Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 11, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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    Campus-area disturbance results
in arrest of man at record store
By ( hris Bouneff
Emerald Assoc iate Editor
An alterc ation Tuesday alter
noon at a < ampus music store
prompted employees to detain
<i suspect until police officers
from the Lugene Police Depart
menl could arrive on the scene
I’olic e arrested the* suspec t at
ter Hob l.ee. owner of l ac e the
Music Kec ords and Tape’s at
HHi) K nth Ave , phoned in a
harassment comphdnt .it about
4 :t() p.m
Bill Harkleroad. a store em
ployee recognized the suspect,
identified as a hlac k man be
tween JO and 2 1 years of age.
as the same’ person he had de
tained It) months before for
Both Harkleroad and l.ee in
structed the man to leave the’
store when he entered the store
this afternoon. The suspei I ex
changed words with l.ee and
appeared to tic- leaving when he
turned around and challenged
Lee to fight, Lee said
Lee said lit; came out (rum
behind the counter and again
asked the man to leave when
the man took a swing at him.
With help from James (iraue,
a store employee, and Gene Kv
ans. manager of the neighbor
ing Shutterbug camera store,
Lee struggled to the ground
with the man while trying to
restrain him. The suspect bit
Graue on the left forearm dur
ing the struggle
The three men held the sus
pect on the ground while l are
tried to explain to the man that
he was being held until KPU of
ficers could arrive Police ar
rived at 4:37 p m.
"(The man) was asked to
leave, and if he would have
walked out the door like any
I'holtt b» JfM > % «i
Eugene police were <ailed in to arrest a suspect at a l.tth Ave
nue record store alter ow ners say he started a disturbaiu e.
one else, nothing would have
happened.’' l.ee said
Lee s,iid the suspect initiated
the confrontation, and tli.it the
three men did not strike the
suspei t hut only held him
down until the police arrived
The suspect, when being
questioned by police, said Lee
initiated the fight by using ra
rial slurs and pushing the sus
pect He denied any knowledge
of the shoplifting incident 1-ee
accused the man of being in
volved in earlier this year
Harkleroad said he caught
the suspect in January attempt
ing to steal a i (impact disc from
the store The suspect bolted
from the store while the polii e
were being called in.
ilarkleroad said
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