CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 105 PERSONALS PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT 667 8651_ THE BLUE WAVE IS COMING! WOMEN WANTED TO CHALLENGE your BODY IN A DIVERSE PHYSICAL SPORT RANGER CHALLENGE UO BOOKSTORE LAST DAY FOR FALL TERM RETURNS IS OCTOBER 14TH PLEASE BRING YOUR RECEIPT. ID. AND BOOKS WHEN MAKING REFUND REQUESTS. I _ > AT BOOKSTORE t>8*> 4331 BUNNY FACE I'll love you forever! Love, Doll-phin COREY H. YOUR CHECK IS READY TO PICK UP AT FRONT DESK ODE GREEKS! Today is the day to turn in iour order envelopes from last ends party WALLY GREEKS' Today the i >. t your order envelopes from last week •• ds party WALLY GREEKS Spring term reorders are back1 Greek week serenade and Spring functions order no* Negatives are going to the archives soon Abso lately the last chance to order Wally PLANNED PARENTHOOD for Pap smears infection checks birth control A counseling Days A evenings Call 4 >-9411 T7o'l6$UfMid - LOST BLACK LEATHER HANDBAG Binocular case like lost 9r18 Very im . i • ' . 1 i MJ A ' Lost male black kitten .m the *, Cindy of ?6lh and Alder 9r26 Please can MaryBeth 344 2337 115 TYPII TT THE WORD SPECIALISTS (j'cKJudte School Approved ^ Dissertations,Theses’Pape's | ' IBM Comp Dish Conversions | * Resumes/Editing CINDY 4«4 5454 CAROLYN 344 5287 A 344 7231 LASER WORD PROCESSING 19 years experience Editing IBM Grad school approved Near campus Robin 344 0759 PDQ WORD Processing specialists * Term papers * Resumes * Academic *ork Superior quality, reasonable fates ' 800 545 0808 • 714 736 1717 * 24 hrs/7 Pays___ PROFESSIONAL TYPING Also word processing editing Free pickupideiivery Honda 935 1892 TYPING ~ 688 2355 TYPING UNLIMITED IBM Compatibie/Grjd School Approved Barbara Land 4850890 BIJOU THEATRE BUILDING 492 E 13th No 101 WORD PROCESSINO 343-0969 Sya uni/So ft war* Conversions *PPLg-~CP/K- llM-RACIWrOSlf. laser PRirrrittc 132 E. Broadway Suite 102 ns TYPING SERVICES HP 1C COMPUTERS Mac rash ana IBM word procass.-g RESUMES S16 »*>* Highest Quality laser printing Call 686-8708 49? £ 13ft) P02 Bs Weai for theses papers resumes FRANKl IN PARK Pi A/A *3 5120 FRANKlIN BLVD EUGENt 747 4569 125 INSTRUCTION ACADEMIC SPEED READING Mondays and Wednesdays October 9th through November tst 6 OOpm 7 30pm The University S Spend Reading course is beginning neit ween This course speed" ally designed tor ac.« demic course reading focuses on im proving both speed and omprehen Sion The Center u>r A. .ulpnm. Learn my invites you to nfar i us for more information on this nose which at $50 00 costs one tenth the amount charged by commen iai nurses i6B6 32?6> CLUB SPORTS JUDO PRACTICE MWF ESL 77 ALL WELCOME! FOR MORE INFO. CALL: 686 3733 SURVIVE IN the real world Gw■' e »«■. board bars lessons from produ er publisher John S wdh 2 hd angles and 3 albums to his credit 344 SS30 130 FOR SALE FURNITURE AND h.iuseh ,i 1978 HONDA CIVIC 