CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 100 CONNECTIONS MEET THAT SOMEONE SPECIAL Through CONNECTIONS! Do you need a study buddy •.*>«!?•' boarding pal. Of just want to conne< t wth someone interesting for <:offoo Simply i ome up to th*- Oregon Oaily Emerald Office Room 300 EMU 8 5 pm md NNI ad in person and please don't use a last name and please don t be shy -EXAMPLE TO THE BLONDE SURFER IN FRENCH 101 Your California tan and wit haw charmed me from the beginning Lets move from studying French t dmmg on the French Riven.i TO NIGHT9 SECRET ADMIRER -EXAMPLE 105 PERSONALS A4> PLEDGES Sorry we missed the celebration but gee the clean up was fun1 Looking lor ward to initiation1 The Members GREEKS' Today is the day to turn in your order envelopes from last week ends party WALLY GREEKSSpring term reorders are back' Greek week serenade and Spring functions order now Negative's are going to the archives soon Abso lutely the last chance to order Wally MEDiOS* TODAY r, 1 day' Happy 21st1 I am still a loyal employee looking for sexy business Love, M-too_ PLANNED PARENTHOOD r . nancy test that is 99% accurate one day after a missed period1 Includes unbiased counseling ( all U4 < i PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT 687 8651 1 •• B ib Congratulations on the big E1 Bob Bob WANTED: LIVES CHEWY POTATO FEET KELSEY Have you seen our lives9 We don l have any, but think horses or Zeus might have extras Please contact the GET A LJFE Foundation 24 DISCO L4>K CONGRATULATES IT’S NEWEST MEMBERS Chris D Scott M Jason B Eric S Jackson H Ben S Mike Z Tim L WOMEN WANTED TO CHALLENGE YOUR BODY IN A DIVERSE PHYSICAL SPORT RANGER CHALLENGE for more into call Meredith 746 6167 UO BOOKSTORE LAST DAY FOR FALL TERM RETURNS IS OCTOBER 14TH PLEASE BRING YOUR RECEIPT, ID, AND BOOKS WHEN MAKING REFUND REQUESTS. no Lost s, found LOST MALE BLACK KITTEN m the vi cmity of 26th and Alder W26 P ease call MaryBeth 344-2337 115 TYPING SERVICES LASER WORD PROCESSING 19 years e«per-«nce fd'! 'Hj IBM Grad school approved Ne«» ,** Robin 344 0759 TYPING 686 2355 TYPING UNLIMITED IBM ; irr.pat' Grad ‘.h ’■ ■••• A. «r ■**■' Barbara Land 466 0890 BIJOU THEATRE BUILDING 49? £ 13th No 101 WORD PROCESSING A EDITING 8 years 0»p#ri«nc«. high quAldy Cali Ren ai 34? 654 7 EPIC COMPUTERS Macintosh and IBM word procossmg RESUMES $16.. .* Highost quality laser printing Call 686-8708 49? F 13th X? fl./OL ftwj.V'fludrng j WORD PROCESSINO 343-0969 SyitM/Softvart Convariiona APPLE CP/M IHM MACINTOSH LASEH PH IWTINC 132 E. Broadway Suite 102 TEXT CONVERSION Convert pointed te»t to M.ic IBM word processing and page layout tiles Weal lor theses papers resumes RQQCUfflBHS V RANKLIN PARK PL A/A »3 5120 FRANKLIN BLVD. EUGENE 74 7 4589 o c THE WORD SPECIALISTS J V irtdudle School Appr-.ed issertations/TPapers * IBM Comp /Disk Conversions * Resumes tditmg CINDY 464 5454 CAROLYN 344 5287 6 344 7231 i?5 INSTRUCTION CLUB SPORTS JUDO PRACTICE MWF ESL 77 ALL WELCOME! FOR MORE INFO. CALL: 686 3733 SURVIVE IN the real world Guild/ key board bars las son* from produc er/publisher John S wilh 2 bit singles and 3 albums to his credit 344 5530 .aofORSALf BROTHER WP 55 word processor'type writer with letter quality printing On© year old eicellent condition with man uai and disks Great for term papers and resumes 1400 (-all 342 6406 FURNITURE ANO ' budget prices Thurs Fri Sat only1 Dmtyi Trading Posl 1355 River Road _ MB-3742 _ I uTON S. ■ .»