.Sports. Notre Dame ponders problem of Air Force's effective wishbone By Thomas Wyman Associated Press SOUTH HK\I). Ind (API Lou Holtz's fretting notvvith standing. Notre Dame appears to have solved the problem ol defending Air Ponte's w isli bone offense "I believe this is the fourth year Dee Dow is has started against the I'niversitx ol Notre Dame, or played against Notre Dame, so lie's seen virtuallx ev ervthing lie's going to see Holtz said I tiesdav at Ills week Iv press t onterence The Notre 1 Tune 11iat h meant the comment to give the ad\ an tage to I low is I’he Irish would have no new tin hs to show But thn\ max not need them Two years ago. the An lone rushing attack directed by quar terback Her Dowis gained Jti'l yards in a losing effort against the Irish Dow is stored a fourth-quarter tout hdown I.ast season Notre Dame snutted Dowis s game in the second half shutting out the I ah ons and limit mg their ground game to I’l yards enroute to a -11 I t vu tors \ 11 Fort e had led the nation in rushing i tuning into the game This veni. lop ranked Notre Dame (Vtl) and \ir Forte (»>-(>) haye maintained perfet t ret ortls inidwas through the sea son While the Irish si hedtlle so I.u has int lutled ranked o[> ponents sut h as Michigan and Mulligan Stale \u Forte has fat tit) lessi'i know n teams like Northwestern and Wyoming "They haven't been chal lenged vet." Hull/ savs Holt/ nonetheless gives Dow is Ins line "He’ll spring to the corner and outrun most people " he sav s II he ( annot get to the i oi lier Ill' ll stop let v oil ov et run him tin Ik underneath and then outrun evei vliodv else \11 I ori e has av eraged > cards per rush and thrown more passes this season than in the past Dovvi.s had sis com pletions in 1J attempts for tin yards against \av v last week Nolle I tame holds a t 1 I edge in the series with all the losses i omiug under Former com h t lerrv I'atist the last in I'ltr. r*•*’]: -t. : vly Emer.Vi ' ODE . • • D« . • E;- • i i ODE i • Jj Frr .v1 ODE • - • b " i I ODE Netters play UCLA Friday It will hi' a battle of na tionallv ranked volleyball teams I rid.is night as I '(!l.A and Oregon hook up in Mr Arthur (inert Moth teams are ranked in tin* latest N't A A and fat hikai a A merit an Vul lesb.ill l 'oar lies Asset ialltm Top 20 polls released on ruesiltiv l ilt' I hicks. 1 t in the I’a i itu 10 anil I "t I overall are Milked Iitli ill the N( \A poll and 17th in the Tat hikai a poll l < I A is lauketl set olid ill both polls lust helms lop ranked I la \\ an I out othei I’at 10 st hoots are also ranked ill the polls I 'St' is rankl’d sixth in the larhikara poll while Ari/.o n.i (ninth). ('.iIifnt m.i | 1 I th I and Uashmgton (1 l)th| art1 tin’ otlii’r i nnfnrent «* si limits in thr ianil hi’s poll In thr \( \.\ poll, t St i lin ks in at No 7. follin\rd h\ Xri/.oiui at \o 11 ( ah forma at \n 17 and Wash mgtnn at Nil 111 In thr \( A.\ i mss conn trv polls thr ( lir^on mrn air rankl’d righlli this wrrk while thr uiillirn tailrd to lliakr thr I op 7(1 Iowa Stair is thr lop rankrd inrii s sipiad vvlijIt* prrrnilial pmvn Villnimva loads thr womens rankings Don't give up the search1 Try LOST AMD FOUMD in the classified section UO-Bookstore NEW SANSUI PRODUCTS AT GREAT PRICES THIS WEEK AT THE ELECTRONICS FAIR /JfSANSUI RZ-7000 Stereo Receiver • Multi voltage • Remote controlled • 70 watts per channel 599.95 -T* 4 fOU*t ^ PAtMtNlS •14990 ; 7 PJUMONIH 3 7X’,.,l,'vtr //SANSUI CD-X510M Twin Compact Disc • Two 6 disc magazines • Two DtA converters • 2* oversampling • Remote controlled 579.95 ^ »n PAVMffctS ^ 146 (»|« Mon 90; HO iNTf RtS? /fSANSUI RZ-3000 Stereo Receiver • Multi voltage • Remote controlled • 50 watts per channel 349.95 I'U A A ff SANSUI CD-X301i Compact Disc Player • 2« oversampling • 2 DrA converters • Remote controlled 299.95 i fuuA yi^/ • PA »MINTS 00 < 74 P|H Month ^ 7 NO INTI HIST ''rt. ff SANSUI RZ-1000 Stereo Receiver • Multi voltage • 30 station presets • 32 watts per channel 259.95 ■» l0UA4 I'*'VI MS 6900 iritloNtM *1N< » Nil HI * >1 A //SANSUI Q-X301iR Auto Reverse Deck • Dolby B C HXPro • 20 song auto search • Computerized bias tuning 359.95 rT* 41 ^ PAT Wf NTS 2 ELECTRONICS DEPT. FREE DRAWING FOR SANSUI SPEAKERS TODAY FROM JIM TOMA, SANSUI REP. 13?* & Kincaid m f r 30600 SAT 10 004 00 666 4331