UPPER FLOOR "W* ( .isiimn a i mu/t/ct 1 (lurlcss Kf rf|ihii GROUND FLOOR ' * ( ouilrw Kuphu Don’t miss a great catch. . . Pick up an ODE football program each Friday before home games. Complex Continued from P.w 1 into the J 1st century." Hvrne said "In terms of recruiting." I!\ me said. "I think we i an bring m three to live heller players a v ear t he 88.000 square foot com ple\ is being financed primari l\ by bonds and in kind contri billions The in kind contrihu lions Hvrne noted, are going "into all of the steel and .ill of the wood The first phase of the projei I is nearing i ompletion while the < ontrai I for the set ond phase will be bill on this spring The sei ond phase w ill be the lowest level of the i ornplex whii h w ill house the loi ker rooms lAervthing now in McArthur ( mill will lie moved out to the Casanova Complex All atllletii olfii es in Mai Court and Cerliilger Hall will lie at the Casanova Complex A Walk of l ame a tribute to all former Hoik atllletii greats will also bo in the complex H\ me Ieels that not only w ill the atllletii department and athletes benefit from the new complex, but so will the entire student body "The wrestling team will move out there and that w ill free up areas in Kss linger." Hvrne said "There will be more areas available lor the plivsu al edut ation i lasses The student bodv will notice us do nig III.it bet arise there will be more efficient use of far ilities The biggest, and most need od ( hange will lie in the im provement in weight room and locker room facilities The current weight room .it Autzen is minuscule in com parison to most around the I’ac It) and the c ountrv. encompass ing only 1.r>00 sijuare feet The weight room in the Casanova Complex will he over 12.000 square feet The Aut/en locker rooms are another source of frustration. The i urrent lo< ker room can onh dress 00 adequately . while the new lot ker room will have showers, bathrooms and dress ing facilities that can accommo date I 2"i players Two other small attrai lions u ill he housed in the complex "We'll move our tii ket office out there, hut still have one at Mac Court." Byrne said "We ll also have a small hook store out there, coordinated with the t'niversity bookstore to sell Oregon memorabilia to our fans Hvrne has been pleased with the support behind the Cas a nova (Complex "I was in Portland last week and I wasn’t turned down one time for tickets in the master skv suite." he said "Oregon is the premiere University in the state and people like to he assn (dated with it Continued from Page 13 mn ct knew w ho was killed in \’ietnam Director Norman Jewison shows that he is a master of pen eption and juxtaposition The film's opening si ene is it self a masterpiece A speech given to Army men as they are about to leave for Vietnam slowly evolves into the speei h at Samantha's graduation I bis sequent e perfectly illustrates the relationship between the problems of Samantha and Km met This si ene contains a very effective montage where the peri eption of eai h member of a unit is illustrated .is they en counter Viet (long fire During this sequence, time is sus pended and eai h soldier's lai e is examined while the sounds of gunshot r.ige in tin- bat kground I nne m the visual sense is suspended while the audio continuity remains This method is particularly effective merely for the sake of dramatic emphasis It also gives a sense of surrealism since the audiences' senses are disjoint ed by the separation of our senses This lieautiftilly illustrates the insanity of the situation if deals with Vietnam plays an important role in the film on a stiperfi i ml level, hut the main theme concerns the healing process Many of the plot elements concerning Samantha seem to sug gest a corning of age. and this introduces the coin ept of grow mg up. both literally and spiritually Kmmet is able to "grow lip,"accept his memories of Vietnam and get on with his life Samantha eventually finds contentment y\ith her lack of a father Moth have related problems at the beginning of the film and by the end resolve them through a series of concrete, progressive actions A road trip to the Vietnam memorial in Washington is a near perfer t metaphor for this process Vietnam films take many forms Kamilv relation films take many forms as well Kvery once in a while, it's nice to find one that is both, but neither In Country is such a film Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU PETER. I'M TALK- SAZCAUT. ino uve, to m &ush PEA INSPECTOR A&E SOfCTWEU TOUPUSTO NAIL'A PRLKbOOr / I ANPWHAT THE PRE&PEHT UJAHTS, Hems, PETER' THIS EIRE SQUAD IS MCMN6 A eUTTTEPJHO PAM IHTO place oursiPf a notorious new Wt Rt 601 NO IN NOU! P67&R' UJf'Rt ON TH£ MOVE' 6-XP&C T to see rock1 ewtcnosee human qakbs&e > zma mo 6070601' RJ6HT Ht#£, iw * frP\s XACii 15 THAT SOMEONE AT THE DOOR, MAMA* MOST UKEEi THOSE DARN UPS’ \ You can find stamps & envelopes at the UO Bookstore.