genocide, one is taking a stand tor j
human like above corporate priorities
— Alan Stein :
Stein ( iti'd the ufloi ts ot tin'
mule mi thr Navajos .mil II”
pis. Midi .1-. all oholisin i hmn
n ili'pri'ssinn ami suit »«If
Making tin' m.iltiT wnrso am
what Sti'in sai I am tin' mat ma
suns liir tin1 mmm.il n.iitli'l'.
thr am.i s i n h doposit lit i oat
l\ llil il U ill In' ship pi'll to pnUi'l
plants around tin- Snutlnvnst
and soutlu'rn ( alilnrin.i
t his is a i all to i on
Stoin said "H\ par
SI ll'tll I'
signed in 1987 bs former I’lesi
deni Knn.ild Keagan
"These arc indigenous pen
pie Mein said I he\ are
sheepliel del s and tiles raise
corn rlie\ are being tori ibl\
moved into white towns 1 lies
have never dealt with nionev
and the\ have to perforin then
i erenmnies on the land
Hi lp.itmv! in llus historic .11 lion
In resist j^ciuu iilf imr is t.ikltu;
,1 si,mil Ini Inmi.m lilt* .ihme
1 1 irpnr.ite pi un itles
I iir i^.itheriliM will lie 'it I I
,1 ill ill the letlcr.il H111 It)111 n.
J I ! K Seventh A\e (illest
speakeis ilruinnimg .mil lliusii
will he le.ltureil .ilniiv! with the
iiirm.il preseiit.itmil In I lullin.
Pedal for Peace '89 raises funds
By Paul Halvorson
Emerald ( ontributor
Pedal I'm Peace 8*1 ,i Jt> mile hike-a-thon
designed to inise lunds Im use in ( entral \meri
i .1 and to raise hugene's awareness nl I S in
volvemenl in ( iintral Anioru a will get wheeling
Saturday at 10 am in Skinner s Butte Park
l lle loop i uuise will go lu \rmitage Park and
along McKenzie View Drive before returning to
Skinner Butte
The i vi ling fundraiser, sponsored l>\ the l.u
gene based ( onunittee in Solidarity with < entlal
American People, is expected to draw >0 riders
and pledges amounting to $1(1.(100 said Sarah
Lawton, a coordinator of the event
The lolleited funds will be disbursed to
three ('entral Ainerir an aid foundations Network
m Solidaritv vvith the People ot (.u.itemala
whii h funds glass roots groups. New 1.1 Salvadoi
I'odav . a materia! aid foundation; and U"est lor
Peace, where ( IS( AP's money will go lor medi
t ill supplies in Nii aragua. Law ton said
ilugene's .i hiking town she said Hus is
a chain e for people to have tun and make a state
men! that thev disapprove ot Bush s polii v (on
( entral Amei ica).
It is neiessarv for events like Pedal I ni Peace
H!l to oi l Ul hei ause thev raise needed llloliev toi
poor people in ( entral A mem a said Trai ve May
( ISCAP's media representative tor the bike a
■pedal I ni Peace is a great wav to puhlii i/.e
problems (on Central Ameriiu) and how I S
policy is contributing to those May said
She cited I S aid to the government in LI
Salvador .is .in example
( |S( .\I’ will have jnfnrm.ilum linullis with
mi hull* Iii< Is oil lln* 1 S s unolvt'iui'iil hi ( mi
Ira I Amur ii .1 .il Skinners Untie I’.irk. M.i\ s.iul
Solin' riders have culler led up In S Hill in
pledges lor I’etl.d I nr IV.ll e M'l
"( )ne hundred, 2IKI 11111 dolliirs in I enlr.il
Amern .1 goes ,1 lung, lung wav M.iv said
I11 Id Salved.m M SI' will pul the innilev In
ward budding a health 1 linn and in I hi.item.da
NISld'A will use the I mills Ini tear lung peasants
the basic s ut sanilaliun and null it it n 1 she said
l lie lust Pedal 1 ui Peai e was in 1‘tBti and
brought 111 S t.mm in Pm; the bike a thou col
lei led St. lMHI Last \eai I ISl \P ill 1 ulljuiii litill
with the ('Diversity nl Oregon IniversiK ni I I
Sahadui Sister Prujet I held a walk a Ihun
Steps to I reeilnlli. whir h brought out mil pen
pie and SM (loo in funds said Sai 1 Pawlon
"So many people wanted In do Pedal I or
I’eai e again that We went h.u k In il she said
Interested people 1 an sldl sign up In ride in
or volunteer for Pedal for Peace ll*l h\ conlar I
ing I IS! AP al -tin HI, I I
I hough the i nurse is 2(1 miles, riders 1 an opt
lot shorter distanr.es; support vehicles will pick
up riders at anv stage ul the t nurse, il nei exsary
And stationed along the course will be two rest
stops w ilh luud and be\erages
Ml riders collecting Sail ill pledges will re
1 eive a I shut Mill) nets them a t-shirt and sw eat
shirt, and qualities them for tile tree bike draw
ing The higher the pledge total, the higher the
1 ham es for the hike
It s a clean event not a 1 .11 Nam ve Mav
said. ( anile out and ride
l STOP t
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