—Community. Florence resident rests after shot by policeman I'l.OKI'.NCK (Al’) A 2(1 year old m.m shot nt Mir hip In >rine.xtrr with tlir IBM Personal System/l!. ( hoose Irom Ii\r complete packages ol hardware am) software - a 11 al special low student prices. \\ hats more. when \ou pur chase a PS/2.‘ yim can p‘t the exciting new PHODHiV serx ire al It'.- than hall I hr retail price? Strike while the prices are hot. Pi< k the I ’S/ll that s ri^ht for sou. Memory Processor 3.5' diskette drive Fixed disk drive Micro Channel' architecture Display Mouse Software Price Model 25 8525 001 640Kb 8086 (8 MHz) 720Kb 20Mb Monochrome Yes DOS 4 0 Microsoft • Windows 286 hDC Windows Express’” $1,499 Model 30 286 8530 E21 1Mb 80286 (10 MH/i 1 44Mb 20Mb 8513 Color Yes DOS 4 0 Mh rosott Windows 286 Word 5 0‘ hOC Windows E * press nEK' Windows Manager " hDC Window s Color ■* S2.299 Model 50 Z 8550 031 1Mb_ 80380(10 MH/j 1 44Mb 30Mb Yes 8513 Cokx Yes DOS 4 0 Munisolt Windows ,’8te (4308/00?) ttn Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center Hours: Mondav-Friday 0am - 5pm 686-4402 *Mk Word and E *ce» are the A* adem* l dittoes This otter >s limited to qualified students faculty and staff who yder an I8M PS ? Model 8525 001 8530 E21 8550 031 8555 061 or 8570 E61 on or before October 31 1989 Prices quoted do not include sales ta< handling and/or processing charges Checfc with *our institution reganftng these charges Orders are subfect iu availably IBM may withdraw* the promotion at any time without written notice BM MW „ • a .Me"- 4x3fv-. . !'***'• »•••. i »a* -.f knew V-- .*• 8.. . M# (■**>% .fpoWian M. ? s a '«•; ■.w*jt»*ji*ewfc ■ M« • f^s-ort POTOO . f«y-stereo•',«.>*'’W* ■*, ap*Mn«fsnc 'l6M*n«j tears hDC Wmdow*t«preM nt* Window* Manager and KX A -k>*\ ,»or are tfadtmtrfc* jT hOC impute* - 803H6O a'ddOJfie are itatte^'W* ■. ••! hm epceation .. BMCorp t909 Health director speaks tonight Sl'IAKKKN l)r Kic hard heeling ilnoi lot nt the Amerii .tn (.ollege Health Association .tutl the National Allis Network will speak to _Et als_ nielli at 7 Hi in the I AH I n Room Ni l Kl I I I KS The following groups and or ganizations will Im holding in terviews Submit bids lor intrr views from today until Wednesday. 244 Ilendrii ks Hall lor the following re< Millers (no bids nei ossary for group meetings!: • (hi. 2.1 Hatlelle Northwest Hil«)ralones |si ientisl. rosea it h m inntist I Nippon Motorol.i. 1.1 * I (pro i I 2 1 from 7 to K p.m in KMl' ( a'iitur\ Room I) Meier K Frank Open house. Oct 24 from Id a.m to I p m in Oerlinger Lounge Target Stores (area manager trainee) group meeting. 7 to >t i) m in KMl 1 (iedar Room I • Oct. 25 Baxter I liil 1 lealth i.ire dorp I’ll.irm.ise.il Division (stall nc ( militant). | H Hunt Transport (managei trainee) group meeting, ()( t 24 7 to ll .lll p 111 in TAB ' ( ie Bar Room T. T S Marine Corps. KMl' in a.m. to 2 pin. • Oct. 26 Chevron dorp (ac countant assistant accounting development program), mini mum CPA 3.00 drant. Thornton. Account ants and Management Consult ing (Kntry-level act ountant) Russell Stover dandies (sales representative) Baxter-Hill Healthcare dor))., same as Oi l 25. • Oct. 27 Peat. Marwick. Main i4 do (entry level accountant), minimum CPA 3.30 United Telephone Co. of the Northwest (schedule No. 1 staff accountant; schedule No 2 customer service/market ing revenue). ) It 1 hint Transport. same .is Oil 25. Deadline for submitting Kl als to the Emerald Iront desk. KMl' Suite too. is noon the day before publication. Kt als run the da\ of the event unless the event occurs before noon Kvents v\ ith a donation or ad mission charge will not he < on sidered Campus events and those s( heduled nearest the publication date will be given prioritv The Emerald reserves the right to edit noth es for grammar and style Is student health insurance cutting into your budget? Call lhe Garr> I Lula) Corporation ami find out how \ou ran sase hundreds of dollars GARRY F. UDAV President Insurance Broker Investment Broker 4X4-6SS5 GW, • \Kk't f I.IDM Open 24 Hours kinko's Great copies Great people Save some money!! Use ODE coupons.