_Regional__ Judge rules evidence sufficient to take Davis to trial for felony McMINNVI1.1.1-: (AIM A Yamhill Countv distric t judge decided Tuesday th.it them is sufli c ient evidence fur former st.ite Kep Drew Davis to stand trial on two felony charges of tampering with drug records fudge Wayne Harris issued the ruling after two Newherg police offic.ers and a pharmai is! re called the events that led to the former lawmak er"s arrest following a polic e chase Aug 2‘t Davis, :tH, of Hike Oswego, is ace used of try ing to fill a phmn prescription at a Newherg pharmac \ The pharmac ist hec aim* suspic ions and telephoned police, who arrived shortly alter I tavis left the drugstore A la-mile car chase ensued Ihe car was abandoned, but police using trac king clogs lound Davis nearby Davis, who also is c harged with eluding po lie e reckless driving and rec kless c-nclangerment remains tree on hail A trial report conference was sc heduled for N'o\ 1 t m c ircuit c uurt Davis served in the Oregon House for eight years until 1'IHlt, when he was defeated in the Democratic primary He later switched party a ltd iation to Republican and waged an unsuccessful campaign lor Congress against Kep Ron Wyden He is president ot the conservative American f reedom (Inal it ion Distric t Attorney John Collins told the judge he thinks there is strong evidence that Davis phoned in three different phony prescriptions to three Newherg area pharmac ies Collins said tile state hopes to show Davis made c unflic ting statements about the c ase to po lice and to a reporter tor The (Iregonian The newspaper quoted Davis alter Ills arrest •is saving hi* had phoned in the prescription tu the* Newborn pharmat \ .mil had phoned m alHiut 10 phony preM riplioits during the past tev\ years u ilhout nett inn 1 aught |).i\is also was ipioted as saving lie had pan i< ked when polii e showed up at the pharma* \ Mil hael A Douglas owner of Mike s Medi i al I’harmat \ in Newherg testified that he re i.eived a prescription for the pain killing drug Yicudin on Aug J‘t lie said lie hei ame suspi ■ ions because the presi nplion was phoned in from northeast Cortland using the name of a i .lad stone dot tor and was being filled in New berg One of the arresting officers. Robert Hughes said that when Davis was apprehended he told officers he had been kidnapped at gunpoint Hughes testitied Davis also said polii e were mak mg a mistake and there was another suspei t hid ing in the brush nearby I he officers said Davis offered the inform.i lion w ilhout being asked Davis did not speak during the healing \t terward, he was unchanu teristii ally ipiiet I think there are some t.n Is (fiat need to he straightened out that were misrepresented m court Dav is said I i an t get into them I d love to say a lot. but I'd lose mv law ver Ills attorney linn Montgomery said he had advised Ills i bent "to make very few i moments at this lime At a news i onfereni e Sept H Day is i la lined Newherg polite lied about evident e found in the trunk of Ins i ar Polite said they found soft t ore pornographit magazines a mat bine gun and pre si ription pill bottles in the trunk Kick up your heels The lawn in front of the Knight Library becomes an ideal setting for an impromptu backy sack session Tuesday afternoon Photo by Kri«: Kvans THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convenient Relaxing Attordable SunShoner on campus Up%IMt 6* Ktnfeo \ Brakes • Tune Up • Mulder $19.95 Lube While U Wait Mike’* Eaitaid# Auto Repair Franklin & Villard 344 2523 FUTONS! For the student, of the student BEST PRICES IN TOWN Check us out ROCK SOFT FUTON CO. Call Amelie 345 5678. eves Public Forum on Insurance All concerned students are encouraged to at tend a meeting at 7pm Thursday. October 12. in the EMU Fir Room Local consultants and the Student Health Insurance Committee members will be available to answer any questions, on the ASUO Student Health Insurance plan For more information, please call the ASUO Health Insurance Office at 686 3702. ILLUSIONS""""-' 1511 Lincoln. Willamette Towers Rlriq PERMS