Community Home birth services discontinued Malpractice insurance costs too much Bs Im Hollander Emerald ( ontributor The home birthing services offered bs the Nurse Midwifers Birthing Nerve e of the Eugene ( linit J'll \\ tilth Ave have been disc.nntimied bei ause of the high cost of in.iIpr.u Ik e insurant e I he searls premiums paid b\ obstetrii unis on malpractii e insurant e int leased from the IflH-t figure of SlTi.tifiU to the present rate of $'>1.01)0 This is one reason the Eugene (ilinit de titled to si 111 > home birth prat lice the clinic is "interested in controlling In e lialnlits saul E\a Smekans t him spokesperson Smekans also menlionetl the int leased risk of problems ot t urring during .1 home birth I he imrse-midu ives provide the e(|uipment anil sup plies net.essarv. but the distant e between the home and mud it al 1 are t an he a negative tat tin 111 an emergent \ Home birth servite is one ot three provided h\ the t ertifit'll midwives. who operate under the umbrella ot the obstetrii inns at the Eugene ( linn The other services Birth ( .enter and hospital birth will not he allot ted In the dot isum and commitments on home births before I eh lotto will he honored "We.. sorrs that we re not going to he able to continue service." said Smekans i he decision was based on the t onsider.ition ot all as pet Is III the program Although there are mans families in the E11 gene area who favor home birth, the Eugene ( I in it approximates that Ita pert ent ot their clients use the hospital program ill vs hn It delivers is usual Is performed at Sacred Heart ( .enei a I Hus pi la I with I hi’ assistant r of a mill-wiff I hr rrinai n ini; 1 "i pert ml is divided between home anil Until i enter use With thr ilisi ontinunlion ol tin* hurnr i»|>tinn parents who hair i hosen this method in Ihr past will havf two r.hoioi's One would hr ilrlivrr\ through a midwife a woman operating with out Oregon mnln al i rrtifii ation though thrsr mitlw lies provide a valuablr serine thr ink is slight I\ highlit when pnlhlrin births oi i in As Smrk.illS said 'Some proplr will I lioosr to havr homr birth regardless ol who delivers thr lialn Sm h births ma\ involvr untrainril bus bands or Irirnds Another i him r is thr birth < rntri I don't i onsidrr llirrr to hr nun h diffrrirni r between thr two. said Mil hrllr I’rtrrs ( ,irr a Wilts nurse midw dr drsirihing thr (enters i omtorlablr homelike almosphrrr Its vrrv prrsonal i/.rd t )nr midwife billows thr progress and drill rr\ ol thr li.ilu throughout thr trim ol pirgnant i but mill mil r Ihr inothri has met i rrtnin low ink i riteria Ihr ( ruler has llirrr birth rooms all tin dished in a dr< idedlv hoinr oriented style Ihr largest room is in thr Iron! ol thr ipurt house \ linker i rad In hangs in the window nearbv a roi king chair sits in a sun dappled i nrnrr I lie bed is covered with a quill and provides ample room tor am partu ipants in the birthing pirn r-.s Orient.ition visits are rmoiiraged (and tree) al the ( rntri. i all 4H4 • si. to anatigr a i isil I hr \ursr Midwilr Sm n r is |o< alrd it "It \\ I Street Students celebrate coming out Ms \ndrcss N.u hisun I niernld C ontributor (..i\s lesbians .mil bisexuals un i ampos (elebrated National < oniing Out l).i\ Wednesday gathering for a him htime r.dlv m the I Alt t nul ls ard National (aiming (tut Das is a das gass. lesbians and bisexuals to publicly announce their homosexuality. With a theme ol gas pride, about 10 people formed a i in le and in I rtidlM ed thelllsels es the rails began and ended ssilli a song