80* red great shape stereo ii*« net* tires $11507000 486 1/06 198J HONDA Af HO 80 • lei E*<« lent condition 6500 miles $425 681 189/ HONDA till ■■ based ne* in 1968 lo* mi immaculate 19SO.OBO 14 J 2943 87 SUZUKI INTRUDER 700 S Very very clean Must see Todd 686 1618 TOYOTA TERCEL WAGON 86 75* ] Clean Eneiient condition $420C \ .146 3691 us CARS-CYCIES-SCOOTERS Nl .'iTMAVVK ■ ' • . ,■ ■- ! cJr.v.' $mOBO TOYOTA pORONA 1974 low mda* *a*y dapandabir S8*>0 Call and laava a mattaga 344 S538 iso BICYCLES MOUNTAIN BIKE bough! »«* a! 16 SO 2 moi old SSOO/OBO 4 10 tpaads f 3S $75 aach 345 6129 Womens bike i -• $■- oho 74b bb/8 80 BIKES i at lift? i • .*P4mh}& ci«an ndeabia bi“i?5 Sitting it t>y wftat they *e4t add to your har JK \n -it Bn’g Cherry Pal a* *• r>.’ 13th 190 OUTDOOR RECREATION LACROSSE Players, coaches, and in terested people No pre vious experience neces sary Come Thursday, October 12 at 7:00 PM to the EMU. Cedar Room F. Or call at ter Tuesday, October 10 686 5293, Joel H sponsored by Club Sport* ?io OPPORTUNITIES - ASUO GOVERNMENT VVant t- jet involved *ith the Issues - The Asso< be ma* mg the following appointments ASSOCIATED STUDENT S PRESIOEN TIAL ADVISORY COUNCIL <1) GRADUATE STUDENT (2) ASUO PROGRAM REPRESENTATIVES Applx ationj fof appointment a»e avail able in Suite 4 of the t '0 Memorial • Applx etion deadline is MON OCT 9 1989 BY 5 PM The ASUO is an .t'Utr it .»• i tion/EOE employer Women People o! color Gays an<1 lesbians end Stu dents w th disabilities are encouraged to apply ATTENTION HIRING1 Government ,obs your area S1 f 640 $69 4«‘> CaH t602HJ««dHS f.t Ht?i64 TARN EXCtLLfNT MONEY you* spare time Domfl Credd Repair Obtain MASTERCARD regardless of redd history Call 1 61*566 6597 ........ . .. LAA DEE DAH We ta*e consignments fron !H i ■ 1 . . 0fQ4O> • »!'On fhat M >u*d ltfc« «■) nukr t*iOO t’000 f<>« 4 ' *• (■ ■ \ IT 1 ».«•♦ J [) | M- if I »• 4”'i1 h4' ! * 'Ik.'ig l . 411 i • «• «,* . .1' • - v I NANNlf S‘" A \ •*n' .j' a ; !'>P N*** ’ » S*1* ■■■•.<’» ('. !■ YOM p*v"illy ITMMJt 4fi|h OUf lioo I'jiomg iMasm* G'pj! paul ».nation health tnbuf&tud an cl ftHjf© Over ?*»0 nannu*i pi »■ *♦(! yearly Yearly *»mpi *m«nI '’ly NANM» \ PIUS i 8oo ;v oo •« OVf RSf AS JOBS S ** «OCH Yr ALL I Ountfip* Al l f i«U1» ffre info WM* lj< PO BY V HOI C- i Mi A . PANHELLENIC OFFICER APPLICATIONS I I- ’ A ..I I.' ■ l Mi ' President V-rtt Pf*»nuJ*»«! Tribunal Pubin Hftunon* i .•<•’1 iff*u1 api'»'<. afuxii ilu#* ■■ ' I .Per RPCV NEEDED f or unpaid »ni«rn»fitp position pus P#* *» Corps rst>f**«nl4t<. '■ ® £'f » •• Qll4l»«»*s »••• POSITION . ■ ; ..r>I.K ' J4te« DuDfll at Hcndm % Mali of « all PAIO SHOW YOUR PHOTOS’ Bmm.j 2 Watted or If4/Tiitc) pnoitiS .1' l ■ . • «t ! t Ml! A i , Wrrd O. * 17 If. .. . 1 I’M WANTING A ifip I• ■ M 1«*« i ' W«t )..l . t '. ■ , tW» P«.V^«ld Or^cn Dm,. OOK CW 215 HELP WANTED APPLICATIONS (>*• ng > < , ?«*: 1 ' seasonal employment it Willamette Pd-.