Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 06, 1989, Supplement, Page 3B, Image 18

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    It'll be close, but Oregon should take Cougars
Beavers face tough game with Bulldogs
B\ Tr.u \ Sumner
Emerald Sports Editor
Looking ahead to Oregon's
date with the high s< oring
Washington State (iougars. one
thing seems eerilv similar he
tween tins game and List
week's Iti It) win over Arizona
Both games feature a team
th.it is i oming off a loss that
should have been a win
lust as the Dm ks were com
mg oil a heartbreaking loss the
week before the Arizona game
(let us not rehash that). Wash
ingtnn State is coming off a
painful 18-17 (does the score
sound familiar?) loss that
should have been a win.
Southern California drove 'll
vards in the final 4 I 2 minutes
of last Saturday’s game tor a
touchdown and the winning
two point conversion to hand
the Cougs their first loss of the
The Cougars are mad and
Washington Slate coach Mike
I’ric e hopes they slav that wav
"What we need to do," I’rii e
said is to keep that mad on
Also. I’rii e points out that no
one on the current Washington
Stale roster has ever beaten a
I)u( k football team
"No one on this team has
ever beaten tile t'niversitv ot
Oregon in a football game." he
said "I reallv haven't talked
{to the team) about it. but it
i mild be ,i motivating factor
Mav be I should bring it up
W ould it be presumptuous In
assume that he probabk
doesn't need to?
Oregon lias beaten the Con
gars four straight times dating
li.u k to l‘IB4 when Washington
State outscored the I links
r.() 4 1
High scoring affairs seem to
be becoming tradition between
these two schools In the last
live meetings betweeu the Con
gais and Dm ks, the losing team
has averaged more than _'H
points per game with the win
nei s running it up at a i lip ol
more than tti points a contest
Before the season began
most observ ers pit ked the Cou
gars to finish ill nr near the hot
Inm nl thi' I’ai ilit HI standings
Kven with .1 new corn'll, .1
ncu ipiarterhai k (twice) .mil .1
lieu ntlensive line I lie ( nug.u s
.ire sin king it to those ol us
u ho doubled them
Washington St.ite is now 1 1
overall .mil 1-1 in i onlerem e
|d.i\ lust iiliout everyone who
saw lust Saturdav's loss to IS(
agrees that the Cougars should
he r>-0 and 2-0
The Cougars are leading the
I’ai 10 in si oring at I t H points
per game High scoring Wash
inglon State teams are not tin
usual, hut what is turning
heads around the nation is the
(anigar defense
Pac-10 Football
()n»gt»n Si
Washington M
An/onj Si
W ashington
( alitornia
( ont Overall
100 M 0
lOO 2 20
2 10 MO
2 1 0 i 10
II0 220
M0 M0
12 0 1 VO
00 0 VI 0
O 1 0 2 2 0
0 2 0 1 M)
—Saturday’s (iames_
Washington staff at ()regon
Oregon Staff at I r**sn«> Stale
V\ ashmgtt >n at t !St
Art/ona state at l ( I A
San lose state at t aldorma
Notre Dame at Stanford
Ihi'\ re ,n t it<i 11 \ pl.i\ mu il
this season
Washington St,tie is surren
dering slightlv more than IK
points ,i game and is leading
the I’ai II) in rushing defense
gi\ing lip a stiugi HI Yards per
()regon is also si oring its
share ol points points per
game to he e\ai I and have
also lieen ver\ effective in stop
ping the other guvs
The Din ks are set olid in the
conference to l'S( in total de
tense and third behind the
Trojans and Arizona in si or
ing defense
On papei this should he a
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defensive battle Hul .is till' say
ing goes. \ou don't play toot
lull on papei
Look toi (Ins to bo <i tr.iiti
lion.ilL high si oring Washing
