FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Large copies up to 11x17 • 50-400rr enlargement or reduction • Color copies front 35mm slides, negatives, or 3-D objects Open 7 Days kinko's Great cople* Great people i 860 E 13th 44 W 10th ! 344 7894 344 3555 —Regional Paulus decides to run for education post SAi.lM i.M'l former See retarv of Staff Norma Pauhts offi i ial 1 v filed as <1 e undidate for state M bool superintendent Monday .uni said ‘.in' II pul pre-ssure on politic bins lo reform >< hool ti II,OKI I’.iulus ,i Republican from Sit Inin, filed her i andidacy papers in lire offn e lh.it she rein from 111" HTj as mm re-tarv of stale Slit- waged ,i tough battle against Demoi ml Neil (mhlse iimiril for the governor's offit e in 1980 ( ioldsi li mult 111 1*IH7 .ippoilllrii (ler as one of Oregon-, two ineintieis of Ihe Northwest Power Planning Omni il a sul.iried job site s.oil she will soon resign from to liegin tier campaign for the st.iteu life offii e The si hool superintendent's post is non partisan and has a four vear term A candidate can win the offu e in I lie \1a\ pi i mars elet lion In getting a ina|oritV of all votes Otherwise there s a runoff in the November general elec lion between the two top primary finishers I be only other offic ial i undulate so far is ( hue k < lemans sit perinlendent of the (tiegon < iU Si hool Dislric t The c ui rent stale si hool superintendent Verne Ituiu an is ri signing nest month to tak- a position .it the I 'diversity of Portland I’aulus. .riii. saiil she doesn't vii-w it as a handicap that she hasn't worked professionally in the education field Problems in i hiding si hool firtanc e haven't been solved w ith a string of eiluc a tors holding I hi" post, she said I’riulus ->.11(1 she lias ,i broad base of political support in tin* stair and hopes to use it to "meld a non-partisan hunt" to att. !i-f // BOSE AM-3SPEAKERS • Smallest system • 60 WATTS RMS • Acoustimass System Meet DARYL WEST, BOSE Factory Representative here today for product demos PAYMENT PLAN 4 EQUAL MONTHLY PAYMENTS NO INTEREST J. ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT M F 7 30 t SAT 10 00 BOOKSTORE WT6 4J31 Oregon State tops abroad CDKVAI.I.IS {AP) Oregon SI.ilc led the nation's land grant universities last year in overseas research work with projects scattered around the globe The university leads in the number of staff abroad and in die amount ol foreign aid mon e\ adminislereil According In statistics from the I S Agent \ lot Interna tional Development. Oregon Oct. 11 is the LAST DAY! to buy ASIJO HEALTH INSURANCE this Fall Term only s147.00 Room 15 EMU r Stale sent the equivalent of _n lull time employees overseas in 1988 Hut that figure is decep tivelv low . said Kd I’rn e. direi loi ol the Oregon Sl.de Otlice of International Research and i)e velopinent I he l SAII) statistii s count onlv tenured full-time employ ees It all of the universitv s overseas employees were (minted, the number would he about -to In a given veer. 71) to 100 ()t egun State employees ma\ be involved in international re sean h main ol them as sup port personnel on the (lorvallis i ampus The next si bool on the list is ( Colorado State 1 niversitv w ith the equivalent ol lt> full-time employees overseas Oregon State also leads the pack in terms ot foreign-aid monev spent overseas, with S*• 7 mil lion in federal funds distribut ed through the university the I hmcrsitv of Illinois was set mid in 198B with S'> ~ million That monev goes through the university to research and de velopment projects around the world EMPLOYMENT Central Intelligence Agency Iniquc professional opportunities for those seniors and graduate students in the following disciplines and at the degree level shown: \sian Studies Business Vdniinistration t hfinistr\ ( omputt-r & Into Science economics Foreign I .mguages (>eogra|ih\ I liter nat tonal Kelat ions Mathematics 111 i sics Political Science Public Administration Psychology Russian Degree Levels II VI PhD \ \ \ \ \ \ XXX X XXX XXX X X X X X X \ x X X X X All initial assignments are in the Northern Virginia area. Some require foreign travel. I .S. citizenship is mandator). Extended applicant processing time. Obtain your prepaid application from the Career Placement Service. Hendricks Hall. Complete and mail it by October 31. 1989. Qualified applicants will he interviewed at an early date. An h