Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 10, 1989, Page 4, Image 4

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    Bosch Authorized Service
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Representative at Placement Center on Wednesday.
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S on are I omorrnw .
\ mi are t lie N av v
Day to celebrate 'Coming Out'
B\ Mon Walker
I merald Asso< iate fditor
National Cuming Out Day designated .is a
day tor lot al gays and lesbians to be truthful
powerful and liberated, util be i eiebrated
A 1J til p in talk in the I.\11 courtyard and
a gathering in the h\H International Student
l ounge at 7 |> in are i o sponsored be the \\ ilium
ette AIDS Council and the Cay and Lesbian Alii
am e
Take the Next step is the message of the
sec ond annual Coming Out l)a\ l or the majority
of gays and lesbians who live partially or com
pleteh in the closet, taking another step toward
openness about homosexuality c an be emotional
ly rewarding, said Amy Baker, a CAI.A volun
The first step for every gay or lesbian's com
ing out proc ess is ac know lodging Ins or her own
sexuality. Maker said Subsequent steps include
c liming out to friends, co-workers or family mem
Im-is part it ipating in demonstrations, or public
disc leisure.sue h as talking with news media, she
Not all gays and lesbians follow the same
proc ess or have tin1 same degree of openness.
Maker said It varies tor everybody It is impor
tant not to pressure people into coming out. pen
pie )ust need their space; It’s a very personal is
Wednesday's rally will lie an opportunity for
non e loseteei guvs and lesbians to show those not
vet ready to e ome out that support is there. Maker
said "An option to being in the closet is being
out. and not just being out but lining proud of it."
she said
"It's easy to sta\ hidden and not ree eive any
emotional support." she- said. "Hut when you do
come out of the c loset, it's eunotionallv self-re
warding. Im-c ause for one e‘ you have a positive
self image.'' she said
"It someone is coming out. it's important to
know that there are others who will support
them.'' Maker saiil
CAI.A co-diree tor laiurel Sharp said that the
prut ess of e liming out i ontinues every day even
for tile* small number of ga\ s and lesbians who
"It's always a risk to come out," site said
"Hut l>v doing so I feel more comfortable with
myself and the world The danger is outweighed
hv the integrity 1 feel '' National ( aiming Out I lay
is "a very celebratory time." Sharp said
Many gays and lesbians reach a point where
( oncealing their sexuality becomes too great a
burden. Sharp said "When it gets to be too hard
to stay in the closet, then it's time to come out
she said
However, she cautioned, "1 would always
listen to intuition about it II I felt unsafe about it.
I wouldn’t come out." she said.
Sharp also said that the extent to which
members of the gay and lesbian community are
open about their sexuality varied widely Those
who .ire most visible tend to receive more harass
ment and abuse, she said
"There's a lot of support in the gay and tesbi
an community for those who are out (of the clos
et)," she said, but added that those who are less
visible consequently may be less supportive.
Tadd Tobias, outreach director for Willam
ette AIDS Council, said that the council is co
sponsoring local Coming Out Day activities in an
effort to protect those who may be at risk of con
tracting AIDS.
Self-acceptance of a gay identity is a nei essi
tv for feeling worthy of protection. Tobias said.
"If you want to live a healthy life, you have
to protect yourself and protect others," he said
To do this, "you have to feel okay about your
self. '' he said
This form of behavior modification can keep
AIDS from taxing Eugene's health care systems
the way the disease has in larger cities. Tobias
The Willamette AIDS Council is selling
shirts, posters and sti< kers as a fundraising effort
both lor the council and the non-profit National
Coming Out Day foundation
Coming Out Day is a time tor taking a lirsl
step or a next step toward feeling better about lie
mg gay or lesbian, Tobias said
"If you're not gay or lesbian, support some
one wlio is." he said "We're talking about bash
human rights, not just sexual preference."
Peace Corps recruiting in EMU ;
Croup otters career guidance, experience abroad
Bv Aik e Thornton
Emerald Reporter
Seniors who will lie gradu
ating with <i science or liberal
arts decree in the next 1J
months mas want to consider
the Peace Corps to help them
a< hiese i areer direr lion
On Tuesdaj .ind Wednes
day the Peace Corps ssdl he
hosting a rei ruiting drive on
r atnpus Interested students
are encouraged to attend the
presentations and arrange for
inters lesvs ss ith a Pear e ( airps
An information table svill
lie open both days from tt a m
to i p in in the EMIJ Lobby
Representatives I mm Seattle
.md Washington I) (: will be
available to answer (juestions
.mil (iis< uss their experiences
as I’cai e Corps volunteers
Filins and discussions high
lighting Peace Corps opportu
mties will be offered in the
EMU Maple Room at 1 10
p m on Tuesday and at noon
on Wednesda\
A forester from Roseburg
will present slides and dis
cuss bis Peace Corps experi
ence in Niger. Wednesday at
7 it) p in in the EMU Gum
wood Room The disc ussion
will also explain how a sci
ence or liberal arts degree can
help a student achieve sue
cess through Peace dorps c\
perient e
lake DuDell. the campus
Peace Corps coordinator, said
the Peace Corps provides .1
good foundation for students
who are unsure of what to do
with their degrees
"Many students graduate
without knowing how their
degree i an benefit them,
said DuDell. "The Peace
Corps is .i way of getting the
kind of background needed
for higher responsibility
"When 1 graduated. I want
ed to live abroad, hut not as a
tourist. The Peace Corps gave
me career direction." said
Happy Ho
On Tuesday nights, Original
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