UO-Bookstore GREAT PRICES ON NEW PRODUCTS NEXT WEEK AT THE ELECTRONICS FAIR FREE GIVEAWAYS ALL WEEK ! H I H » A H f OVf H 10 0 PMU'. AH' ’« H V { , AN iif 1 st f T MI w s » HI r V I H y i h r H U S I H I I V A l i O U O F O STUOfNI l li IS A BUS PASS * AMI IOH T M I TERM IN l lli'EC S ' !' f N t s : t S * . EttS PROVIDED t N c OOPf RATION W . T H ASSOC AM! STtU'ENTS . M V t H s * T V . . » MEG'S LancTYansrt District Now J(m I lr\ this ji home without pjrenijl \uperviston Encore! I’hoto In I* " hi I nixrrsilx i;r.ulu,itr /rtl Hulilivin \ itholot’mph. rntitlrd Blisters in the N.ilt l‘.in. is one ol his works on tiis/ilai ;if thv Aporlurv (iallvrx in thr I Ml Landscaped nude photography focus of Gallery's new exhibit B\ 1 av ne I aketish f n< ore Reporter You’ll liml him < rout lied up behind .1 mod ern version ol an old 1 .imer.i With the blank sheet putted ovei his head and the met hauism for shooting the pit lure in Ins hand, the world bet nines Ins subjet t And ,is the button is pushed, the world bet times Ins pit lures I he world bet times jelt Baldwin’s pictures Baldwin, a tli-year-old I'niversitv alumnus has been taking pit lures (or 10 rears and t urrent ly has them on displar ,it the Aperture (.allerv in liie KM! The slum runs through ()i t .10 and fen lures 11!. I1l.11 k and white photos ol nude sublet ts within natural laiulst apes "Nature provides .1 state ot simple it\ anil 1 laritv upon whit h I at t out m\ dramas ot a sin gle moment. Baldwin said in a written slate ment displayed next to the pit lures He ctnild be called a one-man band l or many of his photos, he pit ks out the setting, sets up the camera, reat lies tor his () foot cable re lease anil then puts himself in the pit lure as none other than the subjut t The ( able release tl lows him to snap the pit ture from in front ot the t amera rather than ha\ mg to use a timer "This group of prints addresses im relation ship \v ith myself in and with the natural env iron ment." Baldwin said As with am form ol art. the interpretation is It'll up to the viewer as the proverbial expression "all in the eve of the beholdei sa\s "Because tfie majority of the images are sell portraits, vou are exponent mg the artist s person a! relationship with the environment and Ins rev ereiice for beautv " said Don Ross Aperture t.al lerv 1 oordinator Ills work is on the central vxalls of 1 Ml s main floor One picture entitled "lost in the ( tovycI. is shot m vvh.it appears In t*i* .1 jagged mi k t overed plain The twist In the picture is the human boils l.ivuii! 011 top ot one ol the 101 ks amidst the roi ks lamisi ape kin- pu lure gisex a sense of being at one ss itli nature Specimen" is another ol Baldwin's photos that can lie seen in \perture (killers I his photo is shot 111 a shaded gros e ot tall trees ssith a man standing among them It is set annthei man ami Ins environment pit tore ss ith the subjet t ot the 1111 (tile seeming to be a part ol the lamisi ape it not even somehow tunnelled with the grove ol trees Het atise the pit lures are ot naked men 111 ad d it ion to naked women Baldwin s photogiaphs shows how tlm bodies ot both sexes 1 an lie seen as photographic art tonus letl's photographs are refreshing ill that dies break rules associated with gendei Koss said More often female figures are portrayed in compassionate conjunction within the land si ape Do the pictures have a message' I he rela tloliships seen between the subjects and nature suggest both peace ami drama I he dramas are