Oregon Daily_ # Emerald Moni's happen on dates Com ern for tlit* safety of women students has prompted sex end students, administrators and others to form the 1 Diversity s l 'nwanted Sexual Attention Task I on e This i oalition of 17 groups xvhic li meets every week, was c re a led last April to "address the problems of all kinds ol harassment men or women rei cive on basis of their sex on this campus in i hiding date rape and stranger rape " said task fori e leader Shirley Wilson w ho is also the l'Diversity s dean ol students "Wi area very broadly based group with representatives from other groups .is diverse as the A SI t) ( auipiis Security Housing, the (.reek system Womenspat e and mam others who are looking together at preventing any kind of unwanted sexual attention Wilson said A Personal Interest (bum lain h a (ireek system representative on the task group Turn to Rape, Page ll> University of Oregon f f*'** <>#gon L * ourt»-*» icrhi< Since November 1983, eight rapes or attempted rapes on campus have been reported to Campus Security. More have undoubtedly gone unreported. Women rally, march to take back the night By |olit* Andrade Emerald Reporter Chanting Ivru s and carrying signs. more than .1 hundred men and women rallied in the KMl’ Court yard, then marched to downtown Kugune Saturday night to show their anger toward rape The rally (.ailed lake Hack the Night" and spon sored bv the Women's Center has been <1 tradition at the I'Diversity since 1U7H Rally organizers said its purpose was to make people aware that women aren t going to he vi< tuns any longer, and that together they ran oven ome the tear of walking alone at night Teresa Reeves Women's Center Task lone coor dinator s.ud it was important that the rallv take plate bet ause rape and other violence against women is con tinually growing at ross the ( ountrv and little is being done to stop it "In I t I-auderdale last week .1 jury acquitted a rapist bei ause they thought (the plaintiff) was sugges lively dressed." Reeves said "Kvervone out here knows someone that has been attacked We want to know that we < .in walk the streets free .it night bet ause we re in .1 group." Reeves Turn to March, Page 17