* i t SOI PROTOTYPE Letters Violation This fill I term, the head ol the SPA (Speei h Pathology .mil Audiology) department viol.it ci! the benefits ol carK registra lion by arbitrarily closing and reopening both sei lions ol ASI. I (American Sign l.anguagc 1) Thursdav . the first day ol registration. I registered at 10:30 a in and was told in Ned Christensen. SPA depart ment head, that ASI. I was closed I was allowed to put my name on a wailing list Laurie kilborn registered at 12 .10 p m the same day and was able to enroll in ASI. I without iim ident (Jbviimsls '*/ (>/ I / * ni£hl i lull Welcome Back U of 0 Students!! It’s “Dimer Tuesday!!” 1 0C BEVERAGES at SCANDALS 2222 Centennial Blvd I)r (Ihristonsen had < dosed the i lass ii- llir morning, on I v In upon d til a taler time ()ne nl the privileges of being a senior is hav ing a belter i ham e to enroll in more popn lar classes I leel this privilege was denied me I still had some hope ot that I would he taken off the waiting list and added to the class However, on the first da\ of i lass, I was told no one else would he allowed to enroll Ibis misuse of registration polu \ disappointed all ot the seniors who normallv would have been able to enroll in the i lass Due to the pending cut ot the sign language program, this CAREER SEMINAR O* tuber I 1. 1989 (i:30pm SHARP Century Room 7. KM 11 I) you re looking fur .1 «areer with .» bright unlimited future wr invite v<»u to attend our i KCK t areer seminar You'll learn ail about the unlimited op port unities tii.it 1 .in in* yours as \ 'I <•». t ugrnr. < »»rjc«Mi ' The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday e*cept durmg exam week and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the University of Oregon, Eugene Oregon The Emerald is operated independently of the University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Asso< nited Press The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal or use of papers is pros ecutabte by >aw Editor Thomas Proweli Managing Editor Editorial Editor Graphics Editor Encore Editor Alice Wheeler Don Peters Mark Ylen KeUm Wee Newt Editor Sports Supplements Editor Night Editor Christopher Blair Tracy Sumner Darla Jackson Alice Wheeler Associate tailors Community Hon Waikm Student Government/Activities Brian Bh» n Higher Education/Administration Chris Bounett Features Denise Clifton Reporters John Andrade Polly Campbell Peter Cogswell Ashley Conklin Oan Eisler Catherine Hawley Stephanie Holland Jams Joseph layne lake'ish. Cam Sivesind Alice Thornton Photographers Steve Card Bin Haines Advertising Sales David Campbell Maureen Bemadeln Shellle Hagen David Hansen Scoll McAvoy Amy Mittelstaodt Melissa Nelson. Saum Partovi Virginia Pearce Ehse Sharon Kristi Stolher Edward Wernck Production Jennifer Archer Kathryn Barton. Ter. Boring Jed Clan A .ce Can non Carol Dopp Jim Finch Margo Franklin Yvette Gill Jennifer Huey l mda Klaastad Jim Mason Wendy Morris. Angela Munu Camille Pansewrt.- Anna Ftembeck. Janet SchoDer Tod Shepler Scoll Smith Caithn Stark jenniler Thomas Jenniler Viale Ingnd While Kelly Williams General Staff Advertising Director Susan Thelen Assistant to the Publisher Jean Ownbey Pioduchon Manager M cheie R. Advertising Coordinator Sund’a Dailer Accounts Racaivabla Circulation. Newsroom Classified Advertising . Display Advertising Production. Graphic Services 686-5511 666 4343 666 3712 666 4361 year will be the last oppwlum t\ students will have to take this i lass I .el s make sure stu limits who have waited lor the opportunity to ^et into popului i lasses r>el their deserved spar e Ka\ mond Kemmers (.empaphi THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Stop the swing' I'm getting sick! Stop the swing! Oongowa! Oongowa!" ■ I I I Coupons in the Emerald save you money. I Check every page, every day. it pays. jj OFFICE WITH A VIEW The Peace Corps is an exhilarating two year ex perience that will last a lifetime Working at a professional level that ordinarily might take years of apprenticeship Pack home, volunteers find the career growth they're looking for and enjoy a unique experience in the developing world International firms and government agencies value the skills and knowledge mastered during Peace Corps service INFORMATION TABLE October 10-11.9:00am to 3:00pm, EMU Lobby PRESENTATIONS Tuesday, October 10, 3:30pm "Let It Begin Here". EMU Maple Room Wednesday, October 11. 12 00 “Peace Corns Impressions". EMU Maple Room Wednesday, October 11, 7:30pm "Putting vour Science degree for Liberal Arts degree) to work In the Peace Corps". EMU Gumwood Room INTERVIEWS October 30-31,9:00am to 4:00pm, Hendricks Hall, Career Planning and Placement Center Sign up in advance at C.P.P. For more information call Jake DuDell at 666-3235 Peace Corps The Toughest Job You'll Ever Love