Garden art Innun Aiisum nni! Susan Nidf(wu\ both students in ,i \\utercolur < less, take time nut from their busy schedules to do some homework Photo by Strvr (!.int How’re you going to do it? Htvhntl fnrm rri hlitfh ' trii'lin^ jut I > >uumftrii b\ wm u>h^\ ' /H A. npulfnl in / ’ PS/2 it! (ilosc a Weal on an IBM I*S/l2 In-lore ill** semester closes in on vim. lirlorr v>>trin/J t hoo**- from livr iliflrmil jurkaps of fianl v%ar** and Miftwarv—all al >|m« la I lou siudrnl prwr-v I .i« h svsirin nnik^ v% ith «*a*\ -to-u>r softuarr ioadrd .iihI rvad\ « to p»! W hal s niorr. \*Im ii you fm\ your l*S/2/ you ran SI p i f*HOlH<»V* tfw* shopping information and rntrr _&*•] Ijinincnt rompulrr vr\nr, al Irv- than half ifw* niail ‘ |»rn i*. \ih! for a limited Iiiik*. you ran pi '|m « lal sjvmpoii your rfioirr of tIBM IVoprintrr * modrU? IkNi’t miss tIn* float. (4Uiw* hi today. Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center Mondav-Fridav 9am-5pm 686-4402 •Th».^*-T*«J»D<*u»»*d«tuc>*nU tac^v *nu ttaff *rm v ^ f>V‘, 0> • H‘ « K- MO H‘ * * *>\ c- WS*> f ftt 0, OctoOar 31 1909 Odat *• *ub**i it: . «M m«v «'ifw>a» -» - « «»» !#».• *»• ■ ’« * ,w pyraur* P*. .’»• '•^1 * **1 ‘' i,aMr-«t of »N*Jvv or«©oH a partnOV-*, o« «M at.l W•. -i ■l*a Plant ( nntimird from 1 suiwstions tnr t hnunuin the way llif I’Iivsh.uI PI.1 tit lures employes the appeal iik e «>( nepotism is nut present Ihi'ii' was nntliinn we i milil will) .il Ihr present so we Inokeif ,it thi' lullin' • mil hm\ hy i .in pre\ i'iiI I In • appear.tut e ot nepotism in the future k mu s.uil I’.ll l eu IS. the !'ll\ SII ,ll 1*1.1111 ‘ s Itieeull I'illllll l\inpln\ ee s I moil representative, i m it I it inns li.u e been iinpnu illH sun e Ku.n 11 took aver as in lerun dirts lor Ur were realK pleased with the i oustillinn report In' i .him- nr ilnl ha\i' ,i lot ol input min il siif -..nil \li Kiiiii Ii has tlouc what nr think is .in e\t.ellenl job Lewis s.uil I lei lit u,is will inn lo i imliiiiii- tin1 iuiptmi'iihmiIs Ih'hiih b\ Ko.ii It I lei III u ho is m I iHp-iii' turn will spend tin- llrsl pari ot tin- month getting i I I i HappyJTrails We pay cash for used Records, Tapes & CD's Buy 2 used records or tapes and get one Vr**.- f«*v t>fd i" Ittpt) of €*qtMl Of ♦ v.Uurl $1.00 OFF ANY CD! MON THUR 10 30 7 00 FRI SAT 10 30 10 00 • SUN 10 5 1425 Oak Street 485-5351 COUPON 0*»COUN7 NKiHT^ '.iuMoll |3 » > wU»^ KA»,l» T Mt AMI >H i>l . >MN •> C «tm*> .»< Sovof.ii shorts from Mall (l *u In >♦««) Q»oonng a -n, Rll THE SIMPSONS, Ptympfon'a WAVS t6 QUIT SMOKING. OavwJ Hyrn* % tJMHAH AHAUMA A KNICK KNACK tf>« now v Ljrom \hm produ¥Q^0Min fo» M J m 71o7 CELEBRATION - “ i' SI' 3;, Vi 492 E 13th 606 2456 I f Mtl O OVtHt f i Sm T 20 • Sw 1* t SO • Sun UM 4 JO ! DEAD POETS lSOCILTY f nnAi wriw inos mums, ocr a » r S* 0 %0 • Sk» f»« • \ S DWRiMS! KICK <64.7 LATE NIGHT « Ul» Ntat.1 AOK.ton Fr 8« U 8u Th M M> « KLCX LATE MOHT h -.11 4O-SuThllO0 mm ana in, / ^ V TrstcrusAve \ . -, ■■-■- » -n-- I •■ U 1 i hi i \\ \m \\ si i mi s ( ! ihi' !<■ i liiir K>0 Erb Memorial Union 10 00 2 00 M F M6-4381 Typesetting Design/Consultation