_Editorial Intentions on track, results fail to work Tilt! catastrophic, health care plan proposed by for mol President Ronald Reagan and passed l>\ Congress last year lias been thankfulh repe.ded (•ranted. President Reagan’s intentions might have seemed good at the time The Medicare Catastrophe Coverage Act was needed to provide some tvpe of health insurance to protec t elderlv and disabled people from going bankrupt due to huge medical bills How ever needed it was. one major flaw was terribly over looked The deductible attached to the (dan was something main elderh people could not afford and. thus, was was out of line The plan called for about t> percent of the cl million eligible for Medic are to pa\ a sun barge tax of up to $H(l<) for the first year alone This ma\ seem like a small percentage, but t> percent is still two million people besides, pimple are people, not per centages Many who roly on Medicare to pay their medical lulls ami Sot ial Set only to pav their monthly atrocities (Infinitely cannot alford such a high dedut tihle The health cans plan was part of the massive Inti < it-reduction hill that also contains a number ot other controversial matters It would he nice to reduce the deficit, hut al the expense of others? No Why the executive office and the Congress allowed this hill to even pass in the first place is hard to say flood intentions had results. This seems to he an on going pattern in the Oval Office whether it he the Reagan Administration or the Hush regime The (’resident seems like he cares about the people and tries to provide something for them, as of course he should What kind of results occur though? Simply none. It has been repeated time after time how the United States is the only industrial nation in the world with no national health r are plan. It seems like this is some thing that will Ire a long time in coming from any ad ministration, he it Republican and Democrat We applaud the fact that Congress had the good sense to revoke the old Reagan health care plan. How ever, the verdict on what will eventually happen with catastrophic health care remains to la* seen Action on the plan will now move from the House to the Senate where repeal seems likely, but who knows what will happen? Something needs to change to give the people, es peciallv the elderly, a health care plan that will work, and work without huge deductibles attached. Hopeful ly the answer will come soon. r Bill KB ^ dSTABWppHVC wim cas^TI I'Ll SVPW 'EM ClfflSWflfc! ir Airline takeovers produce unfriendly skies |)nn.ild I'linnp seems to view the world as one big playground, and he resembles the greedy Inillv who wants to hog all the toys on the lot It's not enough for Trump to pos sess among other things, .1 vai.ht. a tew 1 a sinos, luxury hotels and his very own air line Now he I eels the need to have lira air lines Some may take the attitude that Trump, like the mean holly cannot he stopped be (,ause he has more power than the rest ol us ever dreamed of having Hut the conse quences ol Trump's actions are far more menacing and dangerous than any play ground squabble. hast week Trump, who already ow ns the hasten) airline shuttle, proposed .1 $7.1 bil lion buyout ol the AMR Corporation, xvhich is the parent c nmpany cd Americ an Airlines This type of airline takeover hasn't been such a novel concept recently WYA. the parent company of Northwest Airlines, yvas bought by investors in |une In addition. l!AI.. Cnited Airlines' parent, is presently being bought out by management, employ ees and British Airways The resulting debt that airlines face alter such transactions is staggering. New own ers. such as Trump it he's successful, must use the airline's cash flow to pay bach what they borrowed in buying the company The options lor raising more ol this < ash flow are not prett\ for anyone, especially passengers Higher ticket prices are a distinct possi bility after a takeover. This news is just what fliers don't want to hear, considering the fai t that some tii ket prices have risen at) percent in the first eight months of 1‘tH‘l Another way to raise revenue would be to lay off workers or to cut maintenani e and training costs. With the recent rash of aii travel accidents and fatalities, this alterna tive would be both unwanted and foolish In light of the Trump takeover an nouncement. Rep. Peter Def'azio has intro dm ed hu man sen ice organi/ations and most puhlii st hools m the I n eene area Ill today s mm u»t\ volunteers i .in breathe lift- into struggling organizations Volunteering ( .in hr one (it thr must iilipoi tint and most memorable learn mg exponent .os of .1 student’s hie Please keep us in lliilld Angie liidtiin KS( Al’K field Studies Responsibility Staff member Hill Snwe's Sept U9 protest of my compart son of Liberals versus (looser valives was not responsive to 111 v main thesis People should t.ike responsibility for their own individual .11 lions 01 inai 1111ns I hold tli.it "(Conservatives’' are mainly differentiated from ’’Liberals" by acceptance of that premise Since 1 out luded b\ slating that many reject ei (her label I can understand why he would reject his "Lib oral" label, in part due to its re vealed prim iples and resultant unpopularitv. as demonstrated by the most recent Presidential elet lion Huuevei (Conservatives are 1 ontent to lie associated with llii'ii name .md tlic personal re sponsilnlih pnsilimi with w Iik h it is identified Quoting ,t recent It as/i/ngfon I'nsl article In William (ialston and I ilaine ( nulla hamari li "Democrats have hei ome the parh ill individual rights hut not indiviihtal res|xinsihiht\ ot self-expression hut not sell discipline, of sociological ex planalion Init not moral ai ( ountahilitv M\ onl\ correr lion to their statement would he Demo ( rats (as seized hv the l.iheral him | have become the path |on Wollander Kugene Recognition I would like to command the I All Ho.ml lor its de< isiou to approve the plat ement ot a i ul tural mural in tile KMC The mural, donated In the Chic ano Latino 1 nion |MI ('h.\). repre sent-, the i ulturnl expression ot a signith ant portion of the I 'di versity community. Until this decision, the C'hicano-Litino i ulture had not been rer og uized .irlislii ally anywhere on < ampiis 1 In- placement o! this beauti lul mural in tin- KMl' not onh tills uh.it lias been a lai k in rci ngnitiun of (iliii.mol.atmo t u It in i- but offers all studnilts exposure to tin- rit h culture and history of lalin Amnrii a and tin- ( liii a no legal \ ()n behalf ol tin- l.atin Ameri can Support Committee. I urge thr KMl' board to place this mural m a prominent position to allow all students to share in its beauh l isa Nielson LASC Incentive Regarding Kirk Rinaldi's Id ter [ODE. Oc:! <«) 1 agree vve should he attend mg this uuiversits to learn something, not just to acquire good grades, lint him can you expei t the students to do better than worn about grades when the system is designed to judge us In grades? We are required to worn about grades Sometimes grades are the onl\ im entive to tinisli .i course. espet iallv it it is .1 i ourse mu; doesn't like Design .1 system of education tli.it doesn't luive to give tls grades, and I think you will see students become less ion corned with them. I)av id Nutt Student -Correct ion_ Hei ause <>l a i opt editing mislakr .1 photo < option on tin- front page of Wed ties (lay's Oif^iin l).nl\ lunrr.ihl contained several errors The i aption stated that the playing In-Ids adjac ent to the \\ illaniette Kiver were threatened h\ the proposed Riverfront Research I’ark That is not the 1 ase The 1 aption also uu nr ret I h stated that the photo was taken by Kri( Kvans Klisa I .it htinan is the ai lual pho tographer. The F.nu'iaUi regrets any ( onfusion due to the errors