Monday In-Depth Rape Continued from Page lt> wav men leant that objectifying women is the role the\ arc sup posed to pla\ Increasing awareness about social attitudes will help elimi nate many date rapes, hut it probabh won't help prevent the stranger rape situations said Kugene pole e utfii er Mike Cline "Whenever von have women out alone and messed up bushyhaired strangers running after them. \ on are going to have rapes." Cline said adding women i an help alleviate the problem In being aware ol their surroundings ■ You have to |id\ attention to what's happening around you so you don't end up alone in some guy's apartment m alone on some deserted dark path.'' ( dine said In addition, women i an help themselves if they are prepared in assertiveness training and self-defense. (dine said "In some cases some ladies haven't defended themselves, and I'm not going to second guess them because I'm not there in the situation," he said "Hut some rapes, especially date rapes, could be prevented if women took some sell lie tense measures '' l'sing Common Sense Public safety officer and task ^Atll*Ch * ontinued trom Page 1 vlhi Mil' i,i 11v .ilsu im liuli'il two imisii .il gruups Vngels.uig \ l . 1111111 i 11 ,md M,i|ik Mil' Ulus III thru sunns Ill'll' II'I. ill'll til tu till' \\ hull' lake Hill k lllr \lgllt I 111' 11II' I mht hai k in I,«rm• niimliers Hi' won t t,ikr it anymore I ugelhei in' i .1 n in.ikr .i s.itr Ilium' sang hull Vogelsang from Vogelsang n Damelm. sang ,i sunn «*111itIdl ’ \u Mr,ms \u w hit h deals with thr issut's ul rape and other abuse against wonirn U r call show thr empowerment sidr that women havr in terms ul rape bring stopped In women themselves \ iigrlsang said I hr main reason Ini the i.illv man h is bei ausr a lot ul women air taking tu the street, said Kate Davis guest singer and a rape i uunsetul Tin' slakes .nr rc.ilK high It s dliuiil women becoming slrnngei .mil getting angry moving mil ol ami gelling into | tow or. slie said rhe rally was to I low rd In a in. in h Irom I lie I Ml ' (Mini sard to downtown Iugene People were i arrving signs read mg lies women it'soui right In lie sate day 01 night and Join together free our lives we will not lie v id imi/ed l liose that wereiTI ( am mg signs had i andles in then hands and were i hauling along w itti the rest Men were not allowed to march with the women hill showed then support In standing on the sidewalk A Saleriile van was available loi women with children or people with disabilities for the man h bat k to the I Ml l iana lo/.er a student partii ipating in the rally said she was man long to show her support I tus is a very important problem and it's about time we feel safe on out campus To/.er said I he rally is about uniting to stop something that aflet Is all women bei ailse w e i e all potent nil v ii I inis I'here will he another rally winter term and a women's gathering at the end ol the at adeum veal group member* Huutm s.iul manv safety measures art’ pisl i nmmon sense For example there is a lighting problem in some areas on campus. 1ml it it's too dark to walk in an area safels don't walk there.'' she said Although rapes have 01 curred in the dorms Hunter said the housing office has safe lo< k up methods 1 lie problem in the dorms is the students are really la mous tor propping doors hu their buddies to come in after Inc kup she said "Again it s i otninon sense bec ause the doors are loc ked for .1 reason Hut students don't 11k> to he come inconvenienced. Hunter s.nd Students don't like to be told don't walk here' or 'keen the doors locked' because it slows them down. " she "Hut sometimes common sense requires ,i little extra time It.11lev said he is relur taut to plat e the sec urity issue on the women s shoulders I don t want to put that on women he cause it's kind ol like hlaming them for something the\ didn't have anything to do with." he said "1 mean you don't want to he attai ked Period Wilson said the task force will usr both u)( riMM'd rtiut a turn and improved suiuritv to < matt* .1 more rapr* I’m* «rnv iron inrnl on t ainpus Slu* said tin* group is planning to start brain storming this wi*ck about w tin’ll nest step after l AKI \\ iM’k should bn ()nc tiling wi’ an* drlimlriv planning on doing is look at thr I diversity s polii it*s to maki’ sure thero's nothing that supports a rapt* t ulturi*. slu* s.ud Ur itrr also looking ill what kind ill training si.ill has m thr helping ntlu es like atadetnit advising and the health i enter In handle problems with sensi 11\ its \Vilson said add nig that the task group would like In have all I he i ampus -.1.111 tr.lineil In increase awareness and prevent rape Ideallv I he liesl u ,1 \ In edit cate people about llii-- is in ver\ small groups with ver\ lugli trust levels with guided discus sum " she said We lee! like it we call educate some students and all the stall these small groups are more likeh to oc i m W e know this is a whole so rietal problem." she added "Hut we just want to take out little piec e ot il on i ampus and make tills a lesser problem in Ibis part ol sot iet\ UO-Bookstore ART SUPPLIES & ACCESSORIES BADGER GRAVITY FEED AIRBRUSH 1100 LG REG 8i> 00 69.00 BADGER WHIRLWIND II AIR COMPRESSOR 99.00 FABER ^ CASTELL ^ STAINLESS STEEL TECHNICAL PEN SET 4 PEN SET RETAIL 65.00 22.99 CHARTPACK AD MARKERS • 200 Colors • Blendable ink RETAIL 2.25 1.45 CHARVOZ CUTTING MATS OFF RETAIL FABERCASTEILPUWLE UHU GLUE STICK *U26 REG 89 X-ACT O KNIFE #1 #32301 REG. 1 95 1.48 EUROTOTE PORTFOLIOS & CASES • W'Mther wv.*' • Many St/os & a 25% STAEDTLER STAINLESS STEEL TECHNICAL PEN SET 4 PEN SET RETAIL 61 00 22.99 FABER CASTELL VELVET DRAWING PENCILS 2/55cH NEW' LEATHER PENCIL CASES 6.99. ? 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