Encore! H O u RECORDS 258 f 15th 5« 7975 MEW HOURS!! Mon. - Thurs. 11-6 Fri. - Sat. 11-8 Sun. 12-6 School UMHBtSm Of OKfOOM of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E 18th Ave CHRISTOPHER PARKENING Classical Guitar 'A Tribute to Segovia' Mon., Oct. 9 8 p.m. Silva Hall, Hult Center $16. $14 Reserved Seats $10. $8 Students / Seniors ”40 FAULTLESS FINGERS” Piano Quartet from Eugene High School Class ol 1940 Tues.Oct. 10 8 pm. S3 General Admission $1 Students and Seniors BENNETREiMER ^Guest Artist Seminar A dialogue with one of America's leading music educators on music and arts curriculum Thurs., Oct. 12 8:30 p m FREE Admission PHILIP GLASS Guest Artist Lecture 1 Pianist and avant-garde composer Philip Glass discusses his works Fri., Oct. 13 3:30 p m FREE Admission For more information, call 686-3761 (Music School) ' L ookmg tor a good dear’ Check the Emerald ADS University Museum to show artwork by contemporary painter Alice Neel H\ Mart 1.1 I I diversity News Bureau An exhibition <>| paintings by Alii i* \cel .1 renow m il i on 11-injn ir.i r\ Amerh an artist, will be nn display (>i t ' through I It-i 1 ll .it I lie I'nivrrsilx Muse um ut Art 1 I td Inlmscin I ..ini' Ihe i xhibitiiin li-.itiirrs I'i |i.iintinvts limn tin- i nllci turn ul lmi.ith.in .mil Monika lir.nul ol I ugene I lie i 1 ln-r .mil t.ik i'll tu Havana In Neel's ( nil, 111 liiisb.mil .1 |Mintrr sin- had met m ,iit si I11111I llrr lust daughter had died nf diphtheria tun \ ears ear I let I’,Milled limn memorv Is.ilielta is portr.ned as .1 tor lorn dull I ike i n ature < Inti It me a slutted animal I lie paint I m; * V ml ml iy.es Nee Is uWll I eel ing ut depression and luneli ness Neel latei said ut the painting “That's emotion in its purest lurm In PIT. Neel joined the easel prii|eit ut tile Works Progress Administration (IVPA|. whir li prin iiled a small hut stearU III 1 nine dining the billow mg eight years During this period Neel painted brooding 1 11 v si apes, un hiding Neu \oli I enemi-nl Hai kyard. one ol several unpeopled urban views that bear resemhiaiu e to similar si enes In I du aid I topper Neel nun ed to Spanish I lar fern m PUB with her neu liner Jose Santiago, a Puerto Kiiun uighli lull singer who was the lather ol Isi• haul her first sou Neel remained with Santiago for only a feu years hut lived in Harlem for a total ol 2 > years painting the Puerto ( midt'W phulit \rh\l \liir \rrl\ p.untmt; rntitlril |i>nnv Hrand onr rx.implr 1',Hilled with Wei's i harm trristii spniitanei tv it her,dds ,i less troubled pe nod in her Hie and earner Wei’s works of the 1‘ltitls tend to he brighter and lightei She s.nd that I hanksgiv was her answer to I’op Art re terring to the ( an of Ajax on the sitlehoard The llin kl\ painted ( upon defrosting in the sink suggests in an amusing wax the les,, sentimental side of a fami Iv dinnei \eel often emplover) this type ot skewed persper live as an expressive dev it e "lennv (fraud " is less expres sionistit and more decorative with airv juxtapositions ol pati lies ol color with hare areas ol i am as It is a portrait ol a healthy pink i hooked i hlld Ilia! contrasts markedly with the still and sormwful ’' Isabella ' reflet ting the change in Wei's own psycho logit al state Wei grew up in a small stilt urb of Philadelphia and knew since childhood that she want ed to he an artist I ram 102 1 to P12a. she attemied the I’llila delpllia St hool ol I lesign foi Women, now Moore (College of Art, from which she received an honorary doctoral degree in 1071 I he I 'diversity Museum of Art is open to the publit Iree ol t barge from noon to a p in Wednesdays through Sundays except state anti I'iversity holi days I ree weekend parking is available within one block of the museum in the I'niversitv lot at l ast 14th Avenue and kinr aid Street I or more information r ail the Museum of Art at 0B(i-:H)27