Journalism school invites high school students to conference By Stephanie Holland Emerald Reporter Don't lie surprised by wandering high s< hool students on the sidewalks and hungry kids in the KMl: I- ishhowl on Thursday. Mure than 200 Oregon hikIi si hool students will visit the I hiiversitv from 0 a in to I |i rn for the litre! annual Oregon Scholastic Press High School Press Conference, sponsored In the I'm versitv's Sc hool of Journalism "We've already douhled our enrollment tins year said Jennifer king. assistant dean for exter nal affairs and i onferenc e c oordinalor It's kind of exc iling." I lie keynote speaker lor till! c onlerelic e Is Maik Xusman. editor ol Portland's Willtimrllf It rrk In 108ft. Xusman awarded the Bruce Baer award lor puhln allairs tcporling. the most prestigious honor in Oregon journalism In lOHfi. lie won the Cerald l.oeh Award lor distinguished business and (inane loiirnalism, awarded by the I'M .A (,raduate School of Management Xusinan s topic is The Real Truth About Jour nalism Till going to speak on myths about the profession that I hope to sliattei he said Contrary to w hat many journalism students are taught in sc hool, objective journalism is not the i orrec I way to report stories Xusman said "Pm going to say that’s bullshit lie said The best journalism is ai tuelly interpretive Advisers and students from high si hool newspapers and yearbooks yvill attend i onferenc e sessions designed to explore topic s sue h as sex ism in journalism, yearbook layout and design, photos that communicate, editorial yxritmg and relating environmental issues to a student news paper In addition, eight sessions will be offered for individual newspaper evaluations by Kaiuh Beam, an assistant professor of journalism: ka\ Itlai k. c its editor of The RegisterUuard. Arnold Ismach. dean of the Sr hool of (ournalism: and l)unr an Mi Donald, an assot late professor of jour nalism Ismach will host a luncheon for advisers, u ho are invited to share concerns, tips and slrate Hies for working with high si hool journalism slu dents "It will be a problem-sharing session." Is mar h said "I'd like to find what particularly is on their minds these days The 1 onfereili e w llii h I lists eai h school Slit tor registration plus $10 per student, is not de signed to make a profit for the Si hool of journal ism. king said "It breaks even." she said "The conference 'isn't a rnonev making deal It's a service to the state high schools The t)7-vear old ( begun Si holastn I’ress. one ol the si\ oldest high si hool press assoi latinos in the United Stales was founded in 11121 b\ the late I a ii U Allen, dean of the Si hool of |ournal islil The assoi lation was formed to improve jour nalism at the high school level, to promote relat isi ,u tivities within the secondary si hunts, to en i outage high standards of instruction, to help teachers who supervise iiirriiulai at tivities in lournalism and to work with other state and na t H ilia I press assoi iations in furthering these pur poses Continued from Page 5 women alone. " he said frohnmaver has not yet formulated specific plans to deal with such issues as funding for education, the1 workers' compensation sys tem. the timber industry, and campaign finance re form, but detailed plans will lx: made public: early in the c ampeign. frohnmaver said "This will be an issueori ented campaign with con crete proposals." frohnmay er said, adding that he is is allowing time to researc h is sues and listen to public, opinion, lie said frohnmaver has a multi front strategy fur combating drug abuse and drug-related crime in Oregon based on a blueprint he helped formu late when he was president of the National Assoc ialion of Attorneys General in l'ltir HH frohnmaver said "It's not just a law en forcement problem." frohn maver said "It s a c oininu nit) problem that we own together ’ In 1'iHa frohnmaver with drew from consideration 'is the Repuhlii an c andidate for governor in order to devote more time to his family. Two ol Ins daughters, ages Hi and It), suffer from a fatal hone marrow disorder, franc oni's anemia frohn mayor said Tuesday his chil dren's conditions have st.ihi lized and that the family wholeheartedly supports his campaign. "1 know better the mean ing of courage, because I've seen two young girls endure hardship, pain and illness with realism, with spunk and with inspirational and contagious optimism.'' Frohnmayer said Frit; Stinemates, chair of the University's College Re public .ms. was among those who welcomed Frohnmay er s announcement. "I’ve been waiting for Dave to run tor governor for years." Stinemates said "He's the best candidate we have He's the one to get Neil out of office. ’ Frohn mayor's advantage will be in attracting inde pendent voters and disen chanted Democrats in addi tion to Republicans. Stinemates said. Frohnmayer is currently m his third consecutive term as state attorney general He was a University law school professor from 1071 to 1981 and a special counsel to the UniversiU president from 1971 to 1979 I le was a rep resentative to the state legis lature from south Fugene in 1975, 1977 and 1979 UO-Bookstore DRAFTING FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES ARTOGRAPH « OPAQUE PROJECTORS MODEL AG100 REG. 198 00 139.50 SUPER AG 100 REG 279 00 198.75 I DRAFTING TOOL HOLDER ULTIMA STORAGE FAN SS 21.95 TABLOTTE SIDE TRAY BLACK. 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