Sports_ Slippery Rock mini-man plays as big as anyone By Alan Robinson Assot idled Press ITITSIIt K< ,11 (Al'l When tiny Tim Kelly reported to Slippery Koi k University's prose,isnn i amp lour veers ago the i one lies took one look .it him end dot id ed he was too smell to he e running bar k So he liei eine a defensive end You've heard of Dulles Uowtxiys defensive end I d ' Too Tell" Jones7 Meet Slippers Koi k defensive end Tim "Too Smell Kelly At 5-foot t> end 195 pounds Kelly might be the smallest defensive linemen in i ollege football He's e funny sized player at the si bool with the funny name but around the competitive. 14-team Pennsylvania Conference, lie's no I.mulling matter Kelly has lf> tackles, ini hiding a team leading eight for losses, two quarterhai k sacks and two fumble re eoveries tins season l ast week Slippery Koi k (.11 1| played a 28-28 tie with unbeaten Shippensburg (5-0 1). which was fourth ranked in N't '..\A Division II "A lot ol bigger guys take one look at Tim and sa\. 'I'm gonna whip this guy every play.' Slippery Koi k coach (,1'orge Mihalik said When they realize they i an t. it frustrates them, and that gives I im a psycho logli .ll edge A senior who is Slippery Koi k's defensive laptain. Kelly never gives his size a thought Maybe it s Im t ausr he never gave ■' swtmd thought to not playing "I've grown up in .1 footlrall family said Ki'llv. who played ,tt Ducpiesne High School. .1 perennial I’lttshurgli lin’d sin.ill school power "I never thought .1I1011I playing I ve enjoyed it for so long Kelly was .1 hlor king hack and linehai ker in high s< I100I. .ind Slippers Kock's coaches were initially re Iik taut to oven let him prai tic e on the defensive line "We thought about asking him to liei ome .1 student manager, Slihalik said Hut. Kelly said. "After I got a shot, nobody said a thing Kelly got Ins first start as a sophomore against Kdin horo University, and played so well he was named the Rockets' "Player of the Week lie's been lining up against players as much as a foot taller and 130 pounds heavier ever sim e In one of the more bizarre matchups of this season. Kells fat ed a 0 foot 7 130 pound tai kle from the Uni versity of the District of Columbia in Slippery Roc k s opener "I looked at it as another game to play, no matter who was out there." Kelly said "I don t look .it am hods as being better or worse The attitude I take is no matter how big or small they are I don't underesti mate them or overestimate them " Hcc a use he is strong and cpiic k he can bene h-pross 130 pounds Kelly's size ac tuallv gives him an advan tage against some imic h linemen "I'm quii k off the ball. .mil. playing defensive end. the biggest thing is gi'ttmg < nntrul." In' s.nd I fire off the hall and sta\ low and that makes it tough fur gins to get at mv shoulder pads I get leverage and con Irnl Kelly has a< tually heen laughed at by bigger players. Mihalik said. "A lot of guys talk and laugh the first couple of plays.” Kelly said "Then they figure out they're go ing to tie m for a long game, and the laughter stops. "One guv told me. 'You’re too small, why don't you give it up?' Hut I heat him a couple of times, and he got frustrated, a little guy heating him all over the held He talked less and less as the game went on." List year. Kelly lined up against three-time all-con ference light end Terry O'Shea, a t>-4, 230-pounder from California (Pa ) University who now plavs for the Pittsburgh Steelers "lie was so highly rated, I think I kind of got to him the first couple of plays." Kelly said "He was shell shocked Because of his size. Kelly says opposing players of ten relax more than they would against a larger player, "and that puts the game in my hands. II they relax 20 percent of the time, I'm going to get them, because I always play 100 percent PLEASE READ • I hr ( ht f<*\ I »«ll> I IIKUhl * .ii » '* mrn^il) mi* • l hr Or r fur* I 'i»uU . hr >rvf*«ftvih4c L* inmr ihri' on* il#» » njvfllmni ihhOh* • If «»wr Ml ipffiM MMorrrdt*. nH brforr I p m fur (ormlwn m lhr nril d• *'% »w» • I mrt mr ihr Ijm'i •! ihr *hhh lorn the hIm i>f ihr «J>rMurnrm »ill 1% *tl(uvir»J Till OI>E ( AN NOT lit MtSPONNIBIt K IK lIlK.IRIt IIAMIMRITIV. 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