-Regional Timber compromise gets mixed reviews Bv Carol Ann Kiha Assoc iated Press I’OK II.AM) (Al’| Km i ronmentalists were satisfied the one-year timber compromise approved b\ the I S Senate on Saturday was a short-term set lm< k that heralds a more sensi live approai I) to selling federal timber. "This is a last-ditr h attempt by Sen (\lark| Hatfield to lore stall the inevitable." Oregon Natural Resources Council spokesman Wendell Wood said Saturday "The level of cutting adopted by the Senate is not sustainable." The plan, approved as an amendment to Interior appro priations legislation, provides for the sale of ■) (> billion board feet of timber in Northwest fed eral forests during the fiscal year that started last Sunday However, the compromise expires Sept it). 1‘1‘M). at which time the IKS Forest Ser vice is required to have com pleted its 10-vear management plans "Very clearly. ( iongress and the agent \ ilsrlt are going to reassess how they manage the national forests I see the poll’ll lial tor ns really to begin think ing about how we can integrate ecological and commodity val lies.'' jerry I I ranhlin. an e\ pert on old growth forest ei olo g\ told 77j*• (J/'egoM/u/i. Reps I,es Au( loin, I) ()re and Norm I) i < ks. I) Wash had battled Reps (iheslei Atkins. I) Mass and Rep Sidney R Yates D ili., in i ommittee ses sums for days to at hie\e the version approved Saturday "I’till one thread and the w hole thing will unravel " An ( oin had said alter the Sept ill session m which the linal Ian gtiage was drafted It passed the I louse on Tuesday I l.ill lelil. R-Ore whose n» n version u.is shut down earliei In environmentalist lohhvmg m the House. was not overU enthusi.istu about its passage I cannot sav that this is pei lei t legislation, or that it is mv prelerred approach. hut this compromise does provide an adequate lialance between two i ompetmg desires the need to protect old growth lores) stands lor the northern spotted owl. and the need to provide raw materials for the wood products industrv." Ilatlield Wendell Wood saul Saturday Wood said lie. too was not pleased with tile delads The sales involve "in excess ol a billion hoard leet that are in the middle ol i rilu al owl habitat he said "Yon can I i ontimie to ai i eler.de the lev el of i lear i ill ting and argue that you're pro tei ting the spotted owl and nth er old growth dependent wild life species Federal forest managers in the Northwest already had he gun review mg the measure Hureaii ol l.aml Management spokesman Kd < .iliberli said \\ e re pleased that the dele gallon had been sun esslul in getting this i ompromise through. ( diberti said It will provide both the agent v till Ml and the timber industry and I think the environmen talists a sense ol i ertaintv ovei the next Vt'.u as to how the loi esls are going to be managed "I’erhaps most in) }ii > tt .1111 hopct ii 11 \ it v\ ill allow all I In parties in this In lot us their .it tent ion on mu planning for the ''Ids profess which is well under wa\ at tins I hue ( ill herti said I'fie i onipronnse sets tunlier sales ipiotas ol 7 7 lidlion lent loi the I S Idlest Sen it e and I n Inllion bti.ird teet lor the HIM During 'H‘l we sold about 77.(1 million million board feet so oilr at Inal target lor list al 'ill is at lualh I t') billion board teet And that's roughh our average allowable sale quantits tor one \ e.u ( aliberli said MMM PMUM c him! st kt STAURAIST *4** ft 41.* Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs f> Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs M Th 11:00 7 00 f Sa I I 00 4 *0 C low-d Sundays Hours: Upstairs M lh 4 SO 10 00 KSa^OO 10 30 Closed Sundays - ms Am, I..H..IH-IML Oct. 11 is the LAST DAY! to buy ASUO HEALTH INSURANCE this Fall Term only s147.00 Room 15 EMU Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD FOUMD in the classified section STOP PAVING x\ ^ PRICES SI LI -SI KVICE PHOTOCOPY TKC copy SHOP 519 E. 13th i M'i X 11 WU I 11 FIRST 100 i OIMl s Monday \ inlay 8 30am 8 JOpm Saturday 10 00am 4 00pm truruN si'i i.iftt Oi l-' S I KI P I PARKING 485 6253 I Next to campus PARTY TIME??? Call us about our Delivery Catering (minimum uulri rci|iitii'hvrr\ .in-.i | 730 E. Broadway • 484-2919 Craig Allen, College Intern/Student University of Oregon CRAIG ALLEN IS GETTING AN EARLY START Craig Allen, an intern with Northwestern Mutual Life, has the competitive edge he will need after graduation. That is because he has received extensive training and gained marketable business experience with a large, well respected, Fortune 500 company where he can earn good money while he earns his degree. So don't sell yourself short. Call us about an internship that can be of great value to you...and a potential employer. For more information contact Jell Pawlowski Director of College Marketing Northwestern Mutual Lite 1221 SW Yamhill Suite 400 Portland. OR 97205 Phone: (503) 223-7335 em e