Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 09, 1989, Page 13, Image 13

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Ducks kill Beavers in three games
B\ Cam Sivesind
Emerald Sports Reporter
The Oregon volleyball team
increased its win streak to live
with a three-game sweep of Or
egou State at C.orvallis I rida\
Ihe l)u<ks defeated the Him
vers for the second time this
year. 15-8. 15-I t. 15-0
Oregon jumped out to a 2-0
lead in game one oil a kill b\
senior outside hitter Mu hide
krebsbach and an attack erroi
bv the Heavers
The Heavers climbed hack to
a :i-:i tie behind strong pla\ b\
freshman outside hitter ClirisU
Stoeckel. The two teams played
even and knotted the score
once again at 5-5
The Ducks then scored three
unanswered points due to Hen
ver errors and a kill bv sopho
more outside hitter Mindee Ad
Again the Heavers (.imr
back The Heavers managed
two more points to reduce the
I)m k lead to one. H-7. hut
would get no closer.
The Ducks began to pull
away After a lug blot k bv
sophomore middle blocker
Davvnn (Iharroin and senioi
outside hitter Melissa I'er/ian
and a Heaver net violation, the
lead was again at three. 10-7.
The two teams traded side
outs eight times before krebs
li.ii h iind Charroin i oupled for
another block and a point
( harroin then followed with a
lip to ilit lease their advantage
to 12-7.
lhe Hearers would add one
more point Indore Terzian
sealed the game-one victory
u itli .1 kill. I "> 8
dame two proved to In' the
strangest game o( the night
l lie I Ini ks lumped all over tin
Heavers behind OSl errors and
good team play
1'hree OSl' errors and kills
In hrehshut It and Adams modi
the score > 0 After .i heaver
timeout, senior setter Stephanie
Snyder gave a quit k set to
(iharroin for the kill
Three more errors In the Ben
vers. a kill and a him k In
t iharroin and krehsbai h respei
tivelv. and a kill In senior mid
die him ker Stephanie Drier in
i .reused the Dm k lead to I 0
The Beavers would not told
Behind less than adequate
Dm k pla\ and I 1 unanswered
Beaver points. OSD was hark
in the game at K!-1 1
Oregon (ii.mIi (.i-rr\ Oregon
called .1 timeout to regroup It
worked as krehsbuch added
two points with a him k and a
An attai k error l>\ the Dm ks
and .1 serve e are by ()SI
( hopped the I)ut k lead to one
again at I ! 1.1
Ihe Ducks regained service
oil a i |U l( k set bv sophomole
seller Mollv Mi l .lath to 111 in
for the kill (diarroin then
i apped the 1 ”> It iv in v\ ith a
serve e .it e
"Oregon State really served
tough and got us in passing
problems and we i ompounded
our problems bv getting tier
vous ' (iregory said
' Alt hat's off to |( )SI ') I hex
made a great i omeb.u k and
linn 're .1 team tli.tl \mi i an gist
never count out They're lust
mm\ vein tough (iregorv
I lame three saw the I Hi< ks
.1 in{ Heaters tight to i t I lie
lielnre the I till ks shot out to an
I I I margin 1 he i harge uas
leii In (Itiarroin who hail two
kills and a him k
Ihe Heavers again si niggled
hat k to get to w ilhin tour at
I t 'I I lie I tin ks mol ed to 1-1 *1
oil a him k In I Itiarroin and !)t i
er and then won the game and
mail h thanks to a Iteavei attai k
"I think to our i reilit we did
light hard and we won against
a v er\ fine t ),Nt ' te mi (Iregi i
rs said
In lai t this is the best (lea
vet team I've ever seen and
linn re going to get nothing hut
I think w hen we |>i.iv uHI
uere i apalile ol winning
against ,i lot nt It-,mis in thrff
(iregorv saitl Ihe wav we
passed m game imuitifi tun I
think vvr were verv tin kv tin it
In In- ,i three game sweep
krehsh.n h (diarroin and
Terz.ian were the statistu.il
leaders for the I )tu ks. eat It
with l_' kills Sophomore out
side hitler |ulie |efler\ added
in kills ler/.ian and krehshat h
led in digging with 1 t and I I
respeclivelv Snvdei added
eight digs
The I)tu ks imprme then re
I ol d to I i I in frail I t ill the
I’ai itu 10 ( ainfereut e The He a
vers .ire a It overall anil 0 in
I'm 11) pins
Women runners win invitational
By Kurt Zimmer
Emerald Contributor
Stephanie Wessell N'itole Woodward and
I is,i karuupp finished l il ( In pace the Oregon
women's cross-country team to .in easy win Sat
uriiay ,il the Willamette Invitational in Salem
The Ducks are defending I’acilii - It) ( .outer
ence and Region \' 111 champions. lint they are a
very young squad this season and are unranked,
receiving no votes lor the first lime evei I he
1'iH‘i Oregon roster features It Ireshmen liye
sophomores, three juniors and tyyo seniors
Two-time All American l.iz Wilson, a senior
from Aberdeen. Md . is taking a medical redshirt
year due to a stress fracture, leaving Wessell as
the only 1 )u< k v\ it It championship experience In
addition, senior Angela Bonomitu ol Red Bluff,
(laid . will he out tor at least a week yyitli a sore
Wessell. a junior from (loos Bay ran the flat
5,00(1 meter course at Bush Bark in 17 1H 22.
besting a field of 1-0 runners for her sei ond vu
torv of the season Freshman Woodward of West
Finn finished second in 17:21 70 while Far
nopp, a sophomore from Bend, yv.is (locked at
17 to no to plat e third
I hi' Dm ks si hiimI (l) points tin till' (tram tlllr
while ( i'111r.iI Oregon ( ommunils (aillege was ti
distant set ond with 102 points I’ln* low kes meet
featured 14 smallrr colleges Irmn around 1 lit* I’a
i tin Northwest
Also si oriltg foi the Dm ks were ( onus ( or
nog a redsliirt freslunan from South Lugene in
llth plate v\ilh a time of IHtlti‘4‘1 and Andrea
Anderson, a Iresliman from federal Was. Wash
m I till with a time of 1 It 12 4lt
(marge lo\ totaled III points to pi. ii e third
followed l>\ < alifornia State Ilumholdt (I 28).
W estern (Jregon (aunmunity 1 College |2 IH|. I’ai d
it Lutheran If (2 Li), Cortland Slate (240) Western
Washington f2s ti. Whitman 12tt 11 the f imbci hill
Harriers (407). I.infield 1414) Southern Oregon
14 Hi) (!lai kamas (loininunil v ( ollege 14'lH|. ( dark
( on)mii ii its I ol lege 14( in| I .ew is and ( Ink f a lti),
(’at. if it fn'tO) and l‘a< i f it Lutheran ( in 1 a)
file nest ai lion lor the ( Irogon women ( nines
next Saturdav. when the Dm ks rnmpete at the
Cortland Invitational at Mi.lver I’ark in Lstai ada
file Dm ks will gel their lust taste of Cat 1(1 ( mil
petition at the invitational where tiles will run
with a field that includes No 4 Nebraska. Ititli
ranked W ashington and W ashington State
Oregon West
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