Hiiitlo l»\ Smlrr Kjiiirn Ireeman llolmrr, .1 haigene city iminiilnr with a history til serving in the state's higher etlui .itinii system, iimlil retire .is early .is Innuurx M( )\l )\> s !HR< >t ( ,H K11 >-\V s Luncheon Specials Dim Sum Special Steamed Rice w/Curry Chicken 2.75 3.00 / r\ Our I linnet s.' CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT 879 I 1 4tii 44 4-28 4J _Community___ City councilor plans retirement after lifetime of public service By Janis Joseph Emerald Reporter After mure than six and a half vears ,is ,i member of Ifie hugene (lit\ Council. f reeman Ilolmer is retiring Holmer said intends to retire at the end of June. 1‘1‘tt) if ,i sin gle i andidate is nominated in VIav and has a majority of votes It two candidates are nominated, the councillor from Ward i |northeast Eugene) said lie w ill not retire until the end of Ins lei in |anuar\ I ‘in 1 \ext month I'll he 72 Holmer said And I still pla\ tennis and travel and I haven't done .ill the tennis plaving and traveling that I want to do lie said he also believes that there ought to lie a turnov ei in public offu e After about eight vears one has done all that one can do that is really impor taut Holmer said lie sees two of los leallv important ai com pjishmeuts" as a councilui were his (retng the < reator of a voter's pamphlet for i ilv mens ores and recognizing the need i OFFICE WITH A VIEW The Peace Corps is an exhilarating two year ex perience that will last a lifetime Working at a professional level that ordinarily might take years of apprenticeship back home, volunteers find the career growth they're looking for and enjoy a umgue experience in the developing world International firms and government agencies value the skills and knowledge mastered during Peace Corps service INFORMATION TABLE October 10-11, 9 00am to 3 00pm. EMU Lobby PRESENTATIONS Tuesday. October 10, 3 30pm "Let it Begin Here". EMU Maple Room Wednesday. October 11, 12 00 "Peace Corps Impressions". EMU Maple Room Wednesday. October 11, 7 30pm "Putting vour Science degree (ot Liberal Arts degree) to work in the Peace Corps". EMU Gumwood Room INTERVIEWS October 30-31, 9:00am to 4:00pm. Hendricks Hall, Career Planning and Placement Center Sign up in advance at C.P.P For more information call Jake DuDell at 666-3235 Peace Corps The Toughest Job You'll Ever Love for a now bridge over the VVil larnette River to replace or com pliment the Fcrrv Street Bridge I was the one who really started the planning for the new Ferry Street Bridge." he said "These are the two a< complishments that 1 feel will have a permanent influence on the i it\ ()it\ c ount dors are elected everv four years on a nonparti knew his extensive Ink kground and experience in publii ser vice. He "won quite substantially in tin' first election and ran unopposed three years ago. Holmer said he believes that the most important part of be ing on the council is to set the agenda lor the city government so that it is doing tilings that will serve the public (T)here ought to bo a turnover in public office. After about eight years, one has done all that one can do that is really im portant. — Freeman Homer san ballot to represent one ol eight wards ( mini ilnrs .tie not paid a salatv llolmei said that lie has spent his whole life in pit 1>1 ii ser vice I le f irst ran tor city count i! in I'll!..1 at the request ot mam people in the community who (louncilor Kmil\ Si hue said shr will reinembei itolnier most fm bring a "detail man. "Hr mads all the tine print and all the ordinances and pays attention to all the little is sues.'' she said lorn to Holmer, Page 11 Stretch your dollars by using coupons from the Oregon Daily Kmerald. SUCCEEDING IN FINANCIAL SERVICES DEPENDS ON THE TEAM YOU JOIN. w hen you |dtn The New England, you II l>e p.ut lit .1 team whose training, technology, and products are all ot the tnst tank Our course work includes pro grams in marketing, tax law. financial planning, and more \ce provide sophis ti a ted hardvv.ue and m >hwatc tools to help vui meet your clients' needs Anil our array ot products includes lite insur ance. mutual funds, and employee benefits C areer Planningfc Placement C entei C ampus Visit Ni'\. ’, >).4: jp The New England The New England One f :nancidl Center ' 31 SVV Mornson. Suite 1760 f’ort .mij. OR 97704 603 778 604!i