Community. Womenspace: A place to find shelter from, confront violence By Ali« e Wheeler Emerald Managing Iditor Ifomestii violent is •• regu I.u Iv in i lining i rime in l-ine (Ionnl\ so regular m fat I that over at Ml women and i hildren souglil sliellei ,il Womenspat e ,i lot al shelter [or vil Inns of do iiieslu violence "We provide shelter for hat lered women and their i hil dren. and Irv to empower those women to make decisions on their own. said I'carl Wolfe volunteer t ommunitv edut a lion coordinatoi and graduate student in sociology Uomensp.ii e runs .1 confi dential lemporarv shelter house in Kiigene 24 hour 1 iisis hotline 1 ounseling, a transition house, which has inexpensive apartments for women who are trying to remove themselves from abusive situations and 1 ommunitv support groups held ill both luigene and Springfield Volunteers III.ike up 7a pel lent of the stall at W omenspat e wlin h means the sliellei needs an average of 7a to 10(1 volunteers to film lion properly Wolfe s job is In 1 e 1 1 nil and si leeii potential vol unleers Indore and dm mg train ing sessions IVopIt* voluntriM In unik .it the shelter for .1 number t»i n*.» sons. Wolfe said Some have Been in abusive relationships .mil working .il tin* slu*lti*r is ,i wax ol working through and slid ng their past exponent es to the In * net it of themselves and i itIn rs she said >.it gist anyone i an hei time a , ol11nteer at \\ omeiispai e II lakes a i ertain kind of devo lion whit h nn hides purl it ipat mg in t yy o Saturday training sessions Training ini.hides an overview of domeslu violent e. a tlest riplion of VVomenspat e servites. an explanation ol the l yt le of y it limit e lllell will! flat ter .inti women who are hat tered skill training and role playing The training sessions weed out people who are not pie pared to deal with the variety ol situations volunteers at W e often have to hit e W i die said " \ it.I inis t mss all si it ial i lasses They are women who have hecn through a lot emu tumalh and ph\sit alls I hey are usually stronger than pen pie think they are Unite s.ntl "The t hiltlren reall> y at \ With some you i an leally see it they ale really needy ( fillers lake on the parents role Being a volunteer at \\ e has its advan tages unite saitl "You .lie aide to work \\ 11h women to stop the t* of male violent e It is re.illv .1 social movement the dnmestit violent e move men! .mtl il feels good It) be .1 [Mil ol Womenspiit e neetls volun leers lo work m many of its ser \ it es such .is its 24 hum t risis intervention hotline, residen tial program, sot servin' atl vim at \ anil t hildren's work els Wolfe said rhe fust training session will be held on Saturdav C )t I 7 and 1 lie second on Oil 14 Adtli Ilona! training is prov idetl out e volunleers t house a specific area in which lo work People who would like volunteer in formation, contact I’earl Wolfe at 4H i 8242 Womenspat e begun as a hotline in PI77. when three women who had been victims of domestic violence started running a t lists line for abused women out of their home. Wolfe Womenspat e now handles 11\er ti unit tails a vear on its 2 4 hour ttisis line and houses over 'itltl women and t hildren m the shellei It is now a non profit organi/.alion with fund mg from lot al stale ami federal sources I like to think that people who w ork for orga n i/at ions like ours want to make a tontiibu tlon to then sot let\ Wolfe sa i 11 OPEN 24 HOURS Kinko's Copies • Binding • Laser Design • Gourmet Espresso • coffee 860 E. 13th 44 W. 10th 344-7894 344-3555 IIIII11 SC H1IH Li: OH SERVICES YOM KIPPUR: I sr: Midilalnm and Musii Knl Nidi i' sil l u r Sun. OvIoIkt X t I isliri '>) (>:.'0 7:00 p.m. I (nation: 1236 Kincaid, behind l of <) Bookstore : Motuflii), OcIoIht 9 I I ishri 10) Meditation and Music * Mowimul priHrss with loan \urtur mu i*»mpas>ioii «ith I «ar \ 's«Hial lusher \ N|)iritualilv Panel (list iission ^ i/kor »V Mai l\ n*li»U' \eilah IKIth 'mt It aU * MJNDCRIAND * C.R* AT »OR PAH T If S ANO BIRTHDAYS 54*uincn AI l GAME S WORK £VlUtU WITH