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I 11 ii li s.llll ( )t lift wonirn have I in omr involved on thr task group for more reasons ()nr sin h woman is Shellev Krrc herwho fouiulrtl 1‘rojri t Safr Run. a program that offers protn live thigs as running partners for women joggers I have gotten involved 111 rape prevention hei .him- I ,1111 ,1 rape survivor from l ‘*74. Keei her said. adding 1I1.1I lx i.misi- of her experieme she concimlrati-s on llu- problem ol stranger rape "Most of tin- women v\ ho use l’ro|ei t S.ife Kim are 1 ollege students .. her s.iui I just never want what happened to me in 1M7-J to happen to any one so I said I II donate m\ time and 1 lime to tile (task force's) meetings Although the ma|orit\ ol the group s memhers are women who have a 1 omnioii vested in teresl in t Hi* elimination of rapt*, some memliers are men who .ire involved for less ohvi oils reasons K11 k Ha i lev one ol the A SI'() representatives on the task group, said he first bei nine in (crested in rape prevention lot personal reasons "I've had friends, women who were either sexually ha rassed. molested or raped. Hailcv said "And I’ve felt in those situations to he absolute l\ powerless rhal’s led me to tr\ to make a difference to help my friends and so other women won't have to go through what Ihev've been through." Hailey said, adding that he tries to ed u< ate other men about how to have relationships with women without incorporating destruc tive sexual attitudes ' Besides I buv into the phi losopln that rape is a man's problem." Hailey s.ud "Men rape; them e. men c an stop rape " Increasing Awareness Last slimmer the task force, with all its personal concerns and interests began searching for a wav to ini tease awareness about rape on i ampus (Iroup members decided to devote an entire week during fall term to workshops and seminars de signed to edm ate tile campus publii about harmful soc ial at titudes "promote and sup port rape in our c ulture,” Wilson said hast week the group's efforts c nine together and the1 I 'Diver sity had its lirsl Creating a Rape-free environment Week Hut how c an .1 rape-free soc 1 et\ he c reated ■’ "It's sue h an idyllic idea,'' said Shaun Davis, the group's Men Against Rape represents live ' Hut it's really an aspira lion and not a spec die goal educating soc ietv about how to eliminate the sexist attitudes that hurt women will help 1 re all* a culture that has less rape. I)avis said "We need to break through the attitude? of tin- male superi orits whir h leaves women to be submissive.” lie said "Ibis idea allows for a more useful member of six ietv and .1 less useful member of sorbetv Hailev said these altitudes are promoted bv advertisin« "Advertisements use the objer life atioil of women to mu mpulale men.” be said "This Turn to Rape, Pa>;e 17 DESKTOP PUBLISHING • IBM COMPATIBLE • [ f..T 1 ) USER FRIENDLY IBM Computers 5$/Hour 1$/Page • PAGEMAKER • VENTURA • COREL DRAW • ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR • WORD PERFECT • SCANNING SERVICES • LASER PRINTER • COMPUTER CLASSES We sell new and used Computer Equipment. Professional service on a Personal level. GRAPHIC INNOVATORS. ^ 28 £ 11TH BJQB£, OR 97401 (509) 8806434