ton st,ill' (begun g.imt' it ith ()r
egon t.iking n U-.l J thriller
Oregon State travels to f res
no Stall* to mi'i t tin' iltilhlngs
this Saturday
Ihe Beavers are i oming olf ,i
i") 7 loss to Nebraska that m
some respects. is worse than it
The Beavers spent most ot
tile game with their running
game stm k in reverse l or the
dav. Oregon State rushed 27
times for negative that's
i igtit negative lt> \ arils
In fairness to the Heaver run
mug tracks It should he noted
th.it the (aunhuskers toed off
on quarterback Nil k Schichtle
sai king him I 1 times for HU
sarils in losses
The Heavers played semi-re
spei (ably mi defense, but il was
once again a pathelu offensive
atlai k that hetraved them I lie
Hon vs aren't worth a dam when
it i omes lime to move the ball
I resno Slate on the other
hand sports a -10 ret old on the
season and averages almost >00
yards per game in total otlense
l lie Bulldogs si ore al a 4 i II
i lip while playing the kind ol
defense that is traditional at
!■ resno
Sure, the Bulldogs have an
easier si hedule. but remember
the Heavers had to struggle for
a 17 (0 win ovei Division lAA
Boise State
\lso Oregon State was the
hist team to beat I resno ill the
regular season I he Bulldogs
have the motivaliou
Fresno Stale by a touchdown
I resh oil the stunning win
uv ei Washington State South
ern California entertains the
Washington Huskies this week
I 'St has to be feeling tin kv
attei last w eekend
I lie Trojans were dow n
I 10 lo thi> ('nilgais u ln*ii in
steps n*dshirl fri'slnti.in quarter
li.uk. I mill Marinm it li lo spoil
till' i i'Ii'Iiiulurn hi I'ulliii.in
Marinm it h engineered .1
ilriit* th.it drought hat k mi'iim
rifs ul i*\ Dallas ('.ow bm groat
Roger St an lim li
Ill'll lining mi llir I rnjan min'
yard lint- Marinoriih shmvi'il
all ul llii' poisr anil 1 harm ti'i nl
a siMlior 111 man long Ins Irani
Ini llir Unit !n!m\ 11 anti llir
ganicwinuiiig two point 1 tin
v 01 sum
Marinm it li 1 11111 [ 111 ■ ti*iI I I til
17 passes mi dm dm Drivr. 111
1 linlin^ llir tom liilnwn and llir
lun puinti’r tu flanker (lari
U rllman
I nr llir Kami* Marinm 11 li
1 niliplrtt'il 77 nl II passrs Ini
7t>H yards anil llir tuni liilmvn
Washington spriil llir tlai
getting hamillrirtl I 1 7 M I is 1 nl
nrailn ll uas unrsr 111111 li
itnrsr than llir st nrr unlit al
I nlnrailn Ini IH li going into
llir li nu I li quarter null In liavr
llir null lassrtl llnsklrs stnir 77
tiinrtli quarter points against
llnltalo re sen rs
I Inu mm li lirttrr 1 an Wash
illglotl lair against till’ rnilll
try's ninth ranknl tram than
Ihr third ranked '
\iit mm li I'SC h\ 10
Sl.inlnrd h.l s (hr tiom > I of
hosting llir nations top ranked
train tin Notre Damn lighting
h ish
After a lug 1 It 17 win ovrr
von ktiou w liniii tin* (Cardinal
vvrnt out and not tlutnprd
•10 t 1 I»\ San |osr Stair
Stanford managed a misrr
ahlr to vards rushing lot I hr
game hut wrrr hrld in thr t on
Irst h\ (juarterh.uk Steve
I or thr game Smith i uni
plrtrd 28 of f>2 of his passes for
ill-1 vards and Ihrrr tom h
Notrr 11.11111' is 1 o and i om
inn oil a 4t) 7 drilling of I’m
due I hr Irish also ow n a u in
ovrr llin lo power Mu higau
Who i all stop the ll Ish
(Certninh not a tram that
loses to Sail lose Slate
Notre I lame In .'I (or more d
thr ll ish please|
Speaking ol Sail Jose Stale
tin' Spartans travel In Hrrkrlev
to meet the (California ( ioldrn
(California is fresh oil a 7-1 n
lorn lo Par 10, Pago ff
Pac-10 Pigskin
V ' - r ■ 1 ' ■ i ' i i'1 ’ ! i ■ ‘ I • ■ t ! r ' ■ ’ •
• . ■ ■ ■ . ' ' ' • I ' ' .
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