Study finds students lack basic knowledge College seniors fail history test By Tamara Henry Assoc iated Press WASHINGTON (AIM A Columbus I)a\ poll suggests one fourth of Amerii an college seniors either never heard or do not re member the < hildhood ditty "In 140J Golumbus sailed the (K ean blue." In addition to finding one in four do not know Christopher Golumbus made bis famous landing in the Western Hemisphere prior to the year 1500, the Gallup Poll suggests considerable igno ranee of other basil fa< ts about history and literature Nearly t>0 percent did not know the Korean War started when Harry S. Truman was president. 58 percent did not know that Wil liam Shakespeare wrote 77ie Ii'niprsl and nearly a quarter believed a famous saving from Karl Marx is part of the G S Constitution "If the students' answers were to be graded, more than half of those tested would have failed." concluded the survey, which was condui ted for the National endow ment for the Humanities Armed with the survey results. NKI1 Chairman I.ynue Cheney called Sunday for colleges and universities to revise their curric ula so undergraduates study "essential areas of know ledge In ,i booklet titled "50 Hours." she outlined a suggested core curric ulum for ( ollege students Responding to tier admonition several college presidents esscn tiallv told the N'RII i liiet in more or less polite terms either to mind her own business or that she was behind the limes The follow ing are some ot the Callup Roll highlights • J-) pen ent of the college seniors surveyed thought Columbus landed in the U ester n Hemisphere some time alt ei CUM I • I J pen ent ( oil Id not plat e t he ( i \ 11 \\ a I III the i inie< t h.ilt t i'll lur\ • mi percent did not know that Shakespeare was the authui 1 d The Tempi's!, hut ‘15 peri ent knew that Mark I'wam wioli Hu \d\rn tilin', nl llin klnbnrn l inn • 58 percent did not know Truman was president when the Korean War began I I percent thought it started when |ohn I Kennedy was president • , , pro ent ( ouhl not identify the Magna < I art a • 2 i pert ent believed that Mai x s phrase l .. h aa his ability to eat h .h i ording to Ins need is part ot the I S ( on stitution A< ( ending In the surves I'l pun ''ill of thr e ollege seniors failed thi- 4>i question history sec linn On tin1 piirlinn nl the surves desot i-il tn literature svhie h i (insisted of lit «| n<*st i • >i . * »H |>rn ml of I In * students I.tiled Chene\ s.tid main colleges and universities allow students to earn bachelor's degrees without taking courses in histors Idem tore science or mathematics and she urges trustees and admmis tralors to support lac nils members w ho are working to strengthen general educ ation requirements Cheney's core curriculum suggest studs in five basic areas of knowledge 1H hours in cultures and civilizations including the origins of i ivili/.ation and other c is ilizatiuns such .is in Aim a. Fsast Asia and Islam: lit hours in a foreign language preferabls more advanced courses in a language studied in high sc hool. six hours in the c one epls nl mathematic s: eight hours in foundations of the natural sc lenc es and six hours in the soc ial sc ieuc es and the mod ern ss orld Tin* ( oiirsrs should [»' taugm m small < lassrs ami m an mn^rai nl t.ishion mi for example students reading Descartes' phi losophv m .1 western i ivili/ation ( nurse .in- reminded ul his i ontri hut unis to k s Cheney said She also suggested the ( lasses he taught b> til.Holie s must distinguished l.u ult\ janies I ’nderwoud dean of fat ulty at I nioii < ollege in Si hem-c lath. \ Y i rit it l/ed the Mill for rei ommeml I ng a "superficial rigid. and illiprat tit al ' college c urriculum He added that I 'nion ( o I lege this fall began a general edui atimi i urrii ilium w it h an em phasis on history and literature A reform relies so heavily on the traditional western i ivili /ulion course runs the risk of a dangerous superlit talilv. said I 11 derwood " The western civili/alion i nurse tries to do everything and demands for its sun ess the mvtliical Kenaissani e man as tear her I listen should he taught by hroadK educated historians and literature by professors of literature Similar sentiments were echoed In Michigan State I’resident John DiBicggio. who said the sr hool alreads lias gotten an revised i mi n ulum approved by the communitv and hoard of trustees The Gallup survey included i t questions taken from a l'ltit. Mill tended survey of 17 year-olds and five questions from ex.inu nations that the I’ S Immigration and Naturalization Service ad ministers to prosper live American citizens Grading the 87-question survey on the standard A to i- sc ale, where si oring less than till percent correct constitutes a failing grade. 55 percent of the students would have earned an I An ad clitional JO percent would have received a I) Only 11 percent of the respondents would have earned ail A or If The Gallup survey of ti*»t> seniors was c undue led between April 4 and April 27. using a self administered test booklet It had a 4 per cent margin of error The partic ipating students attend 07 four-year American colleges and universities, both public and private New in town? You're new on campus and everything is unfamiliar—your friends—your housing—your classes—Can you trust a new hairstylist? The answer is Precision Cuts. You've heard the name—it is a name you can trust for great haircuts. 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