-. S* Aiim Lull .mtj p«»M fine Rons m dll departments are a»adahie Appl ■ .1! ims may be t * • • ! ■.. M • Fr. A 5 el 1899 Willamette St t ,g*-n. Appl- it. i cut iff dJb- S’ i t * I Ol FXPFHIINCEO OISMWASHFR S4 Mi •*. 1 (AM IPM '4.» iirtHM II AIN f X PE Pi F NCI the ttuiM. *i. •• ‘i held mt ludmg Iwhjv <;t manage men! Open pnigram '*♦•-»?•!resident » staff m out group horn*** Work study approved Apply at 4*> W H« .idway HELP WANTf U Poster representative .M 1 am pus posit, im S *». r •» nta< t Detx 1 it at kapian .it' 1 ‘ *•»> OFFICF MANAGER a . t • if... 1 dental lee ( mmdtee Must have general off- e skill* Start IMMEOIA T f L M < . ntar t l 1; N at r. 1/49 *.,•< an • r. OREGON 'IMMUNITY SUPPORT a non profd o'poration that serves de mentally disabled adults with severe behavior hat tenges -s • ■ a hir • ■g * • par? time Atninmd positions and rei-ef pool Starting wage >•. b Stiper houl tor day Shift a'ld S fjGtper hour for night shift Requirements yai kJ drivers 1 * 1 ense must be 10 yrs or older .md first aid and CPR erfilit t0f j*j?)__ m WORK STUDY POSITIONS l.( AMN T i ' ,-c »f *• » ■ J«*. . ■ j. i * F*m J4> OC *’ mull * ■* ntudy M tJr* ’ W »tf I44 0 MUSK POmTIONS '*•*! N *-off., „ .kl. *»t>- .» '?»■ i ..!r*« And t>>« ’• ' ■ . *,Y’f' 1 y ,l| Ixj >' If > a • ■»fuiJv Mudcnin S4 VvtU'Hjf G4M i aw » WW S64fl Si I KING GRADUATE n i W'lf<»f Qf Ad.iAtA MtlOfOl > If'" i lK»at|n»o in cMniv al wUmg G .1'*' >* M i'll l‘f i. i -*t• i*• M ••• !.r» ■■ '* •» ’l< . • A lunch how* |4 fS.h? Phon* 14 1 H WON* STUDY POSITION •• Mi. 1 i w'lw'.it A" « -iff h \ util' "Hj .inIf to AS)<9l i” c1»*v#lopmonl Qf {.HiWii a* Afilt ; •»fciH* knouvlfiltj^ of PaytonAkr' JO and Supw Sluitffnls of cotoi trncuW .loftl lO JCflly S#fHl i ov*j* lOfltii at’i **-. lO Dianna * Off «• >■ M ..Hwa< Al'.v 114 < SUM* At S*> 00 an h.n,t up I" ??:, APTS -DUPLEXES A PAH Y Mf NT WITH ...» ! ...if i .1 • ...■ GHfAT DIAL'* !••► ' Mf j! flf. !.». a* pfmnr i. 'uijtnt vnfy 235 HOUSES 2 HIrDROOM MOUSI 144S unlofn 3 block* Horn SafatMAy laundiy parking ■ II > p*t% «‘Qt> i Oak 1 !-■ 79*7 ?40 ROOMS_ _ Ni Hi [>»Hl I S. V) Can 6JU 3460 for »nh■ QUALITY CHRISTIAN LIVlNCi Owiitun Minis# Sludenl Co «d Co op V- m . •" ■ i, l j • po ■ -.Cl'! $ I 8*. 18 14 PoHi- S» btC' 014*. Mi >« M I OH Hi NT - ; (u• t»ed- *• ami bath female only me am .ml P> h M »\IT M .p * i !11M T >'• ..if,* •• ?55 DORM CONTRACTS A ui CONTRACT FOR '.All mall? • feu »>c Call 346 2439 ieave message UI ( ONTRACT FOR '.Al f" (.all lama t>t#> 6036 MO ROOMMAftS WANTED M MALE ROOMMATI mature earned lo sham house non-smoker $i60/m<. plus I 2 Util 4H4 ?4?»