Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 09, 1989, Page 9, Image 9

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Cougars win scoring duel with scattered Ducks
Broussard runs Webtoot defense ragged
By Ashley Conklin
Emerald Sports Reporter
Steve Broussard ran rough
shod over the Oregon defense
but it was more than his
individual i (fort taking Wash
ington State over the Dm ks
51 JH at Autzen Stadium on
The (iougars. known for then
spread tile lield explosive pass
ing attar k estahl ished the i till
first and then used the passing
game to burn Oregon belore
4-4,'ltki hills the second largest
attendance figure in Autzen
Broussard ran for a i areer
_Pac-10 Football—
learn ( on I Over,
\N I I W l
l S( 2 0-0 1 I (
UCLA 10 0 2 it
W ashington St 2-1-0 » I t
Arizona 2 10 i-2-C
Oregon 2-2-0 1-2-1
Oregon SI l i t) 2 2-(
Stanford 12-0 1-44
Arizona St 0-0-0 I 1-1
C alitorma 0-2-0 It
Washington 0-2-0 2 H
high 2or> yards on -11 carries,
hut Washington Slate ilorninal
ed the same in all a spin Is
rushing, passing, spec nil teams
to drop the Ducks to 2-2 in
Pacific-10 play ami 1-2 overall
while the Cougars improved to
2-1 and f> l respectively
"I think obviously our de
fense did not play very well."
Oregon head i oat h Kit h Hrooks
s.iid "A total reversal of List
week when we played out
standing, hut we had break
downs in every phase
"We turned the hall over on
offense, we had a blocked punt,
we allowed too many vards on
kii koff returns several times
and gave Washington State
good field position." Hrooks
said. "It was a fairlv good < ol
lapse in most areas
(begun got m ,i I>i>4 hnlc early
mi. trailing 21) t) .it halftime
I lie Dm ks played lietler in the
se( und half hut the (intense
just (iiuhlnt stop Hrmiss.inl
and redshirt freshman ipiarter
liar k Aaron (.an ta trum making
the big play u hell the ( nilgais
needed it
' When it (minted " I)u( k
nose tai kle David Cusano said
'they eame up vvith the big
Washington State Oregon
games have traditionally been
high scoring, and obviously
this was no e\i option I he
Dmks beat the Cougars J i 28
in I’ullman a year ago. but tin
like a year ago when Derek
l.nville and balm iferry e.n h
rushed lor over 10(1 yards l Ire
gon had no ground game this
The Ducks had unl\ ha rush
iug yards on 2H i .irries In all
fairness. Hill Musgrave had
prnb.ibly the best day of Ins ( a
reel completing 2') of I'l pass
es fur <i career-high yards
Add It all up and ( begun bail
102 yards of total offense Hut
the inability to move the hall
on the ground yy.is a (rushing
Ur couldn't run (he l)<iil el
IccliveK on them, which I was
concerned about going in.”
Brooks said I felt and I think
I mentioned to sometiodv this
week, lh.it it we got in a si or
mg contest with them we'd he
in trouble hoc ause their defen
sive front is very good and ver\
physic al They're leg and ■ |n 11 k
and they’re not sixth in the na
lion m rushing defense for
( tregon looked good earlv in
the game when ( dins Oldham
all 5-fool ') of him. leaped high
in the air to intercept a (iarcia
pass intended for Tim Stall
worth at the Washington Stale
l-l yard line and returned it to
the t>
llowevei three plays gained
only Iwii yards and Ihr Ihiiks
had to settle toi .1 2 t \.1111
(’.rrgg \l( ( .ilium held goal and
.1 < l) ll'.lll
I hr ( ougars vv.istrd litllr
lime in i oining I'.ii k .nut gain
mg .ill I lr.nl
Stallworth rrtumrii tin ensu
ing kn knit to thr Washington
Sl.itr t I vard lair I loin thro
two (farcin to l ‘<i Ivin (Iriggs
passes in tli in I down situations
produc ed lust downs i hr (loll
gars drove to the I t hrtorr the
drive stalled and |ason Hanson
hooted a Hi yard field goal
Then ( amr one ol the biggest
pla\ s ot the i oiliest
On fourth-ami-It) from its
own 2' Oregon let Anthony
Prior him k Mao Pen so s pant
and Prior s le.antliate Paul ( an
pu krd it up and st.noted til
vards toi the tout luiow a
The him krd punt was a lug
play rat !y . Hrooks said "We
had a him king assignment
where we Hal turned someone
loose on our punter I le didn't
punt it slow or anvlhing We
lust didn't him k someone
Another Washington State
drive went till yards in nine
play s to an l ease the lead to
III on a 12 vard tirld goal In.
