NCAA urged to beef up testing By Chuck Schoffner Associated Press I)KS M(JINKS, Iowa |AP) The NCAA must begin year round drug testing of athletes because only the "dumb ones" are being caught now, NCAA exei utive direc tor Dick Si hull/ said Thursday. Schultz also told newspaper editors that it takes more than investigations and sanctions by the NCAA to prevent cheating in college athletics. He said university presidents must make it clear to their coaches that cheating will not be toler ated. "We've been spending a lot of time with college presidents to make that point, that if we re going to have real integrity, it starts at home," Schultz said during a panel discussion .it The Associated Press Managing Kditors convention. Robert Helmick. president of the U.S Olympic Committee, said drugs "could destroy the very foundation of amateur sport" and agreed with Schultz that testing will be effective only if it is done randomly throughout the year The only athletes tested by the NCAA are those who play in championship events or bowl games Schultz, said those proce dures are inadequate because the drugs most likely to be used, steroids, usually are lak en months before the games and an- out of an athlete's sys tem by the time he or she is tested Last year, the NCAA i becked :i.7(t(t athletes and only 0 K per cent tested positive for drugs. Schultz, said Of those who test ed positive, tit) percent had used steroids. Schultz said he was encour aged by (lie small percentage but said not all drug users are lining caught "That eight-tenths of one percent sounds exciting, sounds groat, like we’ve done a terrific job." he said "Hut un fortunately. I think we only i ate h the dumb ones "There is so much sophisti i ation. so many gurus out there that .ire trying to stay one step ahead ol the testing ter hniques that if a person wants to take anabolii steroids today, they can cycle those if they know they are going to he tested and probably pass that test Schultz and Helmick said subjecting athletes to random tests is the only yvay to make testing effective "'l ou do your random testing in May." Helmick said "It s got to he completely out of sea son That’s when steroids are used Several of the national gov ernmg hoards in Olympic sports have begun random test ing Schultz said legislation to implement random testing will he disi ussed at the NCAA con vention in januarv I lelmii k said it will take a cooperation by all i ountries to rui international sports of drugs Hr said the l'S( K' lias reai hod agreement with thf So vu't I 'moo \vhereby ti'i him ians from cine country oversee drug trsts ot athlotfs from thf other "You're not going to gft our athlotfs off stfroiils until wf tan assurf thfm thf world is ofl steroids " Hflrnii k said "Our athletes usn steroids It s not a (Canadian problem, it s not a llfn Johnson problem It s a world problem." Ilelmu k said. In response to a question. I If him k said drug testing should start at the junior high si hoot level Schultz said he expec Is to see widespread test mg of high si bool athletes w ithin a few wars "When it comes right down to it. athletic s ol all size, shape or form has probably done as good a job in dealing with that problem as am segment ot so cietv." Schultz said "We've worked hard, but were’ tar from conquering that dial lenge " Volleyball Continued from P.ise 10 it's something that vvt“ re.ills earned anil deserved "I krnnv that we re really a focused team, and when things don't go our uav we're doing a lot better at re focusing.'' Snyder added I think we learned .1 lot about not letting things get us down and not worrying about tbe past and just going on from there.'' Sophomore middle him k er Iluwiin Charroin is enoth er one of those players that is constantly contributing as she lead the Ducks in kills their first eight mail lies this year "Dawnu has always worked hard I think she's more poised than she was last year," Gregory said The i >ii< ks are ranked No I'l in thi' nation in the AVI A 1.11 hikar.i poll, hut were loft out of thi' \( A Vs top Jtl poll I Ilf 14 < 1 Inc ks travel to Corvallis tonight to meet a tough defensive sipiad in (Iregon Stale ' t )regon State is prohahh the top defensive learn in the I’ai ill They may he the hest defensive team in tile i ountry(ire gory said "(Oregon State) is a good team." Snyder said "They're kind of in the same position we are They've i nine real close to heating some good teams I know that they're going to In fighting espei ially when it's Oregon They want to heat us so had It's going to he a tough matt h Looking for work? ij7/&/?/UC£ RESUMES Get your resume done professionally at Letter Perfect Graphics. 686-4381 500 Ert) Memorial Uft'on •TfPESETTWG'PASTE-UP* LAYOUT *OESIGM*COMSULT ATION K Key Advantage COMPUTERS I AND SOFTWARE! Only blocks eight from campus! On the corner of Willamette and 18th Diskettes F Paper 3.5" Books Cabl Cleaning Kiti ter Stands Joysticks Mouse Pads Hard Drives Rib bons Glare Screens Laptop computers Ser vices Video cards Disk IBM Compatibles Atari Mega/ST dealer carriers 344-6124 Get the word out with an ODE classified Campus 1225 Alder 345 2434 Market Place West 3131 W 11th 342 7827 Look For Our Coupons in Duck Bucks! Value Quality Service CATCH THIS FANTASTIC DEAL! 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