Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 11, 1989, Page 8 and 9, Image 8

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    National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week
October 15-22
Red Ribbon Week
October 22 - 29
Paid Advrriaemcnl
Campus-wide efforts raise issue of abuse
The l Diversity of Ore
gon and COSAI H (The Campus
Organization lor a Substance
Abuse free environment) will join
with (,000 other campuses across
the country to participate in die
1980 National < 'ollcgiate Alcohol
Awareness Week I he week,
scheduled October 15 - 22, will
highlight existing alcohol related
programs and resources on cam
COS AFT., which is co
ordinated through the l 'Diversity's
Dean ol Students' Office, has
worked to create a week long
senes ol events around the issue
ol substance abuse. Numerous
i am pus groups have responded to
COSAfT.'s message ol Dare to
Care. 1 he organizations, includ
mg the ASUO. University hous
mg, II C/Tanhellcmc and Men
Against Rape, have joined with
('(ISAM by sponsoring activities
that promote healthy lifestyles and
responsible decision making by
their members.
The week's kick-off
event features Dr. Uliana Gil, a
well known lecturer, author and
clink mn. She will conduct a work
shop (Hi Saturday,* X lobcr 14,1mm
9 a.m. in 1 pan. to discuss issues
related to sell esteem, adult chil
dren of alcoholics and dysfunc
tional families (id's workshop
w ill show thcconnec non substance
abuse plays in dysfunctional (ami
lies and teach strategics for help
ing individuals who come from
these backgrounds.
Gil's talk in the afternoon,
from 3-5 p in. in the IMl Ball
room, is open to the entire commit
mty. She will discuss strategies
for improving self-esteem, sell
concept and b<xly image and tac
tics lor empowering individuals
and ihccommunity to become more
Gil is currently the direc
tor of (id and Assoc tales, aclinical
practice that specializes in therapy
for childand adult vicumsof abase
(id, a frequent guest on TV and
radio show s, has written numerous
pamphlets and journal ;irticles. as
well as a bcxik entitled Outgrow
mg the Pain: A Book For and About
Adults Abused as Children . Gil is
originally from Guayaquil, Ixua
(lor ami is bilingual and biculttiral.
According to Gerry
Moseley, Vicc-Provost for Aca
demic Support and Student Serv
ices, the vs eck'sc vents are designed
to give students, faculty and stall
members a platform lor discussion
and open exchange of ideas and
concerns related to alcohol and
other drug abuse.
"Our primary objective is
to provide the campus community
with an opportunity to raise the
issues ol what causes alcohol and
other drug use and why individuals
abuse these substances. National
Collegiate Alcohol Awareness
Week w ill highlight existing alco
hol related programs and resources
at the University," says Moseley
Throughout the week,
COSAET. members will lx- avail
able to answer questions at an in
formation table in the h.MU, Iroin
11 a.m. to 1:00 p in daily. Please
refer to the Calendar of Events on
the adjoining page for a list and
times of sc heduled activities.
Joamc Robertson, Uni
versity training and prevention
c(x>rdmator, and Karlin Conklin,
media relations assistant, have
worked with different campus
groups since May tocstablish spon
sorships and campus-wide support
of die University's efforts for the
week "We’re encouraging stu
dents and staff to join in any of the
activities happening diroughout the
campus or to sponsor their own
event," says Robertson. "Our
message is: Dare to care. Get
Dr. Hliuna (Jil
A checklist for identifying drug or alcohol problems
Do you or does someone you know...
Yes No
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1. Drink or use drugs 10 forget about problems?
2. Drink or use drugs to feel relaxed or comfortable around other people?
3. Have any family members with drug or alcohol problems?
4. Have conflicts w ith friends or acquaintances after drinking or using drugs?
5. Ever feel guilty about drinking or drug use?
6. Ever have trouble remembering what was done or said the night before when drinking or using drugs?
7. Get drunk/high after making a conscious decision to stay sober?
X. Drink until there is nothing lett to drink, or use drugs until the supply is exhausted?
9. Ever miss class because of a hangover from drinking or using drugs?
An answ er of yes to as few as tw o of these questions may indicate that you, or someone you know, could be at risk for a
drug or alcohol problem. Both die University and the local community offer programs and assistance for helping
individuals change drinking or drug-use patterns.
