AUTO BODY & FRAME Repairing and Painting QUALITY SERVICE Within Walking distance ot U ol O Nadine Hayes Lyle Parker 411 E. 8th • Eugene, Oregon 97401 (503) 342-5501 AMAZON PARK ANIMAL CLINIC A mil SIRVK I VIII Rl\AR> HOSPITAt WELCOME BACK STAFF & STUDENTS LOW C OST SPAY/NEUTER I ••malt* 0-2 libs 21 40tbs 40-50lbs lOOOlbs (>n -Olhs Male ()«>>?: 21.00 (0.00 40.00 bl.00 71.00 O-IOlbs 20.00 10 over 21.00 II in heal in pn^ 10.00 cvlra I rm. ill* < at 2100 Male r«»tlmis lor all globeirottcrN and unu|m lolk art pifU's Mh M I’uMk Mjrkti Iktw nsUifN <»* S 111 ♦ oipu iO(X£S WLACi Restaurant and Lounge c'l M1Ks( Cl II b /I mi o ricci m • p o o b ORDtKS It) (.() 343-4480 447 l rjnklin BUd Mon Ihur 11 00 a.m. lo 10 10 p.m In II (Ml .i in to Midnight Soon lo Mu(ni);hl Sun Soon to I(1 10 p.m Undaunted by previous losses, netters return to league's elite By Cam Sivesind Emerald Sports Reporter (fregon vnllcvhall (oat h (lei rv Gregory and his team would like to let the Pat ifn: to Confer elite .mil the nation know last year's losing season was a fluke I he I hit ks finished H I ‘I overall and 2-lh in I’at HI play and Knuugh has been said alxml last year This is a new year, a new season, and the I)ut ks are playing like a new team Oregon jumped out to its fastest start ever with nine sir.tight vif tones before drop ping three in a row against I’at 10 foes The Dm ks have merged hat k on to the winning trail, howev er. anti have t ontpiered their lost five opponents int lulling upset vit lories last weekend over nationally ranked Califor nia and Stanford "What a lot ol people don't rememlier is last year in the I’at HI we were very competi live " Gregory said "We lost a lot ol five game matt lies w ith a very young team The Dtitks were young, Ins mg only three senior Iflteiwinners and one starter to begin the Hltt’l season This year's rosier consists of five sc mors, one pmior. five sopho mores anti three freshman "I think tills year the lug till ferent e is that we re not milk mg as many loutish mistakes.' Gregory said 'The leadership on the team is outstanding The players seem to lie hay ing a lot more fun this year as well. "They sure had fun on T ri day and Saturday night (at ( al and Stanford)." Gregory said I hey work haul ill piat lit e and I think then attitudes are that they really want to he pushed and when they don't gel pushed they ale disappointed Deleatmg the nationally ranked t onlereiit e rivals Cal and Stanford sent a waye of ela lion throughout the Dm k team "It yyas great said senior outside hitler anti last week's I’ar Hi Player of the Week Mi t hide Krehshat h I think the it's probably the bust I've felt in a long time Krehshat h voted the team's most valuable player List year also earned all Northwest He gional honors lor the third year in a royy Gan a player of Krehshat h's t aliher improve' II this season is any inilit ator. she has "I think she's more deter mined She's worketl harder." Pholu b\ Marlin I hirl Outside hitter Melissa Ter/iun has helped the Ducks to a three-game Pat-It) winning streak. The women play Oregon State in Corvallis tonight. Gregory said "She knows this is her last soar She wants to have it bo a great year and she is willing to |>.<\ the |iiat e for it " krobsbai li may get .1 lot of print ill the media but she is the lust to admit that the I'M) l)ui ks play as a team "Kvervbodv s doing a great job she said I mean we couldn't win unless there were six people on the 1 ourt and the rest of the team cheering for us. ” "I think in the past we proha bly had relied on one dominant hitter, or maybe two dominant hitters." Gregory said "This v eai we distribute the sets evenU I think that's one ol our strengths One player that has been con tributing more this year is sophomore outside hitter Julie Jeffery "She's <1 wonderful right side hitter " Gregory said "When her timing is on she is virtually Pioneers promoting Organically Orown food since 1971 Organic Agriculture * • Grow* Sale Food • U Sustainable - Conserve* Topsoil, A Precious Natural Resource • Doesn't Pollute Groundwater • Taste* Better - Is Often Local • Is Small Scale SUNDANCE NATURAL FOODS ^ 24th & Hilvard, Eugene Open 8am « 11 pm 343-9142 unstoppable leffery has also unlit ed a dll toicm o 111 this year s team "Our attitude on the court is a lot better." Jeffrey said "I think we're more mentally tonsil than last year We're working really hard hi practice and I think it's paying off Setter Molly Met'.rath is an other sophomore that has seen ini leased playing time "I think she's got the confi dome of the team," (Iregorv said "The team knows that u hen she i miles in that she i an definitely do liei job She's probably our best defensive player as well. When she conies in the hack row, good tilings happen "I got a chance to set a lot in the off season hoi ause (Slepha nie) Snyder had her (knee) sur gory." McCrath said "That helped me a lot and gave me a lot of confidence so I could come in and do better Snyder, the Ducks' senior setter and team captain, has overcome three knee surgeries to come ha( k and direct her team's offensive attack "She's our strongest leader on our team." (iregorv said "She Inis gotten in the host shape of her life She's just leading by example She's playing the best defense I've ever seen her play She's one of the top team players in the Pai HI " Snyder feels that last week end's sweep of Cal anti Stan ford was a culmination of the team's effort this season "We've been working so hard and we've been coming really close and it finally clicked." Snyder said. "I think Turn to Volleyball, Page 11