Program hosts preview tonight By Julie Andrade Emerald Reporter For 25 years. the University's Outdoor Fro gram has .given people the opportunity to explore Oregon and other states h\ initiating free e\rur sions and providing helpful information alxiut a variety of outdoor at livities The program will present .1 preview for out door enthusiasts Tuesday at 7 to p m in the FMl' basement. "This is an open imitation for people to i ome to the ( hitdoor Program to learn more about trips and services." said Keith Nelson. Outdoor Program associate director. People will have the opportunity to meet people w ith similar interests and talk to program workers about ideas or suggestions he said The purpose of the Outdoor Program is to oversee activities sponsored bv the program or other individuals by supplying them with ade ipiate information and equipment The program also has numerous magazines and brochures on ri\er rafting, skiing, and other outdoor activities It provides hiking and hiking maps for Oregon and the entire Northwest Kvery week there are videos shown in the program's office which is located in the ground floor of the F.MU, through the an ade in Room 2:t Videos include various events, such as the "Tour de France" and "The Conquest of Kverest In addition, the (hitdoor Program is planning winter ski trips during Thanksgiving vacation and a trip to Baja. Mexico during Christmas vaca tion, Nelson said. the Outdoor Program's equipment swap is sponsored In the program and is held ever\ year "Its the most popular nti-t ampus activity Me I son said "Hundreds and hundreds of people come in to sell and buv equipment "The program is to help motivate people or inspire people to do these trips said Kit.i Monasterio. a student working for the Outdoor Program "We show them how and give them ideas Monasterio said that her ause some students do not have a tar they believe the\ cannot do anything or go anywhere These people howev er i an benefit from the program's free transport.i lion system, mi hiding loaned cars and vans All that is required is a valid driver's license anil an a< i eptable driving rei ord Monasterio added that there is a small mileage fee lor the sen u e The Outdoor Program is open to all students, as well as members of the < ommunitv at large and she encouraged women to partu ipate in the pro gram's a< tivilies "The program is for everybody she said "A lot of females feel they i an t do this and they enjoy the outdoor endeavors just as mm h as men.” The majority of people that participate in the activities are University students, about >11 per cent are women "I loved hat kpackiug and other stuff at home and I |ust i ame to see what they |lhe (hltdoor Pro gram) could offer said Mike i.e l ore a transfer from Portland State "I think it's great HOMESTYLE SINGLE BURGER WITH CHEESE & BACON $ ' ■ fHj KH , ih* *t* f \ -• ‘ ” |< J»* ( I 'f J !•' tuC»' t ! «>• 1»t ..tvttfv h.ii i ' H't»* f'■!• i ” p.lflK Ip»ifing [ ).»»fy Qu*‘«*' Sloft* .»ful |,|*»||*"» «Vitf) . ' '.[> ft ,1'Hl Bra/.rr* WE TREAT YOU RIGHT1 Dairy Queen brazier • u *’•! *-• „ ■■ r » , -j/ «•» * • . . . Uvm M»* • • •* 1 ■ » UO-Bookstore WHAT'S HP CALCULATOR FACTORY R HERE TODAY TO ANSWER YOUR HP CALCULATOR SPECIALS HEWLETT PACKARD 10B Algebraic Business Calculator • Bu! ■ I Ftna • Linr u n • 266 memory byte*. 49.95 HEWLETT PACKARD 14B Business Calculator • Algebraic entry • Business (unctions • Alpha numeric 79.95 HEWLETT PACKARD 19B Business Consultant II • HP solve • Graphics • Business •. f nans e 169.95 HEWLETT PACKARD 28S Scientific Calculator • 32K memory • Advance graphics • HP solve 235.00 HEWLETT PACKARD 49.95 21S Math/Stat. Calculator • Built in slat library • Hypothesis testing • f ssential math tun ' HEWLETT PACKARD 17B Business Calculator • 6b00 memory bytes • HP solve • Continuous memory 110.00 ELECTRONICS DEPT. ENTER & WIN A FREE BACKPACK OR A FREE SOLUTION BOOK!