Frohnmayer to run for governor Education among priorities By Catherine Hawley Emerald Reporter State Attorney General David Erohnmayer. a Eugene Republi can and former professor at the University law m hool. will run for governor in the 1990 elec, lion, he announced Tuesday in Eugene About HO supporters cheered, waved signs, and chanted "We want Dave" at the Eugene Springfield Red I.ion Inn. where l-'rohnmayer declared his candidacy accompanied hv his wife and five children Erohnmayer. -19. kicked off his campaign Tuesday morning in Medford, where he grew up before flying to Eugene I-Tohn mayer was scheduled to an nounce his candidat \ at stops in Salem and Portland Tuesday afternoon. "I return today to my family home with enthusiasm and with a great sense of personal responsibility. Erohnmayer s.iid "I have long desired to to serve the stale as governor and to serve the people of this state who have given so much to me and mv famih The state is suffering from a lac k of leadership. Frohnmaver said, and although he bears no animosity toward C.ov Neil Goldschmidt Frohnmaver said Goldschmidt has not detail ef fectivelv with several crucial state issues during his three years in office Frohnmaver criticized Gold Schmidt's performance* in aretes such as funding for public etdu cation, fighting drug abuse and crime, and spending govern ment revenues Higher educ ation is not a pri oritv in the Goldsi hmidt ad ministration, but it would he if he were eleited. Frohnmayetr said "In the last three prosperous years has our state's governor served the higher educ.ation i (immunity so that our bright Police Beat. The following is ,i list of campus area crimes taken from Office of Puhlit Saleh ami F.ugene Police Depart menl reports between Oct J and Oct <>. • A portable stereo valued at $50 was discovered missing from I.ewreiK e 11,ill on ()< t The stereo had been in an unlocked desk drawer in a third-floor studio in the building when it was dis covered missing • A $500 guitar i\as stolen from .1 prat lice room in the music school on ()< t l After practicing, the l in versitv student tell the guitar in the prat In e room to avoid carrying it across i ampus The gnitai was discovered missing Irom tile room on the following da\ Prat til e ronms in the musii s< I mu I do not !o< k • A m.hi was *irr»11■«I on charges uf lirsi degree tun glarv lifter taking .1 SIU bill from a wallet in (In* I’ht Del ta l'heta fraternity on I >th avenue and kinkaid St reel, on Oct. -I Tlie mi 1 lie 1 was taken from a wallet in a fraternity member's room. The door to the room was closed but un locked. Nothing else in the room was taken or dis turbed • A transient was arrested on trespass charges after dis turbing a night class by yell ing and displaying disorder* Iv conilut t oulsidn "I < 'on ijnii 11,ill on ()t I l Tim man had born scrvuil ,i lollnr from thr I'nivi-rsit\ nn ()t I I. advising him mil In return In (amptis nr lw \va\ for fai nils salary in< reases is not his idea of stable funding for edui ation, I rohnmaver said Abortion will remain legal with no new restrii lions it he is tdei ted. !■ rohnmaver said file law ought to leave Turn to Frohnmnyer, Page b Open 24 Hours kinko'S Crnt coptev treat people 860 { « )IH 14 A tOtH 344 7894 344 3SSS rs\ocW^ LOSE EStfebo RotA/b EMPLOYMENT Central Intelligence Agency Cinque professional opportunities lor those seniors and graduate students in the following disciplines and at the degree level shown \Mjill N| utiles Business XilmmislrafH»n C Imimlrv ( tHii|Hiter & Info Si irtM'r I- i OIHH11M s Kurcign I unguugvs < »«‘<>gr*ipt)> History Intrrmitiomil Relations Mulllt IIUlH S l*h\sk s Politic ul S< ink v Public \tlmiuistralion Degree Levels l« M I’M) \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ X \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ IStl hl»lup Russi.lll \ \ \ All initial assignments are in the Northern \ irginia area. Some require foreign travel. I .S. citizenship is mandatory. Extended applicant processing time. Obtain your prepaid application from the Career Placement Service. Hendricks Hall. Complete and mail it In October .11, 1989. Qualified applicants will he interviewed at an early date. Vo / l V/hmwtnc V. f»«*/i I ntfl.tSii food warehouse —1 BULK FOOD & NUTRITION WAREHOUSE | FIRST WEEK OF CASE GOOD SALE | WESTERN FAMILY MAC & CHEESE 5 FOR 98° COORS OR COORS LIGHT DARIGOLD ICE CREAM '. Gal Squares 3SC00 FOR \J 7-UP MUG DR. PEPPER 8 paks I 3/8 paks lor 8 PAK BTLS CORONET 8 ROLL BATH TISSUE 98 c EXP 10-17-89 FIRST ONE 17 COBURG ROAD HOURS 7AM-11PM 7 DAYS A WEEK 683*8670 AD EFFECTIVE 10-11 thru 10-17,89 COUPON