• »•- . eves 686 8609 LIKE NEW solid rust wool loose pil low bar ked sofa S2S0 726 .1929 MAKE LOVE NOT I aw review • shirts *13 si/e L XXL Becky N 4010 2 N J5th St Ta ma WA 96407 MAT. HIN i AN HAIR S 345 2802 NAGELS Various commemorat'ves available Framed/unframed great prices Must —H 344 1873 or 6667104 ROLLING STONES 2 TICKETS NOV 1ST VAN B C 343 1/98 130 FOR SALE you CAS '.Iff*".-, you’ baby and buy grocarHMi loo Kidatoft 62 W Oth 484 4498 4 ME ADS VCR ' ' -.»:«• '1*»f ■ : _ 135 BUY OR TRADE THE BUY 4 SELL CENTER Buy * Sail * T rede M ... ■irnpf'h St*'r*« T. Photographic Equipment 361 W 5th M5 CARS-CVCLES-SCOOTEBS HONDA AERO SO N.-a bath- . i tires EVelient on 1 non looks and runs JVX) Call Matt 6*7 9T08 NlGHTHAWh 6*0 82 -•« .■ r- ’t Mi lion new drive gear $7*0/080 US 6697 TOYOTA CORONA 1974 low miles very dependable $8*0 Call and leave a message >44 **38 1972 240/ tom interior groat shape 4 speed '»*d Must s*»i $4/00 * >BC ' -»H4 If ’ 19/S DODGE DART good condition $800 U4 9272 19/6 VW TRANSPORTER 60 000 mi flood Shape stereo new clutch and shock absorbers 2 spare t-ff. Must .fill $1200 C .»r- M.i - >44 0210 1978 HONDA CIVli 80* .• 1 great Shape stereo like new lire-. $M *0.080 48* 1706 1980 SUBARU 1600 GL* I • • •' onddion portf 1 liege u Must $2400080 C.n'MaithH' nun 1983 HONDA AERO 80 . -t." I • *• lent condition 6*00 miles $4?* 683 389/ 198/ HONDA t Me 80 red port n.i-vrd new in 1988 low rrv immaculate $9*0/080 U 3 2943 81 JEEP SCRAMBLER white paint f berglass hard top, 4 wheel dove CBPA $3900 342 7430 8/ HONDA 505 runs great only 600 miles |ust serviced $*0O/OE3O Ai*mi have new helmet $100/080 48*9600 a-.k tor Dan Rm 108_ mim MOUNTAIN BIKE bought new at $6*0 2 moi old 1SOO/OBO 4 10 speeds $3* $7S each 34*6129 60 BIKES Eat hre. Cruisers and 10 speeds clean ndeable bikes Starting at $20 Thurs F ri & Sat only Omtys Trading Post 13SS River Road 666 3742 170 RESALE CLOTHING LAA DEE OAH Resale designers Import clothing Turkish Kilims 488 Willamette 683 2329 NEED CASH? (FAST) Men & Women CASH paid for clothing No appointment needed SECOND THOUGHTS 77 W. 11TH. 683 6501 TAKE GUESS jeans home to your little sister and pay a little price1 Bing Cher ry Palace 62 W Broadway irTDidiii:.! 1ST ATOMIC ARC skis 2*0 cm Marker bindings new San Marco and Raichle boots Best offer 34 3 4*1 1_ irTiTTirTiTiiiiiTTftTnfiii: LACROSSE Players, coaches, and inter ested people. No previous experience necessary Come Thursday, October 12 at 7:00 PM lo the EMU Cedar Room F. Or call alter Tues day, October 10 686-5293, Joel H. sponsored by Club Sports TRAVEL 195 FOR THE OLIDAYS roundlnp I a> »s plus la* LONDON S498 TOKYO.S598 BANGKOK.$789 FRANKFURT S530 'acuity HKllUII Council Travel ?15 5 W McrrHon FOOO Parttand, 06 97905 ?oo RIDES & RIDERS IMS COMMUTE' lady basis arid am mom than ouimg !u share gas etc Pi©©**© an ASAP' 48*i 1468 ?io OPPORTUNITIES AT If N T ION HIRING' < ,uv«i'>miv'l !f. you' i'«a SI / 840 Jf>9 485 -iii i 602 rt w 6665 f *i Rt2it>4 A FREE GIFT JUST FOR CALLING PLUS RAISE UP TO »1 700 IN ONI V TEN DAYS'!I Student groups ffaternibes and . ■ rofibes needed for marketing pro j (e> i oncamput for detail-. •«' > f REE GIFT group oftn «r% all 1 H00 9*0-04 72 ©at 10 EARN EXCELLENT MONEY m ...» spare time Doing Credit Repan