_Encore!_ War movie breaks mold B\ Gerald While Emerald Contributor Them ,irr an awful lot of "Vietnam" films coming out latolv Some of them .ire good (Full Met.il ],u krt\ and others are not |II.i noi Hilton) When I saw the public itv tor In Cnuntn I must < unless I approai heel it with a sense ol dread feeling somewhat annoyed I though "Oil boy Yet another Vietnam movie don't people real _Movie Review_ ize this has been done to death?' Hut out of a sense of loyalt\ to Kmih Lloyd (whose only other film up to now was David Inland's brilliant Wish You Mere Urn') I went to see it I must sav I was pleasantly surprised In Cnuntn is not a "Vietnam movie " by any definition ol the term It is about Vietnam in a roundabout sort of a way. but that's most definitely not w hat makes up the real meat of this film It concerns the problems of a Vietnam vet named Knimet (Bruce Willis) and Samantha, his niece who lives with him (Lloyd) Both experience grief relating to the war Km met suffers from mild psychosis because of his combat experienc es and Kmilv feels a sense of emptiness and longing concerning the father she Turn to Movie, Page 14 It's a dirty job... Students from the I :niversit\ Inn untied into the murk\ nullr.it e on Sunil.n . retriev ing .in assortment ot items running from howling hulls to In ing room furniture The ef fort In students In oil; along the millrnce m,irked the hienni.il Commiinit\ \tillrnco Cleanup Project Photo by Steve (larit STAP-T PP.^67 v. TutuEV \ MtPPlt ISC. Ft 'f'Er MOf^STtATo c£ TMC^-OVC K £ DK (S £ \ iV^PTT fc£> fU>L o^Porfe^ — \Wtc mees PeBH.£vn4N^ ^ I TOfi-N E? LTt&lf ori. RJfcjHTS A ¥t“" 'vp£D"RI/VJrS/ B,a* ISK OK»PBW>*xd PPTT-m & fAN.s I [^Ewj 3. . v* $Rl£j-JhtLOwCRS aaain^t ae>T CCPS &M c V \ KXOX \ cr-es , NiyiLU Co*\P UTIAiA / CfAJTE*. PPESi DFblT I Annual Riot Week Jamboree Leroy's muscles just went into rigor mortis. Help him get to the Microcomputer Support Lab. But remember, he's allergic to dairy products, riot cops and Dobermans. Get Leroy off dead-center. The mix of high-powered course work and high powered fire hoses have overloaded his circuitry. Don't let academic and daily anxieties put you in the same position. Get rock-bottom prices on Apple Macintosh, IBM PS/2, Zenith Data Systems. Claris, Ashton-Tate and Microsoft products. We ll meet you at the demonstration. Our free one. Microcomputer Suoport Lab Room 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday 9 a.m - 5 p.m. 686 - 4402