Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 09, 1989, Page 4, Image 4

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Somebody's going to win a free Macintosh.
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Want a great looking flyer for an upcoming event?
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Alumni gift benefits
new business center
Second major
gift to University
K\ Chris Bouneff
hncr.ild Assoc i.ile Editor
I in the mm mid timi' in as
main nooks the I nivursitv is
taking advantage of a now stair
program to receive matching
innds for a S I million gilt from
a ( aideirnia <lrv’trlnpor
The donation, made last fall
In alumus ( diaries l,und(|nist to
tlir linsmrss si hool. should
11 it ■! 1 i f \ lor the Slate System ol
I Uglier l < 1 in alum's I didim
moot tni lAcellence Program
wliii h promises matching
Innds for am endou meiit ap
proved lor the program In the
higher ediu at ion tio.ird
The endowment plus the
mail long Innds will i reate tout
professorships m the new
( diaries II l.undquist Center loi
Uusmess Development, whiidi
will toms on entrepreneurial
It's pisl that it look me a
long time getting around to dr
termining what I wanted to do
with the major gilt l.undquist
said about the deia\ between
the time donation was made
and I rida\ s annoiincemenl
l.undquist said most business
school i onises toms only on
m.iioi i orporations and how
linn real I in different business
situal ions
"Of equal of possibly grealei
important <• is beginning Imsi
nesses or sole proprietorships
I.tiM<i(|uist said "Up until now
there hits been very little at a
demit preparation tor lh.it
As l.n as establishing new
protiut ts new servii es and
new |uhs small businesses ver\
definitely are major players in
the e( imomv he said
I ‘Diversity President Myles
brand and Oregon State Hoard
i it I ligher I'.dm at ion President
Kit hard llenslev both spoke at
the ceremonies dedicating the
I .tllldipiist ( a'tllet
I in i onlident that the
I nndipiist ( enter w ill put us in
the heart ol Oregon's rebirth,
and both the public and private
sei tins will look to lls (or lead
etship ' brand said
brand again raised the issue
ol fac ulty salaries and said the
endowment will help in re
i miting and retaining the best
people m the field for the
I tllldipiist ( amtei
Most importantly is that out
students be i hallenged b\ the
ver\ fines! faculty members."
brand said "Without them our
students w ill go elsewhere
I he University has .breach
Charles l.undquisl
qualified one donation made
two weeks ago b\ Kllgene busi
ness woman Carolyn Chambers
for slate matc hing funds
Chambers, who owns local
station kK/.l-TV, donated $1
million to create an endowed
chair m the (lollege of Business
Administration and two proles
sorships in the Si bool of |nm
I lensley said the I hii versitv
has been (he most aggressive in
taking advantage of the mati b
mg funds program
Henslev. who is chairman of
biniger I'ruMiv in Medford
said the Universits could besl
serve the state by studying
small businesses, which is the
foi us of the I .undtpiisl (lentei
W e in the small busines.
area in (fregon are in Ini t big
business." Henslev said
"large business 01 small we
are all very dependent upon a
\ erv heallln and lin n mg s\ s
loin id higher edu< alion
It the state loses Its edge ill
higher education, then the edge
in business is also lost. I lensley
I.undquist. a I’orlland native
who graduated from flit1 I ni
versitv business si hool in I'M-.'
is chairman of flu- board of
(amt mental Development (imp
and its subsidiaries of I .os An
geles and San I'ram isco
Moreover. I.undquist is the
founder and hoard < hairman of
tile LAX International Business
Lenler. an association ol lead
ing developers, hotel operators
airlines, financial institutions
and other businesses in the Los
Angeles International Airport
I.undquist said lie conies to
Oregon at least four times a
year to see the I'niversitv cam
pus and visit his brother in
300 Erb Memorial Union. 10 00 - 2 00 M • E 686-4381
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