REM to play Portland on Friday R & B quartet will open By Mike Barrett Emerald Contributor REM. tlif critics choice for the best band of the HUs. will appear in Portland's Memorial Coliseum on Fridas .it H p m The four-man band from Ath ens. (>a. is promoting its most recent release Green, whii h quickly became one of the top selling albums of 15)88 The band was formed hs vo ( alist and songwriter Mic hael Stipe and guitarist Peter Hue k who at one time roomed togeth er in an abandoned < bun li At ter recruiting University of Georgia students Mike Mills and Hill Herrs, the seed ssas planted for one of roc k n' roll's future phenomena REM, which formed in 15)80 has nine albums to its name* The band's debut album was an extended-play titled Chmnit Town, which ssas released in 15)82. Although ('hronu Town dress interest and added a unique style to the ongoing musical evolution, it ssas their next album Murmur that put them on the limp Murmur, which was hailed hv Rolling Stour's critic's poll as l'tH! Album of the 'tear made ( lear that KKM had devel oped a style all its ovvn Happy but tar from satisfied with its newly found success, the hand pro* ceded to prodm e albums such as Rih koning. Dead I.utter Ottiir. Rubles oI the Reconstruction. Life's Rich Pageant. Ilot ument. and Rpnnvmus Although these al bums fared well it was not un til the release of (.’reen that the hand was catapulted to com men ial suci ess (.’reef) is meant to he very up lifting. according to Stipe un like Its predecessor Dot UUirnt Green contains more energy with songs such as "Stand" ■Hid "Pop Song." as well as the powerful anti Vietnam tune "Orange Crush." Phis appears a turnabout from the melon choly boat displayed on Docu ment in lines! Worksong" and "The ()ne I l.ove "After Document, we did want to make a slight left turn tf'rrrn is just this visit's in stallment, the latest chapter in the continuing s.iga The point. I guess, is that we never realK know where we're going until we get there, " Buck said Stipe attributes the band's success to its freedom in the studio "We've been fortunate to work with people who have given us a lot of leewav." he said It is this t om ept w hu h serves as the basis for the group's fundamental operating prim ipl«- If vou’re not doing it vour way. it's not worth doing The band 's sty I** of mush whir h Itui k i alls "Bubble limn I leavv Metal ' is both i ompel ling and enigmath l ire energv level mav van between songs such as "Begin the Begin." "Radio f ree Kurope World I .earler and I Remember Cali tornia " but all of these songs deliver the qualitv listeners hav e i ome to expel I Irotu a band ol KKNt s stature The New Khvthm \nd Blues (Juartet will open the show I II kets .lie still available so "(iet I'p" and go RIM will be sure to I'u i n You Inside (tut Park Continued from P.ige t this might hr .1 result Stutter added, however, that 1,1 BA is a pot it it z£L in NEWSPAPER All ethnic minority students and working pro fessionals interested in a newspaper career are invited to attend a Minority Job Fair in Tacoma, Washington, October 19-20, 1989. The job fair will include all aspects of the newspaper business ranging from reporting to advertising, marketing, financing, circulation plus other newspaper de partments. The job fair will feature workshops, speakers, interviews and an opportunity for you to meet some of the top people from newspapers in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Califor nia and Alaska. The Newspaper Minority Job Fair is sponsored by The Morning News Tribune. All lodging and meals for students are paid for with preregistration before October 13. For details about this exciting career opportunity, call the Morning News Tribune at (206) 397-8555. '* nUNDERUNP *’ OBI * t FOR PARTUS and SIRTHOAYS 5j*winrn all games work ^WIUCW with NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION >1 50 STM STRUT niWJC MARCH l* EUCiflf • M3-MM TT BUSY? GET TAN QUICK!!! Fast Convenient Relaxing Allotdsble SunShower on campus 'Mi »T » llolstlJll salt! Millie tie lenses In the appeal were rejec ted dealt with statutorv and t ode issues til the ( it\ of luigenc Other provisions were not applicable to a conditional use permit dec ision. he said 1.1 !HA also disagreed vvitli a section ot the appeal which c alled lor protection ol Vegeta lion and habitat along a wide area along the river hank, he i ailse the stipulation c outre die ts i itv c ode I lolstun said The 07 at re site proposed for the |iark is in the Willamette (ireenwav. a t orrulor ol lantl designated hv state statute tor protec tion and enhancement ol tile1 river hank The rescare h park projec t is a joint enterprise of the Universi ty. the Oity of Eugene, the state of Oregon and the Utah-based Institutional Development As sue dates NORTH BANK RFSTAl'RANTA I OUNOF RIVERSIDE DINING Fresh Seafood Steaks Cocktails 1‘rimc Rib and Rasta (hitdoar Chicken_ Deck_ 22 CLUB ROAD (()n the hike p.ith n\ erhutk inn the n\ et I Kl SI K\ M IONS \( ( I I* 1 1 1) PHONE 14 i*r»t>22 TANNING!! 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