Obtain MASTERCARD regardless of redd history Call 1 619 *65059? a«! CI016OR lot info 24hrs LAA DEE DAH We lake consignments from local clothing and jewelry designers Please all for info 663 2129 4f>« Willamette LOOKING FOFT a fraternity sorority or student organization that would like to make $500 $1000 for a one week on ampul marketing pro,a< I Must be " gam zed and hardworking Call Corine or Myra at (800) 592 2121 NEW home a< < ent and gift line party plan offers ground floor opportunities Now hiring managers We tram No m vestment ( all today1 CREATIVE HOME PARTIES 1 600 446 3992 OVERSEAS JOBS 1900 2000 mo Su - mer Yr round ALL Countries ALL Fields Free into Write IJC PO BX 52 0RO3 Corona Del Mar CA 92625 PANHELLENIC OFFICER APPLICATIONS are now available in Suite 5 EMU for ihe following positions President Vice President Rush Tribunal Public Relations Greek Activities Completed applications due no later than 5 PM Friday. Oct 13 ?,5 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED DISHWASHER U hr Hours HAM 3PM 343 6688 GAIN E * Pi hie N< { in the Hun I vices field including behavior manage meni Open program needs residential Staff in our group homes Work study approved Apply at 45 W Broadway or call Joyce F 343-0662 OFFICE MANAGER want. I dental Fee Committee Must have general office skills Start IMMEDIATE LY Contact Liz N at m 3749 tor an in ? 15 HELP WANTED ■ - IMMUNITY SUPPORT ., non ^ -hi iwporabon lh«t serves de »e*op mentally disabled adults with and relief pool Starting wage is 6 50/per houi to* day nhdl and ft 0(V per htHi' f■.>' Might shift Requirements v ». Older And brsl Aid and CPR ref'b'fn .* bon «>' wdhm 1 month of employ men* Apply At 1?ft? Polk St 8 .10 to •, * Mil' » •• SPANISH SPf AKtNG . mid . .re » ■ tti WANT! (> MATURE small apartment COfltpii< near am pus Som# mamfenafu e required f (ee font utilities and f-onuS 887 ? JrW evenings vV()MKS T UOV EVENING ■ «> M M ’ iNI T V SCHOOL ASSISTANT tor Wo lard E a* t side Community Stn; supervise budding keep re >'ih Appro* U 18 hnufS per week Call Woody at 68/ 3509 2?0 WORK STUDY POSITIONS DESPERATELY SEEKING typist work study tie* hrs Mac eap p»e» 686 S3M credit op L i AMN TO i «•' lie vide* equipment I a- ■ $*> must be •.% ffc study ehgi ! '« I .v 'i'M Must be available Min i ! if Thu's aMem*--m'eve e.i»e '•••**ssayo tni MiH** 144 0210 SCHOOL Of MUSIC POSITIONS OPEN tor w.ifke'% librarian .impute* entry anil tK1 * of ' i- tjihoc, Must t** ' w>rk study students 54 ftft/houf Call Lam a 686 ‘*>48 WORhSUlbv POSITION Of * e Multi* wMti'ai AMaun needs a publish mg aide to assist in development of putiii itions Oesig'1 skills writing skills knowledge of Pagemaker JO and Super Students of 1 olor en* oof aged to apply Send over letter Slides or prints of work resume and .1 refer i*s to Dianna K OH** r *>! Mult".ultural Affairs J14 Ofi'0"'1 Hall Campus Starts at 5*>0Q an hour up to 10 hrs a wee* 225 APTS.-DUPLEXES APARTMENT WITH outdoor pool lor rent Utilities not included For more in*,. ( :y ? twit wdh plush new arpet I blocks to i ampus 5?70/mo Heal ele. included Call Phil al Mft 415ft SPACIOUS ? BORM wdh applia' e-» and deck 18th A Aider 14J 4323 I860 At Of. R Clean quiet, on# bedroom apt avail able now1 Off street parking available furnished or unfurnished on tile man ayer I860 Alder No 11 J44 ft69ft 2*0 BOOMS ROOM FOR RfNT ig turn bedroom and bath female only meals met 5300 J43 714 1 2»P0RMb6MfR4bTS . ’ A Ul CONTRACT FOR SALf male or female Call 34ft 2419 leave message 2*0 ROOMMATES WANTED FEMALE ROOMMATf mature wanted to share house non smoker JtftOrmo plus 1'? util 4H4 2426 Ft MALE ROOMMATf non smoker likes cels wanted to share apt Ji iVmo plus 1/4 util phone 4H‘> 8086 LOOKING FOR someone to share nice house very close to * ampus wash/dryer. 