Holmer Continued from Page 4 Sr hut; .ilso said that although I lolmer is older than she is. she has served on the council long er than Ilolmer. "We have a running 'dis cussion' alxrut who is the se nior for what." Sr hue said jok ingly Holmer's attention to detail is probably one of the reasons that former (’resident Reagan appointed him to serve on the National Council for I’uhlu Works in 1*185 I lolmer has held a number ot |obs in public service over the years For two years he was Wisconsin's Director of Fiivi ronrnental i’rotec lion For eight years, I lolmer served as S.i loin's Stale Director of Finance and Administration. lie also taught politic al sc i enro at Willamette University CAREER SEMINAR October 11. HIH't SHARP Century Room 7, FMl! If you rt* broking for from the IJniversilv of Or egon llolmer moved to laigene for the first time when he < ame to the University to study for his master’s degree in I’t-ld World War II interrupted Ins studies and llolmer left the University llolmer returned to finish Ins master's degree, hut did not settle in (Jregon until lOti’i RENTALS OR RENT TO OWN!! j COME SEE WHAT j WE HAVE TO OFFER • SMITH CORONA • OLYMPIA • SWINTEC OREGON TYPEWRITER CO. 30 E. 11th, Eugene, OR I 342 2463 laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Holmer said that the most difficult pari of being a public official is that "one has to be very careful in the < hon e of one's words It's hard lieing ( areful to say what one means and to lie direct without saying anything dumb When Holmer was the stale direc lor ot finance, he was asked a question by a journalist and answered it with what he intended to be a humorous an swer However, it did not come out in tile paper like this at all he said Since then he said he has been very i areful in bis i turn e of words Holmer said he is satisfied with his accomplishments while serving on the ( ouni il "I think our publii works is better bee ause I’ve been on the council.'' Ilolmer said Selected New Guitars Vz Price Sorrx no trades .lui'jrtal i»n this olfci ( .i\c inuM hi* puii hascd with guitar at tegular price i nupmi expires Oil 20. |VMV Music city • I • • open e\enm^\ nil 6 I united to stm k l*nuH\ tnvttt t! Jot .tj wars What to say to someone who wants to drink and drive. « O M 1 Don’t give me an excuse, • give me your keys. Don’t sleep at the wheel, • sleep on my couch. Don’t take a chance, • take a cab. Don’t drive, • I’ll drive you home. If all else fails, say “no.” If you drink too much and drive, the least you'll lose is your license. Guaranteed. Oregon Traffic Safely Commission Shea will lecture today MEETINGS Thr College Republicans will hold a meeting tonight at !i :io m the EMU Oak Koom A support/discussion group (or gay and bisexual men meets eac h Wednesday night at 7 .it the Koinonia _Et als Genter. 1414 Kincaid St To night's topic will he "Com ing Out Taking the Next Step" Cycling Club meets to night at 7 III in EMI ’ (!edar Hoorn K. Oregon Student Public In terest Group will hold its general interest meeting and campaign kick off tonight at 7 in the EMU Eorum hinder Room Guest speaker Quincy Sugarman will discuss the solid-waste crisis All are welcome Student Health Insurance Committee meets today at i p in in the EMU Hoard Koom Eor more informa turn c all tittti 1702 Alpha Kappa Psi will hold a pledge meeting today at l 10 p m in 212 Gilbert Hall SPEAKERS Stephanie Shea from the University of Washington will speak on "Paradigms Revisited: The Use and Abuse of Kuhn's Notion of Paradigm in the Social Sci enoes” today at 4 p m in the KMU U.umwood room. Part of the Humanities ren ter's History and Philosophy of Science Lecture Series MISCELLANEOUS The Newman Center will hold a presentation on "The Church and Your Vital Role." tonight at H This will he followed by Student Mass at ‘i Peace Corps presentations for those interested in infor mation about assignments will be offered the following times one today at noon in the EMU Maple Room (a video) and another tonight at 7:30 in the EMU U.umwood Room The 7:.'10 session will feature a slide show and disi ussion. In addition, an informa tion table will be in the EMI' lobby all today The Queen of Spades. Uhaikovskii’s opera based on Pushkin's novella, will be shown tonight at 7 in the Instructional Media Center’s Studio A Anniversary Sale! Oct. 9th-14th — This Week — wana Music and Tree of Life Reduce The Following Albums 50% America s Ml Beml seller America * 03 Best Seller America s 02 He±t Srllrr America j 04 Best Seller You'll be able to purchase these record albums along with 2nd Chapter of Acts, Matthew Ward, f irst Call Marantha Word & Worship Album. Praise 9 & 10. Kids Praise 7 & 8 and many more for FREE I or every Won! Music Cassette tape* or Disc you buy this week you receive a FREE Word Can Casse'tte* tape* with each tape* purchased! Buy 4 tapes Get 4 Can C assettes I re*** FREE DRAWING! Over $2.(HK) worth of Free Product Daily Drawings' 50% OFF B'M»> H. ■»4