Duck defense not missing a beat with LaBounty Continues to make plays Bv Ashlr\ Conklin Emerald Sports Reporter The wav (Intensive coordina tor Ih’nm St holer tells it ()re gon’s football team doesn't miss \l,itt Hrnt k one lot \\ hen Miu have .1 guv like Matt I nBounty to e him though, that's understandable Brot k was the Dot ks starting left defensive end and a first team all I’atifit It) (amterence player a year ago before being drafted In the ('.teen Ha\ Pai k ers llis undeistudv LiBountv (a sophomore), has more than filled Brock's shoes in lus first gear as a starter, anti is a big reason win Oregon is 11 over all and ranked 23rd in the latest Assot lated Press poll "There's no question lie's playing everv bit as well as pre dieted," Schuler said "He hasn't been a real flashy guy with glittering stats, but he's playing as well as he can play.” "Matt taught me .1 lot, but 1 was more worried about doing my own thing," l.aBounty add ed "1 just wanted to do what I could As a redshirt freshman last season. I .aBounty had a knack for turning in the big play w hen spelling Bror k In only 1 37 defensive downs, l.aBounty had four quarterbai k sacks and six tar kies for losses He was third on the team in quarterbai k sat ks. and the coaches couldn't wait to see what he i mild do on a full-time basis Needless to sav he hasn't disappointed Ibis season, I ,a Boil lit \ is tilth on the team with 2't total tai kies, second in quarterback sai ks with three anil leads the team in tackles for losses with six for f> yards lost UiBounty said he believes be ing a relative unknown a year ago helped him to make the big play "I didn't play that mur h and so people didn't know vxhat kind of moves I had, and didn't know lu i*\|ii‘i I l. aHounty said Thr was our defense is set up uni' ur tun guss i ,m usually n«*t open in m. iki' .1 big pla\ Will'll uni' liniks ,il l-nltounls 111' III sill' might Mill think nt him .is .1 ili'hmsivi? tmd tight ,nv.i\ \\ lull' hr has thi' height .it l> tool I hr nnl\ weighs III puullds IllJWI'VIT. till' sl/l' 1.11 tnr hasn't proven In lie a ilisatl vantage for him "Si/e is the nilh thing he needs S( hitler said I dim I know it he i an i am mure si/e on his frame lie might lie at that point wlii'ie he i an put nn another 10 pounds at must It he i an gain some weight in the maturing prm ess it i mild reads help "I don't think it's a problem for me l.aHounty said "II I i .in stay loss and use guild lei h iiiijue I'll he alright If there is one thing that Si huler likes about Laltouiits it s huss solid a technician In is "lie's a smart player and has very sound lei hniipte. Scliul er said I would sas he has the lowest pad level' nil the team 'Pad level' is a term we use for huss loss someone plas s "Matt gets underneath a lot ol linemen and is able to over i mile his lai k of si/e against the toil pound lai kies Si lull er said ''Three things about him are that he's a smart guv. a good ter huit ian and is always in position While l.aHmmty has asserted himself with his play lie said he notices the differences be tween being a bill k up and starting You plas svitli more intensi ts he said "'I on always ss.uit to go out and have a good prai In e and d you don't have a good one you scant to tome back and have a good practice the next das "You have to be 100 percent prepared for every team." he said Turn to LaBounty, Page 8 WELCOME (J Of O STUDENTS THE BEST YOU CAN BE. LOW MONTHLY FEES. LONG TERM CONTRACTS AVAILABLE Oregon West -fitness Best Hours 7 Days a week 6 a m. -11 p m 085-1624 I’Holti ti\ Hill lljilirt M.itt I aliounlx (riuht) helped the Oregon ilelense harass \n/ona i/uarterhai k Ronald l eal into a miserable game last week Looking for work? / Y-\ RESUMES Get your resume done professionally at Letter Perfect Graphics. 686-4381 siO i 'f) Mem . ■ •TYPESETTIMG-PASTE-UP LAYOUT •DESIGN«COHSUL TATIOM I 4** W QtfP* Salon 1st Visit Vi OFF All Services* Eugene's Premier Hairstylists for over 15 Years. W'eC arc About You and Shoo It! Let us show you we’re the best! Consultations FREE always. 342-1751 1611 Oak Street l III O 1 .K tills «V Stuck'ni ID ('.ml Kvquiu J ( mmh! I lift HI.'ll I INTERNATIONALLY CERTIFIED COLOR SPECIALISTS A self-guided tour of our lab. TV Irtt* mm fliw' thnwjh 4 *rnr» o4 putahirg \t4ftrt k> in mirr tUwIrv* c Untv 4ml 4 pnrnr prr*Tiptn»n Automat* hrvd rO|pm thapr yout Iriw k* an r»*1 (U in ihr framr W«nt m*r«ok>r*d jL»m«’ Wr cjn custom rml your kman m *nv erf hundmls of combuw friprfilv trained tech , ok un* t h»> k and rwhn k youf Irftt through every »ugr <>l pruduttion I‘rt\ Lsiun —rifon jnnd thr lrna lo match th«* rtact curve vuur prrwnpum requires | VSf trflily rvrry ptrjmrtrr ol your R* pi^rr PD.pnm* Kur cvivr Irm h» ftjmr jlijnmrnl ind fnoff The fastest service in Eugene for glasses and contacts. rainbow Hours 8 am to 7 pm, Mon Fri Saturday. 8 am to 5 pm Visa and Mastercard accepted optics 766 E 13th Ave Just one block from campus 343 3333