EMU Board decides to accept mural By Brian Blot h Emerald Assot iato Editor I he I Ml Board on Friday < onsidered .1 proposal from the Ohicano and l.alino student union |Mid !h A) to plat e a mu ral in one of three .ire,is around the I ishbow I Although no final de< ision was real bed due pending < on sullation with the 1 ni\orsity l’hvsit al Plant the board did agree that it wished to .11 1 opt the mural and plat e it some \\ here m the building The mural depii Is I atino i ul _EMU Board_ tun* .ind history and was paint cd this stiinnirr In art is| Marta K.iiniic/ l ilt* large cohirt 111 mural was ohl,lint'd In Ml rh.\ .it .1 cost ot S 1.0011 .1 in I ili inati'il In tin KMI said MKtihA Director Kdd\ lie.mi's Tin* painting is reportedly worth mure than S ' nun "It means a lot to our t ultlire and we'd like to donate 't to the KMI Beanes said Ml .I 'h A ineinhei s said tile group donated the mural at its tnv n t osl het ause thin teel it is important to ret ogni/e the l.ati 1101 ultiire and its present e at the I'lin ersits "Since the 1 niversitx opened linn \e had nothing expressing mil culture said MK( ItA memljei At inaiido Mo rales l liis is to add diversil\ to our building and our t ampus said memhei I redth ViIt lies file hoard is considering three locations for the mural \IK( liA's tirsl t lion e tot plat e merit ot the mural is the hin k wall next to the tlisplax booth on the stair landing between tin' KMI' main entrain e and the Ballroom I he group s sei ond t lit>it e is above the tlisplax w uidow be tween the KMI main entrant e and the inside entrant e to the SCANNING GRAPHICS SCANNING AND OCR TEXT RECOGNITION FOR MACINTOSH AND IBM PCS S'CA'N'N'E'R'S P8ANKIIN PARK PIA7A •» SI20 (RANKIIN #IV0 EUGENE 747 4589 FUTOMS! 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I'hntu > Mark ^ Irn I redil1 l ih hrs ill Ml ( h 1 Helds (/ijcs/ni/is .iIuiiiI .1 niiii.il lh.it will be pl.iieil within the I Ml I ishlxm I I! iifitlicr d( thusr options .in' h'.lslhlt' till' l>l'otip 11 .IN 11H kt'd .1 third |>i>ss11>11• loi.ition mi the l.irgc, lowt'i hm k u.ill l»»*lvvi*i*n tin- I ishbowl I'lfviitoi .mil tin' I All ( inirt\ aril, diii'itk .11 mss hum ihr grim .1111 0 huuth Thi' hu.ird will now lonsult with thf I im its 11 \ 1‘hysit .il I’l.llll III ills! 11V, I lists .lllll Il'.ISl hi 1 it % ul pl.11 ing thu 1m1r.1l in 1 '.ii h 1 it thu th 1 i l- lui .itinns "U I- i .111 p.n .ill thf muni's tu pul it up •'.ml Mm.tit's I think it's ,i hr.ml 1I111 mm.d and there's no i|ueslinn v\ lu-tli nr nr mil vve should lirnl a |ilai r lor it said I rank (leltner I All Muard iiicint MKt HA vs ill |>ti-s,i• 111 the pin pnsal again after the details are i onsidered In other board business memlrers nlei ted Mats Kurolnll i hail vvoni.iii tin I he 1‘IH'I '10 \ ear This year the hoard will lie pursuing a projei t begun two seats ago to plat e a t onsortuilii stv le restaurant in the I Alt Skylight THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON "Three wishes? Did I say three wishes? . . . Shoot! I'll grant you FOUR wishes. (frt'f’on Ihtil» _ _ Emerald I'll H..» »|«*l Uui.n •»'•**»* The O r ; < ii.i'S I • i'mm . .(hi;*,M- May through F " Jay except during ♦m « ■ Ar-.-k ,vn1 v.i. P n*» by the Oregon Daily E me* aid Publishing Co at the University of Oregon Eugene Oregon The Fn'i‘1 :iM i". ope* .tied mdep«>ndently of the University with Hicr, • m the ! r>«t, j .... » the fcrb Men i f > it l !■ V. -*. ,1 in.wbd! I the Ah ***■'-! »’•*• .•« The Emerald is pnv.it** proport> Thu unlawful removal • use of pape*s is pros .• utAhi© by law Wiin,U)iMq Editor l ditonal E ditor Graphics Editor f ncore Editor t ditor T' A .< Wheel.>f Don Pet.*'*. 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