_Encore!_ Award-winning animation clips show diversity Dark 'Lazar' is best clip By (.er.tld White I mer.ild ( ontriluitor Anim.ition, a Inrm of .111 ih.ii Inis ,is nun li g><>ssil>i111\ .is it lines diversity, is on display in the lorm ol \ei .mother nnlltoln i;v from I\gi.inded liiterl.iin incut /hr N»i uml \iiinuitii>n ( flrhl ,ll lull I llr \ln\ Ir tills t oin |>l l.lt loll ol sllolts from .Hound the world w.ts t.d, i n 11oni those films lh.it won •iW.llds .it the lei eill AIII unit loll < elelir.ition w Inc h is .1 i oni|ie lilion held in I .os Anjgrle.s This p.irtii ul.ii .imiIkiIokv is inteiestniK hei .lose ol the V.il le _Movie Review t\ ul animation genres that il I houses tu show I hr fealiileil shitrls lange fniin the liihIV (ami lilerallv I < ommi'K ial in tin- hij’lih ahsliai I Slime III these .III' MTV i IdVlT .lllll lull In U Til II .111(1 llll'V ll Itisliale tin- wavs 111.11 m.im liri 11 i.ml .iniiii.ilnrs i house In support themselves IlnvvrM'i u lii'ii tlie .miiiiTii r is shown III.it lln- slinil is just .1 i iiminri ( i.lI ll lines I 1)1 ‘.I|it•!) lln- rnjm I lit*I It .1 lilt Annlhcr neme Ili.it is well ri'jii esenled is si ience I ii I inn An e\i client example of tins is (lavi ill) (inatovii h s I a/ai a dark Orwellian narrative ttl.it tells the slni \ nl a luturislu so i ielv lh.it imprisons a dissenlei W ild, i r.i/i ( rlrhr.ilmn ( ourtrsv photo .ind samrlimrs hi/.irrr st rnrs from ,n\ nrd-winninfi .imm.ition shurls ,irr shoo ini; .it in The Second Animation I hr Mm ic lilt'll! Ill'll III I 111111 A111 illii'i i'\i i • l Ifni si i t * lit I- In linn sliurl is the i imipiiU'i gfn i>i.ili'il Hisil I IimIii .itinn " Its mminnrnt is nul Inn l.ist |,i (irnlili'li) with mill li i i>11i|>i111m .inun.it mu | .mil mil .i singlr sin ll IS If .isll'll The film does a good job of not only illustrating the many forms of animation hut also of showing many high-quality films. ii.mini I..1/.11 It illuslr,ill's tin- iMssint; nl I imi- m thi' j»risi in i i'll in .1 \ i i \ \ i\ nl .uni mli'iisc m.iinii'i ! lu ll I n 1 si,mils util Ini ils mlpUM' ili'l.nl .mil si rill's lli.il .in Anim.itni Hoi) S.ihislon m.iki's tin- im.inrs pulsr with rhythm while kn-pmn Ihr mri .ill I■ ■ xtiiif h! thr short mt\ smooth I hr stor> is .tlso vt*rv (li'Vur. It \ iMsih the best pier c ol ( (i n 111 u I < -1 .*111 in.it it mi in llir .in tholngx ()i lii'i m if'in f I it t H hi entries u hii It i mild iisr some mi provement arc Porn < lolling wood's overlong "Karg. nnd I Ilf somewhat poorlx drawn I m Toy” (probably tin- worst pmi I- ol 11>in11111•• i animation In John Lissit.ii and William Reeves). It's somewhat surprising that this lilm is so disappointing be cause it's done In the same people t hat did the i lex el ultra neon ' him hhnai h I‘he ahst rai I '' I’eni il I )atu e is In tar the most x isuallx slim ulaling short in the program Its solid him k and white lie signs overlap and tlm\ into each other in a verx heautitul and strange wav Mikhail Tiimt'ha's tribute In Mil ki“\ Mouse. I hr Mai allion' also uses solid I«|,■ < k and white m ,i \itv interesting u a\ ( )thei pai I n nlarl\ interesting shorts .in' Oregonian Hill 1*1 \ nipton's somewhat violent "J'i Wavs in Quit Smoking." Paul (darehnuts Disnrv esipir "Si ali'ih ( at |ohll St h I la 11 s morbid < • 2.' (iyluga Nagy's "Fingerwave Siis.iii Young and Mike Smith's "I 'miImIu nun.i 1 and a sillv cornpil.ilion of i hildren’s cartoons It s diffit ult to gain a w. and therefore, it's well v\orlh seeing /Vie Set olid Animation t.'e/e bration I'hr \tovir is t urrenlK show ing at kite Dijon. PI2 I I till Ave • I vpesettm^ • Paste Up l ayout LETTER PERFECT • 1 )esign/C onsultation • PM I \/7 ransparenc ies Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Tht PRU6 E*FOfZ£MEHT APMj \ tSmAWN- m FBI ' JHf- NEW iCRK POLICE ' rHt lOHITE HOUSE PROP MASTER G00PBVBNIN6, I'M ROLAND HEP cBY AND nmt ARB Bui A FEW OF THE PLAiEPO YOU'D- 5EE TONIGHT ON ABC NE4U5 GPEOAL BP IT ION OF 1 AM THBBB.UVB"^^^ WEIL BE- n/ATCHINO A£> THtSEUTE SQUAD TAKES CUT A "CRACK PEN' THE SORDID ENVIRONS WHERE Vt'MS OE "ROCK"ARE SOLD AND SMOKED' J? - ~£ 5OB! 4HATS lOUR PROS ISM* rrs Ncn fair! mr ovk'xoe&AiLm attenvom ampi'm MUCH MORE AP PtCTIVE' _ 1 0OO HOO' islIMI MAI Ml K I / w—- ■ -— FEATURING; 99< Rentals Mon. & Tuev (Nintendo) WOIFF TANNING gai'l S25.00/10 Session Package get I Free Session (w/purchase oi package) 1888 Franklin Blvd.