E ■* C ° R e ! The Oregon Daily Emerald's Entertainment Guide I uwitrsv jilinli Christopher I’arke.-inf;. one ot the world's preeminent \irtn iisos id i l.issii ,il unil.ir. m ill perform in the Hull ( enter \ S//i,/ (mu ert ll.ill Monday EXPKESS YOUKSELE AT LAA DEE DAH We added ex< iting almost new tall designer clothes • Donna Karan • Ralph Lauren • Vitlddini • Dana Buchman • Anne Mein • Calvin Mein and man) more it s all waiting for you now 468 Willamette (5th (X Willamette) 683*2329 { onsignment items needed • Local artists welcome Junior League of hugene The Thrift & Gift Shop High Quality Resale Clothing & Household Items • Latest Fashions for Men & Women • A • Designer Clothing • Kit Supplies • 1 • games, toys. k clothing SEE US FOR YOUR FALL CLOTHING & HOUSEHOLD NEEDS! 2839 VVill.nm'tu- Si \( f OS'* (foil! Vi illdllK'll*' I *l<*/‘* 343-3861 Opfn Mon Sliri I’.ii kcning Parkeumg will | M-i 11 mu u lu ml (.using i oncer I lur the Linda ]i*■)ii Minin' Mi'inim.il Si linl.irliip .it tin' Unit (uniter's Silv.t ( nnieit II.ill .it It |i in Morulas night I n kets ate available .it tin- Hull (mill Hu\ ()tfu e .mil are pru ed al SI t and Sin with spei iill disinnnl'. pines III S;i and S)(l Ini stmli'iils and senior citizens Parkenmg's concert is pint of a pu- album lour and li'.ituri's a liruail variels ut Spanish and Smith American repertoire ll is I'nlitlril A I rib ulr In Andies Segovia Segovia is Barkening s funnel leai hei and legemlan ligure in the world ol guitars Ironic.dlv, it was Segovia who proclaimed that (hrislophei Barkening is a great arllsi one ot the most brilliant guitarists in the world Hut even as a teenagei Barkening iiisplaved the talent that has brought him stu h international ai i lailll \t age Ii he was selei ted lo pla\ til Se gov la s lust I 'mil'll Stales master i lass at the l ill versitv ol ( alilornia al Herkelev lie had mils be gun Ins sliidv ol (lie instrument lour sears earliei I'arkening perloi inam e i redits mi hide rei il al a p pea re ni es with mails ol the world's leading on heslrns including the \evv York I'liilh.union ii , the National Svmphons and the on hestias ol I tin ago. ( Cleveland Philadelphia, San I ram 1st o I .os Angeles Pittsburg and St l oins In lime I'arkening was invited lo perform al the \\ lute I louse Im former Piesident Konalil Reagan Pnrkening s commitment to preserving the i lassii al guitar extends bevong |usl perhuining I le i onilm ts a inastei i he.-, al Molilalia Stale I ill versitv nnimnllv ami has authored the book I lie ( hrislophei Parkening (iiutar Method. Yol I Im hided on the program fin the evening are I),m/,i h\ Dii'i^o ]'(irriji>s Suilr m P minor bv S,mil.u»ii Hi' \lurt i,l Kitmho 'lli In/ v Ri'iiwnilii\in/,i hv Segovia; ( .un ion \ Ikm/.t lw Km. 1’ipn \ ilhmo'i .1 h\ l\ii111(ti<> (huandir. Siutr I'lMtu>/,< 11\ (iaspai Stin/. and Scroinitii b\ Iss.n Allien i/ Also on thi- program is assisting artist David Hr.union, who has studied guitar willi I’nrkeuiug Despite Ins l>iis\ si hrdulr I’arkriiing and Ins udi- an' avid Ik lishrmirn I'liev spend pari ol their snmnmrs in Monl.ina where linn fish tot Irotil \nd as with Ins iinisu . I’arkrnmg r\eells III III Is spin l lit- lias won thr Ufslfin I lull'd Stall's \ 11 Around ( 'as I up; I ilia up no u.ships and t a me in lust plain in tin- I'll!' Inin national (add (hip larpon rournaini'iil also know n as thr U imhrldon ol ll\ tishing III a srpai.llr rvrnl ( ollipo n I’hilip (dass will otlri a free piihlir In turr on Ins musit on Ini lav ()« I 1.1 in Ural I I out rrl Hall, 'Hi 1 I I Hth \\ r at I 111 p in Mining ( dass s main awards is llir \rw Mu sii \w aid for I lassii al Minim ol thr h r.u in l‘IHh (.lass will discuss I hr mlrrrul.ilion ol Ian guagr and iiiusii and lus usr ol language as a i hail lo develop and i rralr iiiusii A proldu nun im.disl i oluposrr (dass has developed a popular lull following willi Ills dianialii and original i Olliposll II ms I llass w ill pluy recorded rxcrrpls ol soinr of Ins works on hiding tinstrm on llir Kr.n h s.ifi ,n;i,illhi /ml I uni \lipLilli' S oil tllr Ron I |whn h was prt loll uni III I'hlglMir Iasi yr.u ) (.lass also will perforin a solo loncerl ol his miik lain llir s.unr evening at the Hull I rnlri s Soli ng l llralrr I n krls lor llir ( oin i ll air .Wailahlr al llir Hull I rnlri Ho\ I )ffl( r (llir I ugriir I rnlri and llir I' Ml Mam Desk Stinlrnls reirivr a si dr. i mint oft llir rrridat In ket price ol S.'il UO-Bookstore It’s a thirsty ride to the top. PEPSI 6 PACK + DEP ENTER AND WIN • SEE DISPLA Y IN FRONT LOBBY FOR DETAILS • ENDS 10/6/B9 Get the word out with an ODE classified