5200 plus ubi 484 4 110 ROOMMATE share J br house Winter and Spring term Close to campus 524ft • utilities 48ft 2681 ROOMMATE to share \ bedroom house for winter spring term Close to campus 5?4ftutil 48ft ?681 25! •email r F Rif ND AND playmate for our 4 1/2 year old son appro* 1ft hrs/wk in our home Must tie reliable tun enthusias tic & respect and enjoy young people 5? hr * friendship with marvelous boy Tim or Julie at 683 ?ftft7 270 MEETINGS ASKLEPIADS will meet Tue* Ocl 10 ir» l entury Rm f of the I Mil an* required lo attend Pi it* will follow ; UH SPOUT •.WiM Tl AM 0«q.» > • il meelmy Wed (V. 1 11th 4 30 I’M l fligW.'" I’’ > MEET ANDY CLARK ASUO PRESIDENT SCOTT WYCKOFF ASUO VICE PRESIDENT FORUM ROOM 12:30 WEDNESDAY, OCT 11TH MUTUAL Of OMAHA CART ( R SI MIKAR I 'M ou' Atx.ul ,i lm.m ,41 <«»• t m Iho inn'-, vVtMln,",0a> o> 1. t>,*f 1 l(h (i ii1 H on pni I ,-Mlufy / | WU SAILING TEAM moeting Tuesday. Oct 10 6:00 Cedar F. EMU the last big meeting of In# i***on tpons-'"Kl by Club Sport* 275 EVENTS INCREDIBLE EXHIBITION AND SALE FINE ART PRINTS IMU Mem Desk Area Deli t sche* f’lcitio Monet etc All for only t# eech or any 3 for 113' Hurry for best selection*' PEACE CORPS OPPORTUNITIES Wb.ii d< Peace Corp* Volunteer* 1 Come and learn atmut the two ye-*' in tern itional .itMgrimnnh and talk t• > people who have done them Turn 10/10 3 30 !«• *» OOPM Maple Room f MU Film show Wed 10/11 12 00 Video Maple Rm EMU Wed 10/11 7 M)PM liumwood Room I MU Slide* and discussion Or stop by tbe t MU lobby all day Tue-. and Wed to gel more information Or tietler yet make an appointment to talk to Jake Du Dell Rea* o Corps Rep resentat've at Cjreor Planning and Pla* ement Service. Hendricks Mali Room 244 t>86 \2 35 2*0 ARTS A ENTERtAniMEirr ART CINEMAS 492 E 13th • 686-2458 [DISCOUNT IHOWS MfcVI Tu We Yk H V r'SuTV*SOt4^2a tar ana new anlwwM ^ I eyerie lre*n arewrel S*e weria THi SiCONO I ANIMATION CELEBRATION THE MOVIE MUST WHO SOON WTh*S0 i Wiaiame la an ur>«rS*e4a« CnefeA Pre* DEAD POETS mtALSDAY* Thru Th» 1S » a Mfitewma lee* at n RIGHT THING HMHSSrt w Su Th 11 00 ^ [ INDIANA JONES L ft THE LAST CRUSADE J [GHOSMS7f^S2J 300 esurasr PROBl I MS7 Call tbe UofO Crisis Cen ter for immediate personal counseling Strictly confidential 686 44H8 FOR INVITATIONS BROCHURES FLYERS P O ST E RS AND M O R E LETTER PERFECT GRAPHICS 300 EMU 686-4381 Advertise HERE FOR $1800 Call 686-3712 For information Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson YfS' its smenpovs HAM.' FRIEND Of FREEDOM' OPPONENT Of OPPRESSION ' LOVER OF UBERTV ' , GVtM moons of wwirte' CMflN < S7VHNR0VS nam<, 6 flAA OLD AL UR (GO ) WAS TWS.I PAfiES Of 80C-H& UOMt NCKK 10 RtAO' ITS TYRANNY' AUtOJGW ST1/HMWS COULD EASILY REM) THE ASSrtNMENT WltM STUPENDOUS MQiSPtEP I//S/CW, TWE MASKED MAN Of MIGHT WAS - ,A BOLDER ttAH ' , I WITH STVjWKKttS «*HERS Of KIA'jONINC. THt CARD COWBATAH! COHCUfOf^ TUIJ4S NO NTtD TO# HC*«t*K*¥ If rx«s mo scmiku