> MMAli IIOOMMATI likes a(s aanted l . share* apt $1 i*%. tt,., j,i„i 14 util prior,# 4M*» 8080 IOOKINC. I OH . rim?, ! . ' are nous# very * los** I am pun *4STVc1ry#r $200 plus uld 464 4110 ROOMMA T f VMM* Ibi h . . Wmli-r i ' 1 Spring term ("lose ! ampul $246 ‘ ul.i.lie * 486 2681 ROOMM A T { ' . -.hd r l bed' • *• m .ve for .s spring term ( lose lo . am put 1246 util 486 2bttf WANTEO female 1 ommate lo sharp ->us 1 bedroom tufm*»n«d epaMmeei .n quiet area vyilh great bus ( onnecbons H pirn ks from ( ampus onvemenf shop piny laundry fa Illy and saw i $-*00 CXVmo plus shared utilities For man students eeir ome all Dagmar at 142 T)62 before 8 30 AM alter 6 00 PM anytime weekends or leave m«**> *>«tge on machine 285 CHILD CARE FHlf'NO ANO pl*ym«cfe for our 4 1 >2 year Old »on appro* 15 hft. «k »n our r< une Must be f«» fun enthuni.r. tn: A fespm t and enjoy young people f'f 1 friendship *nlh mdf»«iiu.5 tmy Tim or Jul»o at 6&3 .’55/ 270 MEETINGS. Cl UB SPORT SWIM TEAM Ofga ftonal mealing Wad O* 1 1l1h 4 JO PM l e.ghl m P-*-i ?70 MEETINGS MUTUAL Of OMAHA CAR* f R St MlNAH Fmtl >ut lit*u! 4 financial .1 f'f M** » Wed' - 1.1, ), ' tx" ' 'tf> f> M) 6 tXI pm C««7 1 Mi OUTDOOR PROGRAM OPEN HOUSE j The University o» Oregon Outdoor 1 P-ogram is hosting an t f' hnulii ini'vi,)-, O tube* 10 ' t’M ' ' ?h« Outdoor Program • >m » or more im* notation 6Ht. 4 to.* SAILING TEAM meeting Tuesday Oct 10 6:00 Cedar F. EMU the left! b«g meeting ot tne teaiun sponsored t)y Clgb Sports 7/5 EVENTS PEACE CORPS OPPORTUNITY S Peace Corps Volunteers me 4ml team about the • * > yr*,»» " * Ml • » : ' **• Wed • •* 11 1.‘ ’ H' . Mili '• Mm- I MU Wti I 1 ’1 1 1 ' i’M 1 . 1 M ! MU ■■■:>),-. I 1 r . . ■' .! , by the I MU IM*y < 1 i> ’ ■ • better >•»! rn.u»e an app droent 1,. t ,i 1 fc (• J at. o ()u Den Pn.i *l (' 'P'1 Rep o-senuiive .it Career Punning m-.t Room *44 ?so ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT :llJ§y ART CINEMAS 492 E 13lh • 686-2458 [DISCOUNT SHOWS . **> U T , N# Th H •. J y Su TTmB S 4* 22 brand na« an Fd>*ilr team *r«un4 lb* BM44 THK SKCONO ANIMATION CELEBRATION TV«£ MOVifc MIAT fNO SOON io Th A NO 8<4*i wanama la an unMV Forest For ml© Center .it f>H#> 4 t STOP THE COUGAR HUNT!! EUGENE'S ONE & ONLY ARTISTS’ CAFE f very Monday night from 8 11 PM Featuring Live Modal* Jail poetry and comradery Only S1 SO bring a aketrrhpad At L A(.t ft MCMILLAN'S WESTSIDE CAFE no WILL AMf TIE MS S333 | PLAYS OUTSIDE s HW phut, so by Ja*t Haid**n addressing our ’•>iAtionihips *dh lh« iturai *»orld u r i jo Aparlura Gallary I MlJ PROBl ( M‘. Call th« U>j'O < r.»iS t «■< ti»» t<»r immi'ilulr personal , ou'isrtling Sl»>« I'y onlrdentiAl ♦>**> 44»H Lamingspacc<8[ Great used books for every reader 30-70% OFF • Paperbacks • Hardbac ks We buy. sell and trade used books and tapes \\ hr**l« hair A« « i*s\inlf Mon-Thun * S.H lu-b Krl 10 H 1247 Villard SI 345-0920 mss 1 r un 111 n Kiwi Ifuni I oil) Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson *A.N. THIS tS BoClNG' HOW KM I EVER GOIHT, TO REtkD THREE HUOtt WfitS OF TW\S BV TOMORROW ' ITS IWOSSIBEE • I j I i . IWPOSSlBli ’■> nut nqtwhgs impossible ' NOT COB STUPENDOUS MAN! , 8a *M tW* A * BUH **> BA 9M Dl/M j , ^TTnw mwr r-tttp ' -»—