University Benefactor for business school will speak at dedication today A (Aliforma developer who lias donated $1 million to i re ale lour professorships in the new (diaries II l.undquist Ten ter lor Business Development will speak toda\ in a dediea t ion i eremonv l lie monev. donated In ( all forma developer (diaries l.und quist. will be matched by the Oregon State System ol Higher IvdiK ation's new Kndowment for Kxcelleni e Program. l lie (it'tiit ation < eremonv. which is open to the ptiblii . is .it J t() p in in Room 1 AH ot the (diiles Business Center lames Reinmuth, dean of the t imer sity's College ol Business Ad ministration, and University President Myles Brand will open the < eremoin Rii hard I lenslev president ot the Oregon State Board ol Higher Kducation. is the lea tilled guest lie will speak on "Challenges for domorrow's Kntrepreneurs Reinmuth said the long-range goal ol the center is to create an understanding ol entrepreneur slop in business activity I he (enter will develop teaching materials and establish a body of research to examine innova I ive business prat t u es l lie I Iniversity annouiu ed its first match Sept ltl toi the l.u dowmenl tor K\t client e I’m Hr,mi Oarolvn dhambers ol lai gene k.i\*■ the $1 million >• it! i he (lhambers endow ment will create .in academic i hair in tin' (lollege "I Business Ailminis Iratiun and two distinguished professorships in the St hool ol journalism Tin* Oregon Legislature ap proved a $1 2 million fmnl this vear malt lies the earnings on qualifying private endow ments given to the I'niversitv and Oregon State t'niversity foundat ions The endowments are ear marked tor the purpose ol es talilislung distinguished t,n nits positions The endowment pro gram is subject to final approv al bv the Oregon State Hoard ol Higher bducation at its October meeting (file million dollais is re quired to endow an at ademit t hair and SfiCMUMMl is needed to endow a distinguished proles sorship The main purpose ol endowments created under the mail fling program is to en haute existing positions with salary supplements research funds and ini reused library holdings Providing endowments for faculty chairs and professor ships is one of the goals of I lie I'amp.nKn Inr (Irt'Kon lilt- 1 ni versitv’s $i>() million fund dri\ e I ’ 11 i\ «*rsit\ ollic i.ils hop lo have Sr 2', million in mimi'il cndowt'd .u .uli’iuii po silions liv tin- i amp.nnn's end in 1*192 rim i .im)),iii;n is .ilm.ul ot ils planned si Imdule v\itli morn than $IH million in pledges anil n'tls ri'i ("iM'il suit i' it was Ilium Imil m Mav 1‘IHH llm I ,ini()ai«n IS I until main! In llm Pnivi'rsilv Inundation an in ili'pi'iiili'nl i orporalion ornan i/t'il lo soln it and man.inn nitls for llm I hiivorsiU _Correct ion An rntis m Tlmrsdav A l\t tils (lillllllll dill 111)1 111 l I III If till1 (lull' .111(1 lillll' III .1 presentation l.\ .i111In11 Klitli.itiiif I uni Mi ( linn A stun .ilmtii tin' l in \ ersits A parking* prob li'ins in ist.iki'iiK lisii'd tlir pru i' of i ainpuji park inn pi'imils l lii- pm !• id a student parking permit is Si ill I In- i usl ill a bull I tv put mil S i (lit II if I’nwitiUI apul ugizes lui mi mi veil if in i' I In-sc errors ma\ have i aiiscil __ ()rcfion Daily _ _ Emerald Pll |i..% H <*» tugrnr 0«r<>Mi **'4*»» T f ,• •, . ' i , i • \ , t ’ i- ! t,!f j‘Jf* F ' lay «• • » ,■.,|in *,>,** gym] .a ahons by Ihe Or©g»>n Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the University of Oregon Eugene Oregon The Eme'aid is operated ndependontly of the University with offices on the •. » the t ft> M. •■.,.!(. | • 1 i .. f the Av. lied I'n . Th* I rner.ilit m pmate properly The .. •• awful fl»m. vat ■ •» use of papers is pr. »• ulabie by iaw Managing l ditor F ditonal F dilor Graphics Fdilor Encore Editor Editor Tr* • r. t1 a • VV!'«■*■ • News F ditor SfMftt 1 M.eH Vie Supplements I ditor Da» Ke . vVee Night E ditor *r Olii.r Associate Editors Community M W • Student Government Activities M i H : » Higher Education/Administration » • M . ft Features Demse i ift. Reporters .. . * f Catherine Mawley Step? »m, I J Jam-. ). n.epri, l ay ne l afcehsh Can Sivosmd At• I >> Thornton Photographers Sieve i .»