Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 10, 1989, Page 11, Image 11

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Texas coach unaware of violation
Al'STIN. Texas |AI’| University of lex
as assistant l.vnn Amedee said Mundav that
while lie received $18.1100 last year under a
personal-services contract from University of
Florida football coai.li l.alen II.ill. he didn't
know the arrangement may have violated
N( 1AA rules
‘"The money was paid b\ Galen to me for
those services I had no idea it was am kind of
violation It was cleared b\ im head roach
he said
"I have been in this business for -lr> years
and I don't break NCAA rules," said Amcdee
who joined l IT this year as offensive ( oordina
Hall resigned from Florida on Sunday
amid ( barges that included making unreported
payments to Amedee and another assistant
coach in violation of NCAA rules
Under NCAA rules, coaches may .urept
outside income for such things as speaking en
gagements and < linns provided the income is
reported to the institution where they are em
David Berst. the NCAA's executive direr
tor of enforcement, said that neither Texas nor
Amedeo would bo subjet I to sanctions
It is a violation Horst told tho Austin
Atnerit an-Statexman in response to a hvpo
(helical question about whelhei mu n pa\ is
Pav for coaches is to bo controlled and
approved bv tbo institution onls If .1 bead
coaefi or .1 boostor downtown is doing it it's
not in llu‘ control ot tbo institution, lie said
Asked if Amedeo i mild be sublet t to sunt
lions. Horst said. No Hut I suppose the msli
tution (Florida) could be
lev.is athletics tiiret tor Do Loss Dodds said
he didn't expet t to take am action against
Amedeo said he is 1 out filtrating on this
weekend s game against Oklahoma
Longhorns couch David McWilliams said
he 1 onsidered the I lorida 1 ase closed
"We've had our people diet king into it
thoroughlv and don't feel that am wrongdoing
has been done." McWilliams said Ihe first
people that you would want to 1 bet k with on
something like this is the Nt'AA anti we have
done that The\ don't have anything on
\ nn
Top Pac-10 players
u aim i i ki:i:k. (:.iht i \i»)
Steve Broussard of Washing
ton State, who ran for 21)5
yards against I Ircgon on Satnr
day, n.is named Pin du 1(1 ot
fensive |d.iyer ot the week by
the ( oiderem e on Monday
l.mehnc ker (aalg I lay is ot
l td.A was named the top de
fensive player, and ku ker Rob
bio keen of California v\as < ho
sen from spe< i.d teams
Broussard. .1 senior from l.os
Angeles. carried the ball It
lirni's. ,i s( lux>1 record, iiiul
posted the i onferem e's highest
single-game rushing total this
season in llit- (a>ugars' ri 1 IH
\ k tory over (Iregon
Davis, .i senior from Tucson,
m.nli1 1 i tai kins and assisted on
four others in the drums' it 14
\ n torv over Arizona State
Keen a junior from l ir.tuge
\ ale (!.i111 k ii ked a Ml \ aril
field goal in the fourth quarter
to help preserve (!.d's l!li J 1
\ h lor\ over San lose Stale
Oregon falls from top 25
I nr the mm mill limn this season the (Irngon liiotli.tll team has
t.iIlt*n Irnm the \ssm i.ited I’rrss Top J > lootliall pul! jtisl one week
alter being n,uni'il In tin- pull
Tin- llutks who were rated .Mril Iasi mrl were absent Iruin
llm poll llus week following llmir >1 111 loss to I’m ilii 111 rival
Washington Slate
rile I Bulgers moved Mill) the top .’II tills week follow mg the
win over ()regon. Waslti union Stale is l mil with Air lone a I 171 h
alter a rating ol .Ms! Iasi week
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