and dame to the tune ol |he Hokes Pokes ) oil put s our ss hole sell out sou put sour ss hole sell out sou put sour whole sell out and sou shake it all about loll do the la ikes pokes and sou turn yourself around, that's ss hat it's all about, flies sang. hollowing the tost singing ol the song some members ol the ini le introdm ed themselves and made brief ( omments Most stated boss long it had been sim e tiles ( atne out cm phusi/mg great pride in their homosexual it) I hiring the rails one student shouted. "Out together, queer loreser." and "Two. four. six. eight Hors do you knovs sour grandma's straight? The rails was jointly spon sored bv the l ias and Lesbian Alliance, the Willamette AIDS (.'numil and the Lesbian and (ias I .ass Students' Assoi iatiou "The rails today is about (oming out as gass and tesbi ans " Ann Maker of (IA1.A said. "Mut there's kind ol two dif ferent parts to it 1 think Pen pie ss ho are out ot the ( Inset ot ten get kind ol forgotten I inlay is to support people svho .ire al reads out but it's also to let the people svho aren't out of the ( Inset knoss that it's reads < Us and that there is support lor them,’' M.ikei said I his is to let tile people Ill'll' at lilt' 1' il I v I'lsity k III >\\ iIsi'ii' .in' htsbiiiiis .mil Kays wliti .in' .1 part ill this t .1 tit|ms ,iltd th.ii ivi' tt' promt to li*' w ho wo art: anil ivt' an- out said laint's I’ht'lps. in ill rut tor ol tin' l.i'sliian ami (lay Law Slmli'iits Assoi iation ' I ht' coiniri(4 out prot.t'ss is \ ary ilitlit till foi anyonr I ’In-11 is said "Si mi' wo an- a minoril\ Irving •" In- at i opted l>\ thf niajoi il\ it's a ilittii nil I>rt>i fss II \mi < an tin it w ill] a lot ol proplt: it inakfs It a littlf raster ()iii rally part it ipant .iul hr was a former ministri, anil that (inti lull's \on no matti'l who you art' Xnofltnr part it ipant ili'inaniii'il a bint ott ol liiinn im's I’mz.t, saving llumi no s donated SUHI mill to an anti abortion group One worn an .nnioiun nil she svas lesbian amt single A lot ol people leel realty intimiilaterl about ■ inning out amt ss e ss anteil to pri>v iile an opportunity for people to leel supported In then gay brut tiers anti lesbian sisters said ladd 1 oliias oulreat h dim toi ol U illaniette Aids ( mini il ' Tills rails Is to let people bum that sve are i wn ss lie re I said 'We are soil! neighbors and sour students and your teat.tiers and sour dm tors That is to sas I in < )h S InTIe t )h Isn't it '-’leal to be gas ' THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON 3 V.««» y&i U/tsh, \ ^oon a star... ti) Orison Ihiih _ _ Emerald V (1 H..x M <** t wv UmW. " ■»'*<»* ; t , f r a-i! put-- V 'IV ” i i’ • • la, !u' J exam v4i by I he Oifii]1 n Daily fim-iaM Put'bsbmQ Co At the University of Oregon. Eugene. Oregon T»ir | "Icm t operated • nd«’P«,'M! .it the University *ith -1'n.***- >n th» " • 1 1 t !!v t •! M. I i ' 1 ■ ! ... * ft 1 As .»!*• ! 1 • The Emerald •*» private property The unlawful •euH.*.ii o* -.»**•• of paper** is pros iu''** by ia f drtoi * Managing t dito» E dtlonal Editot Graphics t dilof E ncom Editor Ah »* wm-fiiw Don Poteis M.»»k YU-n Kt'lv" Wf*n N0w\ t anot Supplement*. Editor Night l ditoc 1 Kit y Surrmer Daria Jvii ► son T htmi,r. Pm >wt?H*' t dltOtS Community m ,\ i - • Student Government Activities t’ r M ' Higher ducation Administrahon • H • " features Reporters A P< , c- . !-• Peter < ; ' Ast <•> *■ . [».v { «■• I ither.-i.- Haw • . Mi't’tuH, , i •. J. \«>ph l aymi l »► < ' -.h l am S.vomm ! 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