I l.aison
I'lie I )uc ks i ,imi- right I),ii k
with .1 scy i-ii play. nH \ -iril
drive Ini! i mild nnl> garner .i
In-Id goal In puli u ithin I l l>
()n first and Hi troni the ()rr
gon 20. Mnsgruve lot Dondre
liauslry up over tin' middle
Hausluy lirnkf ,i lat kli- und
vvi'iit 4fi yards tin the pl.iv1.
diiwn In llic Washington Statu
t'i A Musgrave In |i-tl Ihnnia
Mill (IHlipIl-lHHI vvt-nt lur 12
yards In the 2.1 for a lirst down,
hut Ihu (Iron limit'd tin I In- 22
and Mt ( .ilium split the up
rights with a to yard tu-ld goal
Not to he outdont'. (irons
sard’s running and (iartia's
arm tjuit kly mart.lied tin- (am
Turn to C ougars, Page I 1
II \iiii i< looking Ini Minn ill.111 slinlllr
Halils in hnsincss mi i iiii^s. i .Hi li llu Vi" s
"lll^lll |)l.lll " As .1 II.IMlI .IM.llol. Mill W
ii'scisrd Mini si ,il (ill .1 lliglil In If minnow
As llu* | H Ini. Mill l .III ( l ll III nl (illi nl lilt*
nmsi so|iliisiii .lied .uni.ill t'M'i llown. Il'ing
.il sii|)<'iv)liii spreds 11111 ,iln i\c llu* in ('.ill
It Mill ir (lie lllglll ntlii ci vou i .m 0|K*IUI<
llu* l.ilcst cnmpulrii/rd \m*.i|mms .mil
il.i'igalion s\ sit-ins ,i\.iil.il ilc .m\u I in c
You'll' III (llUlgf. .Illll 'Mill Mllll \.l"
training Min\c giil wh.it il i.ikrs In ll\
confitlfiiih into llu- high let li "mill nl
toinono" Viol I mill |itlis icu.ml soil "illi
11 If l('.lll('lshi|) II I.list's In m.lkc Mini I .Ill'll
It .ill' lake nil
You If t'.linUlg gOOtl |l.l' .111(1 I Will Ills 111 >111
llw si.ill. iih hiding !hl ill vs paid 'at alion
can it'd tat 11 'tat .is "ill .is lot* iihi lit .il .Hid
tit-lil.il i .lie
lo i|ii,ilil'. 'mi must Ik- I'I'Jli. have a IV\
in liS dfglff. pass an aptitude li st and
plnsital examination. and lie a t S tili/t'ii
Representative at Placement Center on
Wednesday October 11th, 10-3pm or call
You are'Tomorrow.
You are the Navy.
G»v* you' a p'CU'V. fv' .i -«* fiy njy.ng .f
!yp**.**> at leMe» P»*»v«. • .'<*{ ' - f M1
t’hulii hv Hill ILinrs
M Sl s Calvin Crifles' Mi-van! lout htlown y-rah over IKirvI
keeil frustratml the Dili ks' ilelrnsii in a .'5/-.7H nmi/i.
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