NiCKE L S GAMES ADMISSION 1 so STM STRUT ruauc KAMI (I (UCfMf »H3 MM THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShowrr on campus SCANNING GRAPHICS SCANNING AND OCR TEXT RECOGNITION FOR MACINTOSH AND IBM PCS 'S'C'A'N'N'E'R'S1 FRANKLIN PARK PL A2A • J S »20 FRANKLIN UVD tUGCNI 747-4589 Is student health insurance cutting into your budget? l all lIk' Garr\ l Lidas Corporation and lind out how sou can vju‘ hundreds ot dollars (,\RR\ 1. I.IDAV President Insurance Brt'ker ln\ estment Broke: 484-6K85 GM. Sex hearings canceled By Stephanie* Holland Emerald Reporter Arraignment hearings were < anceled this week for three people ( tied in Kugene on prostitution-related c harges stem riling from an alleged sexual researc h projer t Mu gene Police Department officials cited the three two weeks ago when the Woods claimed to he conducting a na tionwide sexual research project to evaluate "the sexual po tential of the mat ire female," according to police reports Nam \ Steffen Wood, 44. and Rodney Thorp Wood. I>() were scheduled to he in t ourt Monday to far e charges of pros titution and promoting prostitution, respectively. A Universi ty student was scheduled Thursday to face prostitution charges Moth hearings were canceled; however the case is still un der investigation Mr Wood, an anesthesiologist at Southampton Hospital on Long Island. \ Y was suspended from his joh Monday, said Alex Sneddon, director of development and marketing lor the hospital. The University student, who was paid for having sex w ith Mrs Wood .is part of the reported research project, said his lawyer told him the charges probably will be dropped. Eugenians to demonstrate in Washington for homeless Bv |anis |oseph Emerald Reporter I ifteen people from the Ku gene Spi ingfield .ire.i .ire in \\ ashinglon I) (! to rally tor at fordable housing with 1!.'>(UHM) to '>00 ooo other demonstrators Housing Now! .1 National ( nail I ion tor lire Homeless pro |ei t promotes housing for average Amoric sponsor mg the demonstration on Satur day m the nation s 1 apitol 1.1 it and t>tl percent ol their income for rent Suit e I'lfi I. federal housing assistance to these households has been 1 ut. while upper i 11c tune families have benefited from subsidies in the form ot mortgage lax exemp tions the report said Demonstrators tire encour aged to meet w ith their con gressional representatives and urge them to support affordable housing legislation, the report said 'Housing is one of the hot test issues (tuning around." said Norman Kiddle. .1 home less outreac h worker for White Bird (dinit's Health (dire for tin! 1 iomeless Project. Kiddle added that the rally w ill show homelessness is a na tioinvide problem .11 loss the nation and not just in certain places. " This event, led In homeless men and women, will give hope to millions who sleep in our nation’s parks and on steam grates." said Donna lira zile, I lousing Now! national co ordinator 1 lousing Now' serr es to bridge the gap lor Americans who are finding it dilticull. d not impossible to find decent and affordable housing Burr\ Xigas. national presi dent of the National l ow In mine Housing (audition said the rally is ,1 non-violent dem onstration encouraging reform ol the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the restoration of budget funds tor housing Housing Now! seeks support trom people in every state Lack of money kept more Ore gonians from attending the ral Iv Kiddlt* said Were a long way trom V\ ashington D.t A lot ol pri 1 pie wanted to go that couldn ! her anise were so far ar\ay Kiddle said. The 1 T> people that did go hope to show members of ( on gross it is in their interest to i reate more affordable housing in Kugene and natiourvide lie said LETTER PERFECT 9:00 5:00 M F 686 4381 TYPESETTING PASTE-UP LAYOUT DESIGN CONSULTATION LAYOUT TYPESETTING PASTE-UP LAYOUT DESIGN CONSULTATION LAYOUT TYPESETTING PASTEUP LAYOUT DESIGN CONSULTATION LAYOUT TYPESETTING PASTE-UP LAYOUT DESIGN CONSULTATION LAYOUT TYPESETTING PASTE-UP LAYOUT DESIGN CONSULTATION LAYOUT