L 342-8111 1 TINO’S • Full dinner menu • 23 varieties of Pizzas • Whole wheat and white crust • Pizzas to go -cooked and uncooked 15th and Willamette Hours: Mon.-Thura. 1 1 00-Midnight Frl. 1100 1 00am Sat. 5 00-1 00 am Sun. 5 00 1 1 00 p m UO-Bookstore However you picture it... SUPER SAVINGS ON PHOTO AND FILM PROCESSING BASIC PRINTS ONE EACH STANDARD 3X 12 EXP. 2.89 15 EXP. 3.59 24 EXP. 4.89 36 EXP. 6.89 ONE OAY SERVICE OR E REE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED TWIN PRINTS 12 EXP. 3.99 15 EXP. 4.39 24 EXP. 6.99 36 EXP. 9.99 TWO DAY SERVICE OR FREE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ELECTRONICS FAIR WEEK SPECIALS OCT. 9-18, 1989 A A A A a . 1 A k k. k i i f r f ^ FREE FILM WITH EVERY PROCESSING ORDER REPRINTS 25 • 2ND PRINT setfree WITH PURCHASE OF PRINT FILM A A A A A . i k k k. Uth 8 Kincaid M F 7 JOS 00 SAT 10 00-6 00 BOOKSTORE 686 4331 4(K off one Gyros or Falsfel *• ZSUTTJJ 1219 AkJ*f 343-3062 «**p 10 10 H'< Brakes • Tune Up • Muffler $10 05 Lube While U Wait Mike's Eastside Auto Repair Frankim & Villard. 344 2523 _Regional Kulongoski's son convicted of rioting Sentenced to community work, fines, probation (AP) rhf sun of .in (Jregon insurant •• < otn missmner w.is plated on probation anti onion'd to perform community service work Monday for his part in a bottle throwing mi fdent last spring near the t 'niversitv < ampus |ustin Theodore Kulongoski. 1H was placed on probation for 1H months was ordered to pel form HO hours of < ommunitv serve e and was told to pay restitution and court assessments totaling $‘171 74 Kulongoski was one of live people arrested as Kugene police dispersed a mob of 100 to 500 young people gathered for a street partv at hast 14th Avenue and I errv Street last Slav 5 Polin' said Kulongoski threw two beer bottles at olti i ers ()ne of the bottles landed near an offic er and the other broke the rear w indow of a patrol car Kulongoski the son of Oregon insurance commissioner and 1 ‘*K2 Demoe rati< gubernatorial candidate Tod kulongoski, pleaded guilh in Au gust to .t ( barge of rioting His sentence is compa rable to what others arrested .it the party have re i eived I luring sentenr ing Mondav l.ane (lounty (hr < iiit Judge Maurice Merten termed the inc idcnt ' a hig drunken brawl •You ever see anybody get hit in the face with a full beer bottle?" Merten asked kulongoski The judge described himself as having a "welldeserved" reputation lor being hard on people who violate terms of probation "I order you to stay out of trouble, how hard can that be?" he said to kulongoski "I don't ex per t you to be back, but if you are. expect to go to jail.”' Experts discuss classical education Sf.iltIt* I AIM Slime experts m highei eilm iitinn in Wash mgton stale doubt .1 1 lasskal approach to education ret 0111 mended I>\ the National I n dmviiienl for the Humanities will he enough for students w hu ll he living in the J 1st t en tur\ ()lhei s sa\ it s a good idea that doesn't go tai enough The endow ment Nunda\ re hsised results of a (iallup I'oll that found mam college stu dents don't know when the ( ivil War or t urret! or what the Magna ( arte was I BUSY? GET TAN QUiCKM! F ast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShower on campus WIUMMI 1 Dm »wli t GREAT MOVIES DISCOUNT SHOWS Su-Mo $3 / Tu-W-Th $3.50 3- ^ 492 E 13th ■ J J w 686 2458 S C A N N I N G GRAPHICS SC ANNING AND OCR TEXT RECOGNITION FOR MACINTOSH AND IBM PCS S C A'N N E'R'S FRANKLIN PARK Pi A2A O 5120 FRANKLIN ftlVD lUGINf 747 4589 Lndowmenl chairwoman Lynne V dhenev also offered i olleges and universilies a slud\ plan td "i0 course hours in live .ire,is of knowledge, .limed at providing students with a foundation in foreign language mathematic s. st i en< e i ulture and t i\ ilization University officials in Wash ington state say the endowment highlighted a problem common to mam American universities and i olleges but some found the '">() Hours" proposal too traditional and c onservative 1 )i I red (iamphell. assistant dean ot undergraduate edui a lion at the I mversitv of Wash ington said colleges should not spend most of their time on remedial edm ation that stu dents should have received in high si houl I )i | Robert Wills ar ndemii provost of 1‘acilic Lutheran I'niversitv. said the (lallup Poll measured onlv factual know I edge and not all of what stu dents real 1\ know ' I ligher edur ation in the tills ought to prepare students [or the 2 1st i enturv and not just reinton e the tilth, Wills said. I really don't care how stu dents did on that multiple chon e test ' he said "1 i are if students can think, reason and make good de< isions that help prepare them lor the world and those things are hard to measure But the Ke\ W illiam | Sulli van said ad credits won't do at Seattle l 'diversity The Seattle l ' president said he was delighted to see the in terest the report h.is generated lint he said he was concerned the proposal lacked bash ele meets that have been part ot Seattle l' s core i urriculum tor years. Judson Shaver, direr tor of the Jesuit university's core < ur riculum. said it includes 71 7.) i redits and all r ore i muses are designed "to develop the skills and powers ol c ritical reading thinking, writing rpiantitative reasoning, multicultural aware ness and more Dr I .am Del.onne. associate provost ol Western Washington l hiiversitv s.tvs the real prob lem is deciding what t ontell) porarv students should he learning It's become cliff it ult to teach all that should he taught, he said "Should we i onlinue to measure all students based oil vvliat other generations knew or is it more important to prepare them lor the future’'" he asked "Essentially what NKH ap pears to he advocating is a < ur rii ilium that served higher edu r ation in the 111th and 70th r ell tnries, whir.It was a gre.il time ot upheaval It a liberal arts ed ur ation is meant to make us more understanding and com passionate of ourselves and others then we have to ask our selves how well has this currir ulum worked " Del.onne said LET’S JUST SAY WE'RE TALENT SCOUTS II \ou see personal growth, eurl\ responsihilin, leadership experience and post gradu ate eilueation in \our future, we are interested in meeting \ou' MEDICAL SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP, INDI STRIAL HKALTH, AM) ALLIKI) HKAL TH SCIENCE INFORMA TION WILL BK AVAILABLE. 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