universal, lit is) the struggle to 1 ontiol the world in .111 ettort to control 0111 tears |it is| the hope ot being a part balanced against the desii • to be apart Baldwin said I am tortured and incized hs the glors and bullishness I see ssitlun and around sou and me." he said Baldwin s ssork was selei fed toi the exhibit last sear bs a tise member pus who looked at samples of his work l ive otliei I uiseisils con Her ted photographers were also 1 boxen and then works will be shown in turn, throughout tin s ear Ills exhibit at the \perture tiailers located ill the lobby ol the I Ml 1 an be s jessed until ( >t I t() < out(r»» I'hnlu Dnr nl Ihr Ir.ilurrs in I he Sim unit \mm.iliiin (cli'bialiun is this si rnr hum I’rupauaixlaix <■ In him Siln .mil I’.ilni 1.1 I nil millx Situ Bijou opens animation festival I hr hijmi Art ( mrm.is C") 1 IJth Avr will open its Lit rst attraction entitled I hr >r< tuul \mnuitmn < rlrhmlmn I hr \/. 11 tr tonight I hr 1 in minute animation mm ir will lr.it ui I hr Sunf> suns (I'oodniiiht. l .i/.u Hr.it I)ctiit\ttum I in / m ami main mini' MUSIC S.ituri/,iv Oct 7 Etoulfee Band «n t,it thr WuiV Hall, :n)1 W Eighth Avr tonight .it 9 .JO Tickets arr $4 Totty Eloanor Roosevelt at IS produced jointly t)y Fefm Nova Th€*ater and Springfield The.iter It will be performed it Springfield High St hool Auditorium a! H p m tonight Tickets re $2 for stu dents .md $‘> for adults f <>r more* information < all 747 OH21 M. '■'>./.iv Oct d Christopher Barkening .vili ! • ,it the Hull Center 1 e va C< a er t H.il .it H p re tonight III Vet ire $ 11 • init S 1 l student atnl senior tn I els ate $10 .mil $H Tuesday Oi l W AO Faultless Fingers 1 1 Plan Quartet from f ugene High hm elass ot 1940 that will play at Beall Concert Hall at 8 pan Ail mission 1 $3 students and se nior s at $ 1 VISUAL AMTS Continuum The Alumni Show the Idle t the I MU Gallery's , urrent enhibi lion which runs through Nov tO Wildflowor Photography ••■tut a currently at the Natural History Museum. lhHO ( 15th Ave and will run through Oct 29 the Mu seum ot Natural History is open to the public tree of Charge from noon to 5 p m Wednesday through Sunday em epl slate and University holidays Faculty art show to include visiting artists' work ('.aller\ 14 1, .1 (.<<. i 1 it \ ol I In1 I ’nivorsilv's Department of lim- .uni Applied Ails will open its " 19K‘I-PU I .k n11\ Ait Show Mondas I lie .iiiiiii,it t.K ii11\ exhibit w ill feature the works ot 11 l'niversit\ fine .ills f.u nits members ,ind will include si iilplures. draw ings printmakmg. painting ,ind i ompu ter graphic s I'lie show also will feature tile works ol two new lull time assistant professors Megan t.orwin, a metalsmith and jewelrv maker from ('alilornia and Mike llolcome a \ isual designer from Missouri Also r "led in the shim .ire the works ol three \ isil ini; ,1111 ' Marilyn Nelson, .1 visiting assistant professor (torn (A! • eio will exh 1 f> 11 some visual designs while Anita Me ‘.;nll. .1 visiting artist from the San l imn ism iit I hi' American < Health Assoc .. Chair ot the Americ an College Health Assoc AIDS I ask force and Director ot Student Health Services at the t mversitv Ot \ irginia Sponsored bv the lam- Count* AIDS Consortium. I hi- University ot Oregon, and Sac red Heart tor more into please tall Janet Winter at lane ( ounty 1*01)111 Health, 687-401 SET YOUR BURGER ALARM FOR 4 P.M. 99* After 4 P.M. BIG MAC , McDLT , QUARTER POUNDER WITH CHEESE Offer Good Thru 10-1 3-89 1417 Villard St. Only