_Inside_ ■ doming Out Day, Page 4 ■ Peace Corps on campus, Page 4 ■ Outdoor enthusiasts. Page 5 ■ Rioter sentenced. Page ti Oregon Dailyw ¥ Emerald Tiit‘sd,i\ (). tol>er in. 1'iH‘i Kiigrui1 Ori’^on Volume '• 1 \umbei .VI College students in danger of spreading AIDS Doctor informs audience about risks of irresponsible drug use, sex By Stephanie Holland Emerald Reporter College ( ampuses tire prime spots for the future spread of the MIX' v irus, said Dr Richard keeling, chairman ol the National All )S Task l on e m a speech Monday night. keeling who directs the Student Health Center at the Cniversily of \ ir ginia's medical center and who is also the American College Health Assoeia tion s chairman on the National AIDS Task lone told his audience in the KMC that AIDS cases are decreasing among homosexual men. while cases .ire ini reusing among heterosexual peo ple and IV drug users "Major, very impressive changes in sexual behavior ami in community stun dards about sexual behavior based on [aide and self-esteem in guv .ununi ties, have resulted in tremendous drops in in tec t ion rates, vvhic h are now paying off in great drops m the rate of diagnosis of AIDS keeling said Public health servic es ex|>et t the fu ture heterosexual transmission of the IIIV epidemic to focus in two plac es. he said. I he first is among the sexual partners of IV drug users \iui Ihen tlmit sexual partners .mil then their sex i i.i I port him s heel mu ...ml ■ I he second is among sexually ai live |ieople In-tween It- and Jit vrars of age who have more than two or three sexual partners every five years That de si rihes a lot ot people on ( ollege i am puses.'' he said "So Ihe major concern ot people at the puhlii health service is that both h\ ua\ of age and hv was of prohahiliH college campuses are a likel\ spot tor further spread of the eptdemii of 111\ heeling said "lor most people on college cam puses, though, the issue is not so nun It preserving life or prodilr tivit\ in the far e ot known 111 \ in lei lion, the issue is preventing lll\ infection in Ihe lust pint e The sexual transmission of lll\ is mainly condur ted tiv anal or vaginal in ten ourse heeling said Ihe exact risk level ot oral sex is unclear though it is assumed to he lower than that ot inter course "The hot tom line is whether you are male or female gu\ or straight, active or passive, having anal or vaginal sex d the other person involved has lll\ and VOU don't use protection, vou inav Ik infer ted lit' said In \n«itr Kartirn The l.en Casanova Complex at Aut/.en Stadium nears comple tion of the first phase of construction. The second phase, which includes locker rooms, will begin this spring. Casanova Complex nears finish B\ Ashley ( onklin finer.ild Sports Reporter (fregon iithletii diret tot Hill Herne has none ,i long way in building Anl/.en Stiidium into .1 complete .11liI<*111 (.» ilitv first whs the completion ol nine skvboxes .mil one master sh\ suite on the noith side ol Ant /en for the I'ttut loot bull si'iison Now. the lust ph.ise ot the I.en dasanma Complex has been completed with the entire project to be lunshed m early l'i‘t 1 Named loi Oregon's longtime football coach and <11 filet it dnei tin the two-story strm tore will provide bigger and bettei loi her rooms and weight rooms as well as oftn es lor all Dm k ath let i< personnel. Thr complete projet I ot 11it• skvboxe.x sk\ suite .mtl ( .isiiiiuva (’• > in |»I t*x will ( iisl nearly S 1 l i mil lit 111 11lit c < (mi|iloled, \\ illi t In1 < i.is.i uovii ( (implex prun'd costing .in estimated SKI mil lion ( trcgon li \ndrr Ntnlrri When finished, the Casanova Complex will house all University athletic personnel and im proved weight and locker rooms.