Eugene's one and only ARTISTS' CAFE EVERY MONDAY NIGHT beginning at 8 pm Featuring • Live Jazz • Poetry • Models (Bnr . • ■ ■ | id • Great food and drink ONLY $1.50 ALL AGES! WHAT A SET UP. Women's Yolle\ball Intramurals play one game per week scheduled Monday thru Friday There are three skill divisions for women plus a women's dorm division JUST DO IT. THE NIKE STORE uo RECREATION & INTRAMURAL S X4133 or X4121 ( \l\ I K I N()( IM IWIM MI NI For People Who Care How As Well As How Much. Calvert Group ".lluiN .Mr fx luiul iMT\ ckvlM»m UHl llUlkt V I hot iiu Itxlrs ih« »io is* ms\« >u nuke k*f\i»ui imrvtiiH'nlv Hjm \»m ilxH»nhl .itnuii umr vk *lLus .Ui mij v* nitii# .uhI ulut \* hi < .ui tk *»«* kcvj* ihrm i • xiMsk ni with \« >ui Ih Ik I**' (liihrfi s. * titvotmcnt I mu! ktN v«**» r« lk\1 \i hi! \ .iltit s m \t hk iiiu mhuhi |* Hlk «li« > Iiu Kuih! ktiu K yi ks i( * imtN ui ittm| ».um •> ulinti M Ix Ikm-s i« minhiUr i* * 4 hr.ihln |x\hrhil pnuliKtiM unikl v\hiK (Hiiip.inir> (li.ii 11*• Ihimihas tn *»f w i(h s .uth \tn< i ■ •( llul |m» *Km i mu k ,.r |h>\u i - *« wt .»|w»rv» swirmv I V HK k M \» ml V .ill H ■> uhI imrMMH i:|n III i» HI ft* 1 ,tn\ k >n^*rr Wrilr . tt V .ill k >i i hvi j»ii ^jh <. iti> /U win ;■ n-.uJ il. iirvfnil) ^ A'* i »4I ll >Uh I * lb *T1 V Please send the information on the Calvert Social Investment Fund Attention Geotl Hughs Name__ Address_ City_State_Zip_ Phone_Office Ph - ORGAN EiUMlMd IIM>«‘ 11 Musgrave got tlir Dinks to the 1H w ith two passes anil two penalties I'rom tlu'ti' I.(>viHi* i .11 iiril three tmu's m oring from tin' ii Musgrave tlu'ti Ini (thee w ith tin1 two point i im version .is Oregon pulImi to 2~ .’1 with 22 si*i otids remain ing in tin' thirii period (aiming right bar I (.art i.i shredded tin- Duck sei ondar\ throwing lot three lost downs on i ompletiotis ol It. III and i I v.irds res|M'i lively ( 111 sei ond and goal from the 2 Broussard went in. giving Washington State what seemed to he an insurmountable lead at it Jl Hut < tldlium made the lug plav when it was needed te turning the kit huff HO yards to the Washington State n Two plays latei Musgi.we hit I'llom .nun and it w as t I It rhiMi i .mif the turning point ill tin' n.inii' .uiii tin- downfall lur tile I)ll( ks \fti-r Inn ni(4 tin- < amgars In punt Iiii till' iinlv time in tin'; Oregon Imik over ,11 its uw n 1 7 Musgrave lul Keit/.U(4 lur siv vards In the 2 1. .inti then \M‘lll deep Ini keitzug nii llic right sideline, hul was puked nil h\ Kun Kii COnd receplions wi,h 4 for 74 >*rds- but he wouldn 't get any for a Duck * tMINOCRUNP * GREAT FOR PARTIES ANO BIRTHDAYS 5MU|nin ALL GAMES WORK VflUtU WITH NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION *1 so STM STRUT PtftllC HAMIT fUtfMi • *13-14*4 BUSY9 GET TAN QUICK!!! Convenient Reining Affordable SunShotver on campus «a»m) • in i im GREAT MOVIES DISCOUNT SHOWS Su-Mo S3 Tu-W-Th $3 50 >1 492 E 13th, ^ 6862458,