Scoring shootout lacks defense B\ Don Peters Emerald ( olumnisl Shoolnnl .11 ihi't 'O (Inrral damns rarely live up to their lulling hut Salurdav’s Oregnn-W ashington St contest did I’he set one!-largest crowd in history showed up at Aut/en Stadium, expei ting a high-scoring shoot-cm-up blowout I'hev weren't disappointed Ibis wasn't a game It was an offensive exhibition both defenses t oiler lively dei uled to take the day olt All told, 'll total points. Ten touc hdowns, in nearly every possible i ombination Run. pass, blocked punt run back on an intercep lion. Almost a kic koll return Six field goals There have- been h.okrlh.ill games where the dougars haven't scored >1 points dome to think ol it. there have' probably been a !er\ lias ketball games yyhere the llucks didn't score :tn. WSl! had .'it).') yards total offense Oregon had 402 dougar running bat k Steve Broussard had 2(la yards and throe touchdowns Bill Musgrave threyy lor a caroer-hest 1-17 yards and tyvo tone hdcnvns Kvervbodv c beer 111 TTNSI\|less| The Oregon defensive squad. which looked like the Wall of Stone last yyeek against Arizona, looked more like the Wall of Styro foam on Saturday There hasn't been this muc h shredding sin< e the days ol (illie North. I ayvn I hill and the Iran ('.ontra affair Sad fac t is Oregon was beaten by a betlei team No excuses, like at Stanford No single point on which the game turned No break down on which the loss can be blamed WSl is just a good team The dougars ran the ball well, and when Oregon keyed on Broussard, they passed the ball to one of their perpetually open wide re reivers They didn't punt the ball until the fourth ij u .1 r ter, a n d I h r ti onlv oik c i I(IK t'vci ()rc j^oii •> Iosn diicvnl Don Peters rest i omplt'tely on tin' defense s shoulder Ihe offense or lai k ot it something to do with it too The defense \ in a (.'(iris Oldham in terception put the ball on the < aiugar n I'hree plays. Oregon couldn't puni li it in. and the Dm ks settled lor a held goal Oregon did suite tti points They had the opportunity to score a lot more Ihe lust halt was slow moving, with a lot ot oftense but minimal scoring \VN11 had a 2l)-t> lead going into the loi kei room In Ihe second half, things got interesting Ihe Autzen scoreboard lit up like a pinball machine I here were 2"i points scored in the third quarter, and an incredible tH points si ored in the fourth I'hree times Oregon made a rush at the ( nilgais getting to within 20-In 27 7 1 and t i 11 bach time. YYN1 i .line right bai k to put the si ore out ol reach I he ('ougnrs the preseason pu k to be the cellar dueller ill the I’ai III looked like a bona-fide Rose Howl team Saturday Oregon on the other hand, is probably out ot the Rose Him I hunt in what is probably the toughest conference in the country llorvcvei there are still several other bowl games to go to A i 2 rei ord doesn't exar tly signal the end ol a season, but it will be an uphill struggle I he rest ot the si hedule is a i minus mix yvdh "easy" home games against long Hear h Slate and Oregon Slate, and tough road games against Washington. HY1 and I t I A Don't look tin the Dm ks to go into a i nm plete and utter < ol lapse It ain't over yet aniiiMiiimamiaiiiHiiiiaiiiivnaniia ! SPRINGFIELD • ! SCIENTIFIC I • SUPPLY * i 1 i I i Hours: ■ | Mon.-Sat. ■ 10am-6pm “ * 726-9176 * ! 1124 Main St. B ! Springfield * i mm v.v' y ,-v v- • Having a Party? Let us typeset vour im itations in one ot our\ JO typefaces. \ Call to tills! out about our loss prices! Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Binge Eating Crash Dieting Vomiting Laxative Abuse Compulsive Exercise Compulsive Dieting When you're ready to quit we're ready to help. Just call 666-7372. The Rating I)isonlers I Y( (grain at Sacred Heart NEWSPAPER All ethnic minority students and working pro fessionals interested in a newspaper career are invited to attend a Minority Job Fair in Tacoma, Washington, October 19-20, 1989. The job fair will include all aspects of the newspaper business ranging from reporting to advertising, marketing, financing, circulation plus other newspaper de partments. The job fair will feature workshops, speakers, interviews and an opportunity for you to meet some of the top people from newspapers in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Califor nia and Alaska. The Newspaper Minority Job Fair is sponsored by The Morning News Tribune. All lodging and meals for students are paid for with preregistration before October 13 For details about this exciting career opportunity, call the Morning News Tribune at (206) 397 8555. VOLVO Owners Spring Maintenance Special Alpine Import rs&P* ' /ServlCe^J^ Offers a FREE Safety Inspection Springfield • 12th & Main • 726-1808 Call lor appointment • ALL WORK GUARANTEED m h n s s n n l NIM RSITY BRANCH 831 Hast 13th ( OMI s II l s W <>l U \l H I ()( \l l(>\' • I i m i si \lKt \ki s Wi w m kl • I’t KM )N \l |/| |) I’KI II I SS|( IS \l s| K\ |( I • INSI \SI I I K \ll I' \ SSI S • Si l III SI \\l> Mil III I \KI s • IN I I KN \IIUN \l S| t|>l SI I \( II W ,1 II )l S I I n ( Mill • \M I K \K •I \SI COMP! I l-KI/l D Rl SI K\ \ I IONS • row I Ml N I ( \MI’l S I (X \ I li )S • I ICKI I Dl l l\ I IO 683-5577 11)11 1 KI I I MX) KKN I /<)') Hot |464 THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShown on campus UWJ21 • •'« » < )•* (Jptl*o% •»» * «*o »