These events were made possible by: Office of the Dean of Students, ASUO, Counseling Center, Student Health Center,
University Housing, Recreation & Intramurals, Alpha Lambda Dclta/Phi Eta Sigma. Men Against Rape, Multicultural
Affairs, IFC/Panhcllenic, Greek Advisors, Athletic Dept., Edie Roberts, Pepsi, EMU Food Services, Cultural Forum, Office
of Student Development.
JOIN in the activities happening throughout the campus during National
Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week.
Or. . . sponsor your own event--whether it’s a forum in your health class
or an impromptu discussion in the EMU--to focus attention on the use
and misuse of alcohol and other drugs.
GET INVOLVED! For more information call Joame Robertson, Training
and Prevention Coordinator, or Karlin Conklin, Media Relations Assis
tant, at COSAFE.
COSAFE is coordinated through the University’s Dean of Students'
Office - 364 Oregon Hall - 686-3105.
Substance use by UO students*
in percentages
Mad liver Used
Used in Previous Month
• The majorih of students (78%) reported that they tried alcohol for the first
time before the age of 18, and nearly half tried alcohol between the ages ol
15 and 17.
• 97% of die students reported that they have consumed alcohol; 93% have
had a drink in the last year, and 80% have had a drink in the last month.
• Students reported that the most important reason lor using alcohol was to
have a good time with friends
• 20% of the students reported that they fell they have had a problem with
alcohol at some time in their lives. In addition, 28% said that a member of
their immediate family had a problem with alcohol.
• Students cited the most common problems stemming from the use of
alcohol and drugs were "interference with the ability to think clearly and
"regrettable behavior."
• 65% of the respondents have tried marijuana, and 24% used it in die last
month. Nearly half tried marijuana before the age of 18.
• 30% of the students have used cocaine, with 4%) reporting that they used it
during the past month. Regular use of cocaine is felt to have "great" risk by
88% of the
*Statistics taken from the 1988 University of Oregon Drug Use Survey
all events are free and open to the campus community
Saturday. October 14
• Workshop with Dr. Kliana Gil I Iclping Others Help I'hemselves:
Understanding the Impact of the Dysfunctional I amily”
•9:(X) a.tn.-1 :(X) p.m., Gerlinger Lounge
•Reservations required: 6X6 M05
• Keynote Address with Dr. Kliana Gil
Building Pathways: Journeys to Improve Ourselves and Our Communi
•U(X)-5:(X) p.m.. 1-MU Ballrtx»m
•Open to the entire community
Monday. October 10
• Films and Discussion: “Bright Lights. Big Gity” and “('lean ami Sober'
7:(X) p.m., LMli Gumwtxxl Room
Tuesday, Oct oherj 7
• Luncheon for At’OA and Recovering Students: “Bridging the Gap:
From Surviving to Thriving”
•Noon, EMU Cedar A & B
• Film and Discussion: “Clean and Sober”
•7:00 p.m., Carson Gold Room
•sponsored by the University Residence Halls
Wednesday. October M
• ASliO Issues Forum
•12:30 p.m., EMU Forum Room
•sponsored by the ASliO
• Open Forum: “Relationships and Dating How Do We Have Fun?”
•5:(X) p.m., F!MU Cedar C
•sponsored by Men Against Rape
• ‘Over (he Hump’ Night!
Film and Discussion: “Less Than Zero"
•7:00 p.m.. Bean West Conference Room
•sponsored by the University Residence Halls
• Designated Driver Night ... starts at 8:(M) p.m.!
IFC/Panhellenic are sponsoring 2-for-1 soft drinks at several campus-area
businesses. Call 686-3888 or 686-3701 for more details.
Thursday. October 19
• Club Walton presents ... HAPPY IIOliR!
Mocktail Party featuring songs of recovery by LEA JONES
•9-11 p.m., Hawthorne Lounge in Walton Complex
•sponsored by the University Residence Hails
Friday. October 20
• FREE PEPSI and drug and alcohol literature at the Beer Garden
•4:30 p.m., EMU
Campus Organization for a Substance Abuse Free Environment
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