.Regional. PGE fined for safety violations By Bob B.ium Assoi iatinl Press PORTLAND (AP) Portland (icneral Kl.-i tri« do. said Monday it will not appeal a $JB0.000 fine levied In the l! S. Nuc lear Regulators (loin mission for violation of safety requirements at the Trojan nuc lear plant The fine, by far the largest ever levied by the federal agenc y against PGK. is the result of a fail ure to properly inspect sumps beneath the con tamment building of Oregon's only commondal nuclear power plant Moth the NKO and the utility said the sumps may have been inoperable since Trojan was com pleted in li)7li PC,K spokesman Steve Sautter said the* sumps pits tor draining loc ated at the bottom of the c on tainment building, c an he used in the case ol .1 major ac ( ident involving a rupture- of the c ont.ciu ment building In case ol such an acc ident, the sumps can be used to collect the leaking watei and pump it bee k into the plant s cooling system, preventing a nut lear meltdown The inoperable sumps, he said, "would not cause an act ident tint would i ertainly hindei our ability to respond to a loss of coolant acc ident in the plant " Them you have a situation similar to what happened at Three- Mile Island." Sautter told I he (fregoman Sc reens intended to prevent debris from enter mg the sumps either were missing or damaged, the NR(! said Sautter said the problem is the result of a missed inspection "f rom our viewpoint, then- really is no esc use for it." he said "There have been some manage men I changes .it thi' plant .mil we've taken % 1 \ WINTON 200ML WINTON 200ML LARGE TUBE OILS O CO/ OFF &%J /O RETAIL STRETCHER BARS 25% Off Retail ;• NEW:-; CONTE PASTEL PENCILS REG t 29 EACH liquid* ijcncintraih ARTIST COLOR fl ? • '* l IOUITEX CONCENTRATED ARTIST COLOR REG 2 49 1.59 PRE-TESTED OILS 1 25 OZ TUBES 30% 25? I ART & ARCHITECTURE SUPPLY OFFER ENOS 10/21/89