>d fh M.»m. Advertising Sales David i imphe Mamee Hagen Da* d Hansen s. ott M- Avoy Amy Mdlelstaedt Met' . , t Neis n.n. »’.« * an He Parsewe Anna Member lu Janet S. hotvr Ted Shepler Si ott Smith Cadlin StarV Jennifer Thomas. Jennifer Vuile Ingrid White Kelly Williams General Staff Advertising Oireclor . <.- 1 fie • Assislanllothe F>ublisher • < . Production Manager M r-eie H Advertising Coordinator e> i»,i l hiiie' Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom t>86 *>‘»t t Classified Advertising 4343 Display Advertising 686 3712 Production Graphic Services hflfi 4381 Survival Center to meet today \n:i i'i\i ;s Survival Outer meets todav at I p tu in I Ml Suite I lo discuss (M can ei ulogs issues and the Uednesd.n nielli film series Philippine Students Organization meeting and sue nd will be held al (lie hoinuma Center at the ( uruer of 14th Avenue and hint aid Street, tu night I rum > tee ti All intterestefl parties are wel come tu attend fur mure information, i .ill I.H7 1 it.‘I Singapore Students Vssociation meets 11> night lor its annual general meeting I mm I tu ip ,(t the Oerlinger Lounge \ put I in k dinner will be held afterwards from C to ll All Student Welcoming and Assistant Pro grant |S\VAP) participants will be meeting then respet live brothers and sisters .it this meeting Mism.i am.oi s Korean Student Association unites .ill Kure an American students tu the I98‘l ‘to Ireshman orientation, tu be held Satimiav at 11 at Alton Itakel Park A pit.nil lunch will alter the meeting fur further information and transportation call Sun hwon at 1411- Pt7 I Catholic Mass will be celebrated this week end at the Newman Center ltCit) P.inerald St Saturdav night at Sund.n morning at ‘t and 11 .1 ill ,uni 7 10 p in A hike lip Spent cr Untie to i .tic li the sunset w ill leave the N' ( Cuter Hi >0 Kineiald SI tonight a! h K.inner ( Inh will Imlil it tirst tn e In night .it 7 in Agate Kouin \i lor more information i all I t.iiinv IA on at liHli tin.’ International (aiilee Hour i I n -1 • I even In da\ Iron) I In li p in in the I.\ 11 International Lounge I lee t.oltee and tea are offered and e\ ervone is ueli nine l he(.a\ and lesbian Mliant c's Open House will Itc held tonight at ’ in the (l.\l ,.\ off it e KM I Room tin Students and non students are ucl eome (>av and lesbian Mliant e volunteer training will he held Sunday from 10 a in to i p tn at the koinonia (.Cntei The session will he a day long training to orient its stall tn offit e proi edltre and oil it e goals Students and non students welcome llr.idliiu' lor sulimittinn I t a/s tn thr hinri.ild trout desk IIMl Smtr ton. is noon the c/av Itelore pnhlit .itioii I t a/s are run tlir il.i\ oI thr evert/ l/tt/ess thr evert/ oi tuts hrtnrr noon l \ tints with a ilon.ition tn .iilnnssion t /targe will not hr t nnsidrred (I,imp its evert/s .mil thosv si hrdnlrd nearest thr puhlii.ition il.itr will hr green prioritx hr l.tner.dd reserves’ thr rig/i/ to rdit nntu es lor grammar am/ st\le light meters camera bag drum heads hi hats cowb All this and much more. rtrfim heads hi hats cowDt ... -- dass drumpedals sticks rpripJerst mers a . js replacement tape re guitar cases guitar stnnqj acOuf-lie guitar eia stereo recovers tuners ampiihers CD players equalizers stereo speakers^ylus repla^ement^sjape re music books penny whistt nmn* a. hqht meters camera baas b drum heads hi hats cowbells guitar cases guitar strings a. microphones microphone st Ir h-un wrenches drum keys linger picks bargain pntes C enses safeiighls slide tray; The Buy & Sell Center 361 W. 5th Eiutzene is bass drum pedals sticks ‘ *tt handed guitars tuning p lies mixers windscreens a( Join me for dinner & dancing? PEACOCK 9 TAVERN 745 8522 • 125 S W. 2nd Corvallis Live MkfiC CRAZY 8's Fri. Oct. 6 CONTINENTALS Fri. & Sat. NIGHT WEDNESDAY NIGHT BLUES JAM OCT. 11 TUESDAY nk;kt $3*5 WED. NIGHT Smh ( nu (lMClff A Arvcrafr $3*5 THl'ILSDAY NIGHT Suflfi A $4*5 FRIDAY NIGHT Mg Rite A •»>*r^r $373 SAT. A SUN NIGHT w«* * f a* •2" until 2p*n Sink, Frta A Salad •2’' THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON to Harold would have been on his guard, but he thought the old gypsy woman was speaking figuratively